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Recenzie (1 028)


Macík 2 (2015) 

Jděte do prdele s dalším medvědem!


Mad Max: Zbesilá cesta (2015) 

"Its better for you to go into light with one hand missing than whole body to be thrown to the hell." Hledal jsem hledal i na zahraničních webech, ale nikde jsem nenarazil na recenzi, která by vysvětlovala symboliku chybějící ruky a pak očička. No, přiznávám, chvíli mi to trvalo, ale našel jsem si to sám - nepravýmu pastýři se zakalí oko a přijde o ruku (Zacharjáš 11/17), ale neznamená to, že by se nemohl obrátit na Cestu (Matouš 5/29-30). Ted už mi to dává smysl. Neska nikdo bohužel nečte Bibli, tak si z kina odnáší jenom poloviční zážitek - "bezduchá akční blbina". Jak chcete, stejně jste už všichni jen chodící mrtvoly. Tak nebo tak, Mad Max Fury Road je každopádně umělecké dílo - Future belongs to the mad - Once again I salute my Imperator Furiousa and half-life war boys who will ride with me eternal on the highways of the Valhala. V8 (??) (kamikaze) - I am your redeemer. It is by my hand you will rise from the ashes of this world - (vodopád) - Voda bude nad zlato (…) - Do not, my friends, became addicated to water. It will také hold of you and you will resent its absence - We are heading East - You cannot own human being - I m the man, who grabs the Sun, riding to Valhalla! - I live, I die, I live again! - Is that just the wind or furious vexation? - Now pick up what you can and run - You are relying on the gratitude (vděčnost) of very bad man - Všichni jsou nervozní (…) - He's a crazy smeg who eats schlanger! - No unnecessary killing! - Hes kamakrazee! - Hes just a kid at the end of his half-life! - Hes the one who grabbed the sun (kdo je tady pán, kdo se za koho vydává) - Look how slick hes fooled you. Hes a lying old man - We will be lifted up! - Thats why we have his logo seared on our backs! Breeding Stock, Battle Fodder! - (ty protezy) - Stále třeba, každý den vyčistit (pohled na sání) - Pracovalo se za firmu, kde se drželo jenom jedno, pokud jsi to nedodržel, byl jsi out - Jak prejdeš přes toleranci, jsi out. Jak si nejsi uplně jist, jsi out - (minulost) - Breed tattoo (proč mi to nedocházelo, to je znak šelmy) - Do you have combo (to není jen tak) - COUGHS (to je snad vtip, ale nekazí vážnost sit.) - Málem bych zapomněl, těhotná nedočkavostí - We have a deal! - You will ride eternal, shiny and chrome - Devilface - There is no going back! - We were his treasures - We were protected. He gave us a high (podstatný rozdíl s -er) life. Whats wrong with that? - We are not things (x3)! - Wring your hands and tear your hair but you are not going back - My own Blood Bag driving the Rig that killed her - Three times the gates were open to me - I should be walking with Imortan. Feasting with the heroes of all time. - I d say it was your manifest destiny not do - I thought I was being spared for something great (…) - If they dont get me, then the Night Fevers will - Well, we have only got four for Big Boy here, so hes all but useless. But we can squir off this little pinky a raunchy 29 times. - Angharad used to call them Antiseed. Plant one and watch something die - Be careful! Protect your asets! - Crying shame - Znak orla - Another month, could have been your viable (rentabilní) human! - Hes a Revhead - Slepá spravedlnost - I am scales of justice. Conductor of the choir of death. Sing, brother Heckler. Sing, br. Koch. Sing, brothers! Sing! Sing! Sing! - Společnými silami - Duraz na spolupráci - Retaliate first (oplatit stejným) - Mothers milk ??? - Kudy to projíždějí (ptáci) udolí stínu, uzká cesta? - How do you know this place even exist? - I was born there… - Why would you leave? - I didnt. I was taken as a child - You done this before? (to je otázka na početí) - Many times. (reinkarnace) - This was the best shot I ll ever have. (PR) - They looking for hope. Redemption. (počkej … ona byla hodná holka, ale chce z toho pekla pryč – přestože má znamení, i protézu, nikdy není pozdě) - Thats bait - My clan was Swaddle Dog. (Sirius) - Seven thousand days - When you came from the west you passed it - The creepy place with all the crows. (všímavá holka) - We had to get out. The water was filth. It was sour. We couldn grow anything (Pelyněk) - Everyone in the old world had a show. Kind of lost its novelty out here - Warlord junior. Go to be so ugly - Headshots. All of them. Snap. Right in the medulla - Back then, there was no need to snap anybody - Able to run 160 days - You know, hope is a mistake. If you cant fix whats broken, you will go insane - He pumps it up from deep in the earth. Calls it Aqua Cola. And because he owns it, he owns all of us - Its open. We know that, right? - I like this plan. We can start again. Just like the old days - What are you doing? Praying. To whoever listening. (Constantine x 2) ???uplně zbytečný – to už bude pozdě (opět nahodile/namátkově včera v chatu) s jeho příchodem bude atmosféra houstnout - Ona se vrátila, doslova zabila falešného proroka (viděn poprvé konec), symbol nebes (oni vyznávají Ježíše? 666, oni uctívají bohy, todle je divadelní představení, kde má každý svou roli, oni se budou vydávat za Krista) - Vyvedla je do ráje. Exodus. Vyvedla je z pekla, a pak se vrátila, aby sama vládla - Nezapomínej na Lilith - Pastýř - Where must we go, we who wander this Wasteland in search of our better selves?


