

Príbeh sa odohráva v Nemecku v apríli 1945. Druhá svetová vojna sa blíži ku svojmu koncu a umierajúcemu gigantovi - nacistickej ríši - už výrazne dochádza dych. Nemecká armáda v posledných kŕčoch čelí americkej armáde, ktorej po niekoľkých rokoch bojov už tiež dochádzajú sily aj zálohy. Američania sú vyčerpaní a bojujú v mätúcom prostredí, kde nepriateľom môže byť každý. Do čaty Dona „Wardaddyho“ Colliera (Brad Pitt) nastupuje mladý Norman Ellison (Logan Lerman), ktorý je na vojnu zúfalo nepripravený. Výcvik absolvoval ako pisár, ale nakoniec ho odvelili na front do 2. obrnenej divízie ako náhradného šoféra, aby nahradil mŕtveho vojaka, ktorý tu slúžil od začiatku vojny. Šokovaný Norman je presvedčený, že muselo dôjsť k nejakému omylu, keď sa ocitol v ostrom boji. Ak chce neskúsený mladík prežiť, bude sa musieť zmeniť a dôverovať radám a rozkazom veliteľa. O tom, či sa mu podarí uspieť, rozhodne osud v priebehu najbližších 24 hodín, kedy piati americkí tankisti - veliteľ Don "Wardaddy" Collier (Brad Pitt), strelec Boyd Swan (Shia LaBeouf), nabíjač Grady Travis (Jon Bernthal), vodič Trini Garcia (Michael Peña) a záložný vodič Norman Ellison (Logan Lerman) - budú musieť čeliť trom stovkám nepriateľských nemeckých vojakov v zúfalom súboji o prežitie. (TV JOJ)




Martin741 (hodnotenie, recenzie)


film o posadke jedneho tanku je genialny vojnovy film? No LOL ... kukni si radsej Dirty Dozen, to mas kultovy vojnovy film, alebo Osvobozdenje od Ozerovovovovova

na príspevok reagoval Scofas


Scofas (hodnotenie, recenzie)

Po dlouhé době konečně pořádný válečný film...Pecka od začátku až do konce. Po nepříliš povedené sabotáži se Ayer opět vyšvihl a ukázal že umí.

na príspevok reagoval Martin741

Príspevok bol zmazaný administrátorom.

Príspevok bol zmazaný administrátorom.


konvicce (hodnotenie, recenzie)

Díky bohu mýtus o inteligentním divákovi na ČSFD může bez poskvrny žíti dál! :D ;D


Za takovej trapas musím ke zpovědi...

na príspevok reagoval Vlče


konvicce (hodnotenie, recenzie)


Jendoduše ji mám :D Jestli chcete v "historickém filmu" ignorovat základní historická fakta, tak se můžete jít vysrat a přeřadit to v klidu mezi pohádky, pak už budu držet hubu a klidně tomu těch pět hvězd narvu, páč vůči pohádkám jsem dost tolerantní.

na príspevok reagoval Wacoslav1


konvicce (hodnotenie, recenzie)


User Review on IMDB

4 minutes into the movie, and you're already presented with the Germans driving a T-34-85 without any German markings, in fact it still has the Soviet Red star. Worse is the fact that the German infantry is, unhistorical, fighting: 1) in front of the tanks; 2) too close to to the tank; 3) German tank crews using the commander's cupola during a fight and getting shot, which is both down right stupid and unhistorical 4) German tanks fighting American tanks in 20 meters radius or less in open ground. I don't mind about the visual effects that seem to be from early 2000s PC game about World War 2, in quality, but I can make a recommendation to the producers in using a real life Hetzer and/or Panzer IV H instead of a real life Soviet T-34-85 to depict a German real life vehicle, as the Hetzers are cheap and readily found and still made for historical reenactment events all over Europe, and along with the Panzer IV, were one of the most produced German vehicles in the entire war, and it also makes no sense to depict (computer generated) German Tiger 1 tanks standing so close to each other. So besides the stereotype in American movies that German soldiers are some idiots that can't fight, you can also see things like most of the actors being a bit too old and fat to serve on the front as they are presented(normal, low ranked, soldiers), a guy having an cigar in his mouth but without being lit; a Wolverine(M10 tank destroyer) being called a tank, while it's trying to flank the T-34-85 which is spinning it's turret 360 degrees for no apparent reason; a German Volkssturm sitting in from of a German tank that's trying to fire at another Wolverine 20 meters ahead of them, and said Volkssturm troops shooting a German soldier and American soldier with his pistol apparently unconcerned about the battle(the T-34-85's gunner and the rest of the crew also seem unconcerned about the infantry fight right next to them); a tropical(*sarcasm) rain in France stopping 1 second after two soldiers finish talking, the camera changes, and they decide to attack; said soldiers throwing hand grenades into the T-34-85's driver's hatch and commander's cupola which the Germans were nice enough to leave open in battle, against all logic and military tactics; the Wolverine then decides to go solo inside heavy forested enemy territory with no prior scouting, and again the Germans dumb enough to shoot them with light rifle fire and from the front, as soon as they spot the Wolverine, instead of waiting for the Americans to pass by them so they can shoot from behind; then the Americans doing a Rambo and killing off every German they meet in the forest with no effort, as they keep moving, and apparently none of the Germans had a grenade, a Panzerfaust or anti-tank grenades(considering it was an open top Wolverine, any grenade would do, regardless); the Wolverine magically remaining without fuel although it has an operational range of almost 200 miles; the Evil German™ military, in all it's wisdom, starts prioritizing an orphanage's nun over the American army, because the Evil German™ is also a Very Dumb Chaotic Evil German™; then followed by Non-Evil American™ airforce about to liberate™ and bring tons of democracy™ via strategic bombardment over a forested area, surrounding countryside and the said orphanage, then the black US soldier trying to convince the sergeant to save the ORPHANS from the tons of democracy™ by saying "they might not be our kids, but they are someone's kids", then the Americans suddenly start caring about the safety of random civilians, while the US government historically ordered the bombings of most cities in Europe and Asia with massive civilian deaths, that the Evil Germans™ hold hostage(although with no real value for any sides to do so), etc... 1/10 don't bother with this.



ps: co se mi nelíbílo jsem tu říkal nikolikrát, historie opět dostala na frak a i  průměrná inteligence také

na príspevok reagoval j.linhi, Wacoslav1, j.linhi

Uživateľ j.linhi zmazal svoj príspevok.


j.linhi (hodnotenie, recenzie)


no vidiš a přesto se za to neustále retardovnaě rveš... misto aby si rek "kokoti, čumte si na to, mě se to nelíbilo" a dal to ignoroval

na príspevok reagoval konvicce

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