


Nechcel bojovať, nechcel zabíjať. Chcel žiť, milovať a obrábať pôdu. Osud mu však predurčil rolu tragického hrdinu. William Wallace – legendárny škótsky hrdina. Historický príbeh o láske, statočnosti a odvahe... V 13. storočí sa škótsky vlastenec William Wallace (Mel Gibson) vzbúri proti tyranii anglického kráľa Eduarda I. (Patrick McGoohan), ktorý zaviedol do porobeného Škótska takzvané právo prvej noci pre svojich šľachticov – právo prežiť prvú noc s ktoroukoľvek nevestou. Škótom sa nariadenie nepáči, ale nemajú vodcu, ktorý by ich viedol v ich boji. William by najradšej proti anglickým okupantom nebojoval, pretože jeho jedinou túžbou je žiť v pokoji s milovanou Murron (Catherine McCormacková), chovať ovce a mať kopu detí. Ani jedna z túžob sa mu však nesplní a musí sa postaviť do čela vzbúrených Škótov... (oficiálny text distribútora)



More Music from Braveheart

More Music from Braveheart

Vydal: Decca Records

Rok: 1997

Krajina: USA

Formát: CD, digital

Minutáž: 01:08:33

1. Prologue: "I Shall Tell You Of William Wallace" James Horner 03:35
2. Outlawed Tunes On Outlawed Pipes James Horner 02:03
3. The Royal Wedding James Horner 02:12
4. "The Trouble With Scotland" - Dialogue 00:40
5. Scottish Wedding Music James Horner 01:14
6. Prima Noctes James Horner 01:46
7. The Proposal James Horner 06:31
8. "Scotland Is Free!" James Horner 00:17
9. "Point Of War / Johnny Cope / Up In The Morning Early" - 1st Battalion Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders, Evan Macrae And G. Burrs 02:59
10. Conversing With The Almighty James Horner 01:20
11. "The Road To The Isles / Glendaural Highlanders / The Old Rustic Bridge By The Mill" - 1st Battalion Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders, Evan Macrae And G. Burrs 03:52
12. "Sons Of Scotland!" James Horner 12:09
13. Vision Of Murron James Horner 01:45
14. "Unite The Clans!" - Dialogue 00:23
15. The Legend Spreads James Horner 01:07
16. "Why Do You Help Me?" - Dialogue 00:37
17. For The Love Of A Princess James Horner 04:05
18. "Not Every Man Really Lives" James Horner 04:09
19. "The Prisoner Wishes To Say A Word" James Horner 03:43
20. "After The Beheading" James Horner 01:48
21. "You Have Bled With Wallace" James Horner 01:22
22. Warrior Poets James Horner 00:29
23. "Scotland The Brave" - 1st Battalion Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders, Evan Macrae And G. Burrs 02:47
24. "Leaving Glenurquhart / The Highland Plaid / Jock Wilson's Ball" - 1st Battalion Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders, Evan Macrae And G. Burrs 03:32
25. "Kirkhill / The Argyllshire Gathering / The Braemar Highland Gathering" - 1st Battalion Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders, Evan Macrae And G. Burrs 04:08


Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

Vydal: London Classics

Rok: 1995

Krajina: USA

Formát: CD

Minutáž: 01:18:13

1. Main Title James Horner 02:51
2. A Gift Of A Thistle James Horner 01:37
3. Wallace Courts Murron James Horner 04:25
4. The Secret Wedding James Horner 06:33
5. Attack On Murron James Horner 03:00
6. Revenge James Horner 06:23
7. Murron's Burial James Horner 02:13
8. Making Plans / Gathering The Clans James Horner 02:05
9. "Sons Of Scotland" James Horner 06:19
10. The Battle Of Stirling James Horner 06:07
11. For The Love Of A Princess James Horner 04:07
12. Falkirk James Horner 04:04
13. Betrayal & Desolation James Horner 07:48
14. Mornay's Dream James Horner 01:18
15. The Legend Spreads James Horner 01:09
16. The Princess Pleads For Wallace's Life James Horner 03:38
17. "Freedom" / The Execution / Bannockburn James Horner 07:24
18. End Credits James Horner 07:12


Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

Vydal: La-La Land Records

Rok: 1995

Krajina: USA

Formát: CD

Minutáž: 02:09:14

Tracklist CD 1 Minutáž: 01:07:46
1. Logo / Main Title James Horner 03:38
2. Hanging Of The Peacemakers James Horner 01:21
3. William’s Father Leaves To Fight James Horner 00:59
4. A Father’s Final Return James Horner 02:56
5. A Gift Of A Thistle James Horner 01:39
6. Outlawed Tunes On Outlawed Pipes James Horner 02:06
7. Royal Wedding / Domino Fidelium James Horner 02:10
8. Grown Wallace Arrives James Horner 01:19
9. Prima Noctes James Horner 01:58
10. Wallace Courts Murron James Horner 04:29
11. The Secret Wedding James Horner 06:36
12. Attack On Murron James Horner 03:02
13. Revenge (Extended Version) James Horner 06:46
14. Murron’s Burial James Horner 02:17
15. Wallace On The Move / Run To The Stronghold James Horner 03:26
16. Making Plans / Gathering The Clans (Extended Version) James Horner 02:13
17. Sons Of Scotland James Horner 06:22
18. The Battle Of Stirling (Extended Version) James Horner 06:18
19. Wallace Moves On York James Horner 01:25
20. Wallace’s Dream James Horner 02:13
21. Vision Of Murron James Horner 01:55
22. The Princess Was A Pawn / Wallace Moves Again James Horner 02:38
Tracklist CD 2 Minutáž: 01:01:28
1. Falkirk James Horner 04:08
2. Betrayal And Desolation James Horner 07:51
3. Mornay’s Dream James Horner 01:19
4. The Legend Spreads James Horner 01:13
5. The Fire Trap James Horner 01:16
6. Romantic Alliance James Horner 02:25
7. Wallace Is Caught James Horner 01:43
8. The Princess Pleads For Wallace’s Life (Film Version) James Horner 03:39
9. Wallace To The Scaffold James Horner 01:22
10. “Freedom” / The Execution / Bannockburn James Horner 07:23
11. End Credits James Horner 07:15
12. For The Love of A Princess James Horner 04:11
13. SOURCE MUSIC: Scottis Wedding Music James Horner 01:25
14. Drum Roll / Sleepy Maggy James Horner 01:13
15. ADDITIONAL MUSIC: Main Title (Album Version) James Horner 02:55
16. Sons Of Scotland (Alternate) James Horner 06:21
17. The Battle Of Stirling (Alternate Opening) James Horner 02:06
18. The Princess Pleads For Wallace’s Life (Album Version) James Horner 03:43


Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

Vydal: London

Rok: 1995

Krajina: USA

Minutáž: 01:18:13

1. Main Title James Horner 02:51
2. A Gift Of A Thistle James Horner 01:37
3. Wallace Courts Murron James Horner 04:25
4. The Secret Wedding James Horner 06:33
5. Attack On Murron James Horner 03:00
6. Revenge James Horner 06:23
7. Murron's Burial James Horner 02:13
8. Making Plans / Gathering The Clans James Horner 02:05
9. "Sons Of Scotland" James Horner 06:19
10. The Battle Of Stirling James Horner 06:07
11. For The Love Of A Princess James Horner 04:07
12. Falkirk James Horner 04:04
13. Betrayal & Desolation James Horner 07:48
14. Mornay's Dream James Horner 01:18
15. The Legend Spreads James Horner 01:09
16. The Princess Pleads For Wallace's Life James Horner 03:38
17. "Freedom" / The Execution / Bannockburn James Horner 07:24
18. End Credits James Horner 07:12

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