Manifesto (2015) 

Cate Blanchett je mrdavá i ve svejch padesáti!


Marťan (2015) 

Další posádka amateru, kterou poslali do vesmíru. Sis pospal co? Hele základna, se divim, že tam zustala! Takovej pytel místo skafandru. Jo, je to doktor alias James Bourne! NASA a to jejich logo. Na Marsu je zima, ano, ale vzhledem k tomu, že nemá ani atmosféru, je tam ve dne pěkný horko. Jasně, kámo, přihlásilo se několik sebevrahu natěšenejch explodovat ve vesmíru, jen aby se stali součástí něčeho velkýho, i kdyby se jim podařilo při tom hektickém startu nějakým zázrakem přežít, tak moc nečekej, že k tobě doletí, pravděpodobnost uspěchu je malá, to víme oba. Lidi umíraj každý den, víš to? Ted další raketu nemá cenu posílat. A pak – nebudeme mu to raději říkat (vidíš, a to by neměl takovej hezkej proslov). Hlavní rozdíl třeba s Moonem je v tom, že tady lidem na sobě ještě záleží, lidství má prioritu, nejde jen o uspokojování základních potřeb, čistou energii, aby se kripl mohl vesele blešit se svým čoklem, kterej mu nahrazuje partnera. - Force on Iris is 7g’s - We have lsot readings on the probe, flight. - We need to prepare for every outcome - I m dying for something big and beautiful - And greater then me Vy to pořád nechápete, todle vás má stimulovat v budoucnosti, je to další poselství, proto je to tak špatný sci-fi - We were forced to accelerated aour schedule (přesně, co jsem čekal) - Co třeba tu čínštinu přeložit? - Takovej cigán, ten maximálně vybírá popelnice, vo co jim jde (vo co, že ho tam sebrali)? - Could you stand right there? - Teddy, director of NASA, you are Earth. - And right now hermes (sešívačka) headed towards to you. - Jééé to jsme tady ještě neměli! - We start accelerating immediately To nikoho nenapadlo, jen nergra z krabic u popelnic (rasismus nabílo) - We resupply with the probe – the Taiyang shen - We are going to fast at this point to fall into orbit but we can do a flyby. - I have done the math, it checks out. - 533 extra days - Rich purnell maneuver (to je snad vtip, oni po tý opici nakonec pojmenujou planetu) - So we do this together or not at all. - 533 more days before we see our families again (je ted se tam asi nějakej astronaut rozpláče) - Okey, but, like, in English, what would that mean? - I can do it. Thank you - If we do this, I ll be over 900 days of space. Thats more enought space for one life. - Rich purnell is a stelly- eyed missile man. - Who is Rich purnell? I dunno. - Its bigger than one person. No. - Every Ares mission requires three years of pre-supplies. - At the Schiaparelli crater - Oxygenerator - Water reclaimer - Atmospheric regulator - And so far they come up with – Hey why dont you drill holes on the roof of your Rover… - Four and half billion years nobody here - Rov 12-2 - Nezustala tam žena… - Zapomněli na to, jak s těma 400kg pohne - It seems theres some sort of problem with transmission (ani ne). - Brace for deceleration - The other question I get most frequently is did I going to die? - And thats what you need to know going in because its going to happen to you. - At some point everything is going to go south on you. - You can accept that or you can get to work (bez znalostí). - You just begin. - You solve one problem a then the nex and next… - And if you solve enought problems, you get to come home. - From there they will have 414 days - Ridley Scott film Tak ne, jednou tam poslali team, jehož členi netrpí nejruznějšími psychickými problémy, takže příjemná změna. Určitě jedna z těch lepších sci-fáren o objevování nedalekého vesmíru, ale klidně bych si to nechal ujít.


Mission: Impossible 5 (2015) 

Děs a hruza. Kurva. Kdo mi to smazal? Po vynikající trojce (a asi i čtyřce) takovej slepenec. Jediný, co stojí za chválu, je pár honiček a záběru na prdelku britský pichny - jak správně Píše VERBAL. Tak za tři, hlavně kvuli tý kočičce s britským přízvukem. Musím to někdy dospat, bylo tam pár odkazu na NWO, ale ve srovnání třeba s Bondem dost málo - Lets see what you are made of - Hřbitov - Kancl - Hezky ho zabodla, ale moc jsem jí to nevěřil 2020 - Where is flight 606? - Halo 5 - Polygraph - 25:20 Zachary 11/17 - You want drama? Go to the opera - Join the IMF. See the world. On the monitor. In the closet - Ilsa Faust - In case you didnt follow through. One man to kill the Chancellor, the other one to kill you (se to hezky vysvětlilo) - A test. Second one I have failed thanks to you - We have a tail - You have everything you need to find me - Shoot to kill - Your life depends in them believeing you. It will go easier if you tell them what they want to hear - Former KSA, German intelligence. Missing, presumed dead - Former Mosad (měl oči jako kamarád, Vincent Cassel) - You saying these accidents are somehow connected - That missing plane was carrying the Secretary of the World Bank. That fire bankrupted a global arms corporation. That wreck triggered a civil war. These are no accidents. They are links in a chain. The work of a single organization, the Syndicate - A rogue nation, trained to do what we do, imbued with a new sense of purpose. Destroy the system that created them regardless of whos in their way - Are you questioning my loyalty or my ability? Trust me or kill me - Proč k nim chce? - Special Activities Division (nd) - Solomon Lane, former British intelligence - They dont want anyone knowing the Syndicate was created by one of their own - Its impossible - Gate analysis. The step beyond facial recognition. These cameras actually know how the agent walks, how he talks, how he moves, right down to his facial tics - Physical exertion. The more you exert yourself, the faster you consume oxygen - Satelite overwatch covering all seven continents. DNA profiling, facial recognition, drone surveillance, drone strikes - Its possible to pull facial recognition off a scatch? For mere mortals, no. For me, I could have done this at home - What makes you think this so-called ledger is authentic? Why would he ever let you have it if it was? Did you never stop to consider that he may want me to have it? Misinformation, manipulation, its what he does - Lane lies to you, you sell these lies to Hunt - There are no allies in statecraft, only common interests - Ethan Hunt is a man without country - You are a rogue assassin, a target of opportunity - Red Box. The British government uses them to transport state secrets - Triple-encrypted. You are not getting into that thing unless you have fingerprints, rential scan and the voice phrase spoken by a specific individual - We are going to find Lane (to měli udělat na začítku) - You are still alive bcs I believe in your potential. But I growing impatient - You are terrorist. If that were true, my goal would be to spread fear - I helped my government kill many innocent ppl and more. Killing to keep things as they were. And now I am killing to bring about change - Lane, Atlee, your government, my government, they are all the same. We only think we are fighting for the right side bcs thats what we choose to believe - Its only a matter of going - Recruit former agents from other nations, supply them with a new identity, and use them to surgically remove our enemies, both at home and abroad (Syndicate) - Save it for the public inquiry - Hunt is uniquely trained and highly motivated. A specialist without equal, immune to any countermeasures (doufám, že má taky problémy se spánkem) - There is no secret he cannot extract. No security he cannot breach. No person he cannot become (jasně, že je to ten šéf bezpečnosti) - Hunt is the living manifestation of destiny - Desperate times, desperate measures - Human nature. My weapon of choice - Human life didnt matter anymore - You blame the system for what you are, instead of yourself. You wanted revenge, but Rome wasnt destroyed in a day - Lets see what you are made of - Hezky ho zabodla, ale moc jsem jí to nevěřil - I can neither confirm or deny details of any operation


Momentum (2015) 

Knee deep into shit - Stupid gee - 30 grand each - Dont much like waiting. Get a hobby - Alexander Tannis preferuje submisivní role - Police have EYE witness (all-seeing-eye) - Vana v ložnici - Option of painless death - Six six six - Blackmail master plan - I am a man who keeps his PROMISES - I am afraid that the time for DEALS is over - Our mutual employer has extremely long arms - Shorter and great deal less painful - I don give a flying fuck - Every man pictures the way hes going to die… - Child sold to the slavery in the very worst Dickensian hell hole I can find - Fucks sake - Video is emberasing. The drive is treason (vážně? Myslím, že by se to dalo obhájit pod nějakým dodatkem, kde se nějaká většina snaží zničit stát, který založili naši předkové) - Ted mrknul na balkoně (všimnul jsem si toho) - What the hell is going out there? Ebola outbreak - Vektor SP1 - Little red head that the news services are so excited about - Kind of sloppy tought - Gtting your face seen like that? - You know, your face is vaguely familiar to me - Have we met before? - You would have remembered me - And I would have remembered that tie (moj elimity jsou značně omezený, nedokážu se anučit ani primitivní angličtinu) - TIMING - She thinks shes being clever, but I have seen this in far too many movies - Sky bridge - Audi vs BMW (typický) - Audina vždycky vyhraje - Audina by měla vyrábět neprustřelný skla jako součást základní výbavy. Vypadá to pak blbě, když je nějakej debil rozstřílí - Pořád nikdo nenahlásil střelbu? - Má hezký hodinky - Serious fuckin cleaners (dva na tři, co řešíte) - I look like I have fucking laptop? - OK, a desktop, a fucking tablet… - Oh, please, tell me you at least have a PHONE (siemens A30) - In the back (…) - Whoa, what are you doing? - I dont want them to think we are hiding - Let them come. Make your phonecall - Ted zjistí, kam volala a další člověk je v nesnázích (kráva) - A tendle vocas přecenuje svoje schopnosti, jinak se mi líb-il - Its not about me and you anymore - Hes my husband, not yours. He chose me, so get over it and leave me alone. Pýča - Come on fellas, join the party - Well, that was subtle. Wheres your fucking sense of fucking finesse, huh? - Rozhodně by rodina, která si vydělává na živobití ilegální činností, se neměla při zvedání telefonu prokazovat svým jménem, neměla by nechat děti vyřizovat telefonní hovory a v neposlední řadě by neměla mít vubec telefon - Big boy - Lets TEST how clever you are - Do you know full adress - To get ass in gear anf join us - To je fakt darwin (ta jeho matka) - Grab your helmet (další) - Začíná se mi ten film líbit. Stačí trochu sarkasmu a hned je z podpruměrný béčkový honičky koukatelnej film (koukám na to samozřejmě s vypnutým zvukem a poslouchám operu od Wagnera) - Early bird, et cetera, et cetera - And woman? - Do with them what you will.. (bič a hry, správnej šéf) - Docela pěkný, přehledný komba, na který je radost se dívat - Místo toho, aby ji šukal, tak ji pořeže ksich. To se jen tak nevidí. Asi to s ženskejma moc neumí - You move and I kill your kid (to je lepší) - Z takovejch řečí každá ženská zvlhne - Ouch - Foreplay - Ona ho umlátila bagrem? Bacha SPOILER - Dont bullshit the bullshitter - Shes highly trained, possibly ex-military - Prefered the easy way out. Take it instead of earn it - Situation well in hand - You should be sure you are alone when you give away your best tricks - Thic magician doesent reveal her secrets - Shes made us - Shes right on the edge - This is what you get for hiring a half wit - Undoubtedly - Talk of the devil - Diamonds are a girls best friend after all - I guess you have a point - I dont know, where you are - I will give you a hint - Nevím, co jí nutí si myslet, že když si vezme jednu z jeho goril jako rukojmí, že mu muže klást nějaké podmínky - I will trade you this piece of shit for my diamonds (no není to ironie) - And we all skip away happy (ber to) - I dont negotiate - Offers on the table - No more witty banter? - Nothing doesnt suit you - Už jsem se lekl! - I liked that coat (tvl kolik má na sobě vrstev) - Oh, you do continue to delight and amaze - Sense of elegant repartee - Windshield glass - Now if you dont help me with my problem than I cant finish my business. And if I dont finish my business than the senator doesent pay me - Oh, you just love to talk, dont you? - On je skvělej! - Your leg is going to be two dimensional - Which is one more dimension your personality will ever achieveits - Only a matter of time before the gangrene sets in - Green was always been my best color (připomíná mi Jane Shepardovou z ME) - At the very least, your leg. And at the most, your life - You are quite the remarkable - Je tam ještě nějaká mezera v tom svěráku? - Coming into town for a sit down CHITCHAT with some … - Was the very best in the world at penetrating the most - Disappearing without a trace (ted mi připomněla agenta OO7) - I have to admit. Story has always fascinated me - Shoddy equipment or just plain bad fucking luck? - Did she feel any remorse? - Or did she manage to compartmentalize the death of the mother and her three children? - Anyeay, the long and the short of it was that the CIA dropped her as quickly as the proverbial hot brick - She threatened to go all EDWARD SNOWDEN on them (ha-ha) and they retaliated by spinning her is a double agent slash terrorist - Oh, how mighty fall - Do you think such a mythical CREATURE could possibly exist? - Because, boy, the demons she must carry - Now Im going to take a different tact here - Little Mathew in his jammies - That struck a chord with you - I have the feeling that you might balk at causing yet another child infinite pain - Whereas me, I have no such qualms - Because I dont lie. Ever - Speech of the devil, to je ten z prvního Residenta - You trust me now? Not now, not ever - Hodí se k sobě. Byl by z nich krásnej pár - Oh you magnificant bitch! - I think this should be our last face to face - That tie wasnt doing you any favors - Queen to bishop five - Check mate - You really are the stuff of legend - Každej si chtěl vystřelit - School arent safe, airports, whats next? (to sem patří?) - A hele! - We are going to engineer an EVENT that shapes the destiny of our country. In just a few months time the north side CHICAGO is going make 9/11 look like Macys Parade. And you will get your WAR and I will get my office - Its time we took this country back from the apathetic LEMMINGS and sycophantic diletants that have run in into the ground (make America Great Again) - Turned the US into a fucking punch line - I have spent six years (to byl obrat) hiding in the DARKNESS. Its time to come back into the light - A konec - Mr Washington failed - Alex saw to that for us. Other loose ends are being tied up - BAC is just a bunch of greedy warmongers - Dealing with the defense contractors - You know what you have to be to be a martyr? - Dead


Najdlhšia jazda (2015) 

Jsem k tomudle nic nenapsal? Sledoval jsem to na pozadí, poslední třetinu jen audio. Nakonec to nabralo spád. Ty jejich dialogy nejsou tak špatný a celkem oduševnělý. Líbí se mi i jejich přístup. Nejde jen o to, že jeden vymýšlí a hledá překážky ve vztahu, místo toho, aby se je pokusil odstranit - You have to quit - I cant be with someone if every time they walk out the door I dont know if Im gonna see them again - Then thats your choice - Yeah, I chose you over NY! - I didnt ask you to change your life - Myslíte, že todle vymejšlí někdo, kdo si chce vytvořit alternativní realitu svého ne zrovna idelického života? - You cant expect me to change mine - This is what I do (zezačátku to rodeo dělal proto, aby upoutal holky) - Its all I know (to je duvod) - I thought it was your life. I cant watch you to ruin it - Its a scary thing. How the ppl you are closest to can so quickly become strangers. Fuck you - Si adoptuj nějakýho zmetka - Pyčus, jak se na tu štětku upnul. Tolik srdíšek a energie na ni vyplejtval - Kam jde s těma kuframa? Rozbij jí držku, nic neříkej! - Rychle pochopí kurva, kde má místo - And somehow you chose me - I love you with everything inside (potřebuju kapesníček) - I love you so much I just want you to be happy (to bude asi nějaký žrádlo pro psy) - Even if this happiness no longer not include me (chlap, kterej nedokáže udělat ženu štastnou, si ji nezaslouží) - Love requires sacrifices - Ted by se ti hodil malej pejsek, vid? Zkus množírnu! Uleví se ti, uvidíš - Tvl, mrcha je zpátky, došly jí prachy - We focused on celebrating all the wonderful things we had, rather than regretting the things we didnt - Tha paintingsonly served as a reminder of what I had lost (or had) - Čurák pořád hledá happiness, jako ta čuračka - You are going to face Bushwacker! Congratulation! - Luke, your fate is in that cup - Its time to pull out your bull - No to byla blbost


Na návšteve (2015) 

Ready or not, I come! - I will have to use strategy. Hes faster, but Im smarter by at least two standard deviations - Tvl, to je kočička - Ty pýčo! - Ještě že jsem si ji fotil do a obraz byl zpomalený - Takový Blair Witch 2 - Babka hraje s váma? - Here I come! - Im gonna get you! - Tj sexy tvářička - Im making chicken pot pie - LOL - Todle je podle mýho gusta - Doprdele já u toho jím! Co tam dělaly ty mouchy? - To je lepší - Cross-eyed bastard, to je výborný! - Open the dorr, Becca - NO WAY! - Zejtra budu nastřelovat pušku a asi vynechám kliky - I dont think you should - Jesus, Becca, Im blind - No way! - Tj komedie? - Todle je přesně muj druh humoru - Staří lidé jsou jen trochu paranoidní a seškrabují omítku ze zdí, nehty! - Ta je nádherná - Bože. Co já bych dal za mrd s ní - Sundowning. Triggered by nightfall - Something inside her trying to crawl out - Kind of demetia - Jak se dycky bavěj s tím druhým – o problémech toho prvního - Its like somebody talkin in their sleep - Hes crazy… - Díky za takovýdle filmy - Just come to accept they are old ppl and thing wont be as weird - Plaing hide-and-seek - Miluju tendle film! - Would you mind getting inside the owen to clean it - ROFL - I cant reac byck there - The kitchens got to be clean - Tvl, se snad na ně domluvili - The owens off - Get farther in there - All the way in - These questions are intended to get you loosened up - 22.22 - I think we are warm - A já jdu na krátkou pauzu, protože jinak todle ve zdraví celý nepřežiju - Warm up, prej! - 23.50 - Paradise Lost - Handsome. Very strong personality - Meet in a garden (Adam a Eva) - Tvl, ona v ní psychoanalýzou ještě probudí nějaký starý demony - To je psycho - Ani ji nemusí hypnotizovat - F3 subtitles - Tohle je skvělý - Ten střih – dont answer that question - To sou ochotníci! - Wednesday night, three nights left - Its like we are living with a werewolf - Swerve - You wont understand that bcs your BRAIN isnt fully developed yet - Its exploitative. I have cinematic standards - No one gives a crap about … Its not 1800s - Have you seen reality in TV? (takže je to ok) - Its just whats ethical - Já ji miuluju - I hope things dont get weirder, cause Im at my LIMIT - 10.16 (žádná spojitost – to je pro prču) - Neměla by tam mít infra, nebo tak něco? - He he he he - Já nevim,jestli jebe jenom mě, ale todle je totální prča - Its just like someone talking in their sleep - LEGEND - Trochu mi to připomíná Postal - Skvělí herci, všichni - You are not as DUMB as your performance on standardized tests would indicate - I forgot I had someting for you… - Stuff happens - Ppl leaves, bcs find something they like better - Make me believe you (to sem nepochopil) - Give me context - Eight? - Am I supposed to be following these terms? - Are these phrases supposed to mean something to me? - Just listen - Ta je blbá - When you say it like that, it sounds STUPID - Ona je božská - If you could be any animal, what would it be? - Dolphin. Its an intuitive and highly intelligent creature - Hlavně strašně morální - With great power and poetry in its movements - Tvl, ta je sladká - Ty její grymasy - How come you like the pizza delivery guy even though he has all that ratchet acne? - You never look at yourself in the mirror - You comb your hair with your back to the mirror (s ním by si rozuměla) - And I see you brush your tees. You look down the whole time (já s kartáčkem chodím po domě) - Taky se na sebe vlastně nedívám - Your sweaters inside out. Did you know that? Did you see that in the mirror? - Neřikej, že se rozpláče – že ji rozbrečí - Are you changing the focal length of the lens? - No, I dont even know what that is - Are you zooming? - No - LOL - Je nádherná - You think you are worthless - Todle je dokonalý. Kdo to vymyslel? - A sakra, zase jedno oko pryč. Kdybych se tak blbě neptal, tak bych si myslel, že to je dílo náhody - Fakt, že jo - I refuse to use anything that has my dad in it. That would mean I FORGIVE him - BECCAS BLIND. I KNOW THERES SOMETHING GOING ON HERE - They are throwing shade - Speak English - Mold - No, the just stepped out - Just be natural. Never mind - Nechápu – co tam dělala? - Jakou má v celým příběhu roli? - Pop pop (to slyším poprvý) - Deep darkies - You have to LAUGH to keep the deep darkies in a cave - I just cleaning it - Tvl a to jmse teprve v pulce!! - To je masakr - I will check on her - Užasný - Tvl nesežral jsem nějaký bobule? - Ahe seems like shes better on without us - We are doing this so mom can have a life, dummy - Dobrá mamina - You both seem to be acting funny - Rubbing it isnt gonna make it come off! (Každej má něco) - 10.41 - Jí teprve rostou kozy? - Tvl, pýča! Zase jsem to stopnul těsně před tím! - Tvl, to je naprosto vymakaný. Si řikáte, co by mohlo přijít a ona SPOILER veme kameru, aby viděli, že jde po nich - To je super - Stay in bed - A to je teprve čtvrtek! - We are ending this trip tonight - Pack your bags - I know its all coming to an end - Some sort of late onset schizophrenia - They are both in bad shape - Great. Pop Pop has schizophrenia, and our Nana becomes Michael Mayers when the sun goes down =============================== verbal asi koukal na jinej film. takový pjekný minimalistický snímek, za chvíli přestanete vnímat tu ruční kameru - naopak si to s ní víc užíváte. jesli todle byl horor, tak já jsem ochránce přírody a vy nejste přecitlivělí haranti. ti dva jsou neskuteční talenti, mimochodem. a zase příležitost něčemu napařit plnej počet!


Pán Dokonalý (2015) 

V podstatě jsem si po sobě pustil dva stejný filmy. Tady to sice nebylo tak technicky zvládnutý, příběh ap. bla bla bla, ale zase ten humor mám rád!


Papierové mestá (2015) 

Tady platí to pořekadlo, že obrej film dokáže zaujmout v jakémkoli okamžiku Part 1 (malá Margo) - Jako titulky k písničce jste dávat nemuseili, debilové… - We cant go to the Sea-World - Why not? - Its almost 11pm (ta je hustá) - I dont wanny get in trouble - Its the shame, dont you think? All those strings inside him broke. Margo always loved mysteries (pripomíná mi to knihu SK). And in everything that came after, I could never stop thinking maybe she loved them so much … she BECAME one (ne, ja se nebudu dívat na další film) - Pretty much everyone recognized Margo was different. Margo was special - Her life had became a series of epic adventures (Lara Croft) - Each one too insane to be true (mnohem lepší než Resident Evil) - Wherever she was always left clues behind for her little sister… or anyone else she deemed worthy - On žere polívku v autě? To se mi snad jenom zdá Part 3 (jedou v autě) - Jestli todle není mladá Hillary Swank, tak je to její klon! Hluboce inteligentní, celá po mámě! (scénka s vanou) - Zase ta debilní hudba… - I admire your faith, its very romantic - To svlíkli kola, nebo na co čekaj? - You dont know me - But its not important, bitch! You have fine ass, so I think I know enought - Poof. In the air - Sun-Trust building - Paper town for a paper girl. Great place for read and think - Ten konec u autobusu se povedl. Vodhrnula si vlasy, stoupla si blíž, dala mu jasně najevo, že dostane hubana, ale jen proto, že jí ho bylo líto POZOR SPOILER - Na tu poznámku o sestře se měl už vysrat - It took me a lot of time how wrong I was and not just about Margo - I used to believe everyone gets a miracle - We SHOOK up the world - Dobrá pýčovina Part 2 - Why do you need Nair? - All will be REVEALED shortly, my young friend (já se na to nemužu dívat, neska jsem si chtěl pustit Aliena) - Má dokonalej zadek, všimli jste si? - Interesting capitalization - Im a big BELIEVER in random capitalization - The rules are so unfair to the letters in the middle (Malkavian) - Saran premium - Kolik tam nechaj? - Its not as weird as it looks - Still weird - Tremendous idea - We bring the RAIN down on your enemies (začíná se mi líbit) - WE? You will see (možná protože uvažuju stejně) - Ta-da! - Thats a wrap on our FRIENDSHIP (má styl) - Here. Theres gonna come a time in your life where you are gonna look back on this moment and you are gonna think … (ona, oni jsou něco jako andělé, kteří stojí v pozadí – všechny tydle momenty a náhody dobře známe) - I can feel my heart beating in my chest - Thats how you know you are having FUN - Konečně pořádná hudba - Modelína - At the end of a grand adventure one must pause and reflect on ones achievements - You promised me no breaking and entering - We are not breaking and entering, we are just entering.. - There gotta be a guard or something - Of course there is, his names Gus - Me casa es su casa (prej španělština) - Welcome to my office - Nice music - Soothing sounds of corporate America - Co takhle si to v pracovně rozdat na stole, nebylo by to dost cool? - Připomíná mi to mám tajný másto, chceš ho ukázat? - No lights, no cops. Seems quiet. I think we are in the clear - Its beautiful - Think so? - Počkej, tys do něj dělala? - From a distance - Everythings uglier up cloce - Not you (to je debil) - Its paper town… and the ppl too - Ive lived here 11 years and Ive never come across anyone that cares about anything that matters MATTERS (a jsme zase u toho, to je další z řady … videí) - Žijeme v mraveništi a dávno jsme sešli z cesty. Brzy poznáte sami, že ani na vás nezáleží, na ničem, kolem čeho se točil váš svět - Whoa! - Zase se na film dívám pozpátku, možná bych si to tak mohl i zapisovat (no prč taky ne) - Shes not missing. Shes gone - Tap that ass - Informace, internet, googl, největší vynález, přínos lidstvu, který dnes každý bere jako samozřejmost, stejně jako elektriku a další - Margo odesn like ppl in her room. Okey, but we are her friends. No, you not, and if you are, you know. LOL (možná je to další narážka na to, že světu vládnou peníze) - WALT WHITMAN - UO (LOL) - Mind if I - Dont even think about it - Do I contradict myself (holka ráda čte) - I am large. I am multitudes - I tramp a perpetual journey (moc snadný) - Taky podtrhává všemi ruznými styly, chybí jen Klausova nesouhlasná vlnovka - Yeah, I believe you (to je týpek..) - Má pravou nohu kratší (ta coura) - Unscrew the locks from the DOOR. Its metaphor. What it isnt. What it its INSTRUCTIONS? (to je dobrý) - Thought there be a … Just put it back .. - To ho dycky vozí máma do školy? - Using that voice doesnt change anything (buzík) - WE GOT GO RIGHT NOW! - Tvl ,to je dlouhý, on ji celej film hledá… - I think last night I was this SCARED I had sleep with lights on - I had to sleep with a stuffed animal - Last time I was this scared, I was sleep in moms bed - Q, if I were you, I would get that scared every single night - In a thousand pages they talk about WHALE anatomy and in the last 50 pages the dude kills the whale Maybe its not about a dude killing whale. Maybe its about guy who actually believes that if he chases this whale down and kills this whale its gonna give his life some meaning - Its nommon misconception - Pop quiz (you missed it) - Make up test - Mature, intelligent, understanding woman… I never understand - Pining for her ? - Im not being asshole. Im trying to be a regular kid for a change - Má dobrou baterku. To bude na ty střední špalky - No way! - Where have you been? Everywhere, nowhere - You are so much better than her - Whats the first world that pops into your head? - Your really SMART, clever, interestin, you have a brain - If anyone gives you any trouble… I cant fight, but… - Myslím, že Lacey trpí RBF syndromem - She scared the shit out of me - I wasnt csared before beck there - Charizard girl - Nebudeš dávat do každý díry špendlík..? - Any less specific - General vicinity - Fake city that map makers would put an their maps so if you get copied ILLEGALY they know - Tak proto chvátali. Myslel, že jeli závod - Oni fakt jedou z floridy do NY - We have to be back with 12 hours to spare, or prom is ruined - All right. This is how this is gonna work. If we are gonna keep on schedule, we have six minutes. Im the gas man… Part 1 (pokračování) - Im not sayng I just wanna bang your MOM. I wanna ride bikes with her. I would feed her grapes, take her to Paris. Treat her like the princess she is - Whats wrong? Its weird - Its always weird - I wanna give her a bath - Hey, you can go to prom with a girl you slept with at summer camp. Oh, shes made up - Myrna Mountweazels (další narážka na zkurvené rodiče) - That goddamn DOG despises me - Remind me, is breaking and entering a felony? - Righting wrongs - We are gonna wrong some RIGHTS - Isnt there something that could make you happy now?