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Recenzie (1 028)


Barbaři - Odplata (2020) (epizóda) 

Only the gods can sentence a man to die (tak). I gave you a new life. Přesně, takovej erasmus. Podíval se do světa, naučil se latinsky, a ještě to bude fotrovi vyčítat. Dneska by mu to musel platit! So you are a barbarian with principles. Too bad you couldnt watch your son grow into a man. I raised you up for this very purpose, that I might display My power in you, and that My name might be proclaimed in all the earth (Exodus 9/16).


Barbaři - Série 1 (2020) (séria) 

Vubec bych nepoznal, že jde o německý seriál - nehrál tam totiž žádnej Arab. Nvm, jak si to v dnešní multikulturní době mohli dovolit zpracovat. Jinak vaše schizofrenní komentáře stojí za vyliž piču. Římanum muže fandit snad jen nějaký cigoš! Na Vikingy to samozřejmě nemá, ale určitě to zaslouží nějakou hvězdičku navíc.


Barbaři - Vlk a orel (2020) (epizóda) 

What do the gods want? Only Wodan, Father of the gods, know what is to come. He sacrificed an eye for that power. If you are really supposed to fight, the gods will send you a sign. The shadows of yesterday are the light of tomorrow. Lets go bird hunting. Připomíná mi to Legendu o meči. We just have to be hungrier than the wolves. More determined. If we are prepared to give everything. Than we will get what we want. And the Romans will get what they deserve. Todle všechno je příprava na válku. And provoke rebellion? Si někdo všimnul! Jak po nich mužou chtít, co nemaj! Sami si pod sebou podřezávaj větev.


Barbaři - Zrada (2020) (epizóda) 

Your reik and my groom. Dont the gods reward the courage? Above all, they punish hubris (demons - torturers). You clearly find me pleasing? I know to whom your heart belongs. Tak proč to nespíchnete jen tak na oko. Nemusíte u toho přece píchat. Zrovna v týdle scéně se zamlží kamera. Ale ona by se mu dala. Děvka! Tvl, zuby kolem krku tam nosí každej. Jak z toho něco muže vyvozovat. Špatný voko. Show your gratitude with good service. When you meet Varus, it would be wise to rein in your temper. Hes used to Roman women. What are Roman women like? They know to serve their men. Folkwin Wolfspeer. I m Raskild, of the Marcomanni. My mother was Bructeri and my father Cherusci (tak to máme podobný předky). And I was wandered between the words. Always caught in the middle. Your barbarian woman looks like the divine Diana. Knighthood? Tendle barbar! Bring me a son from every reik  as a hostage. To by mohlo fungovat. You will pay for that, you dog. Psi jsou krásná a ušlechtilá zvířata! If we will not fight, we will have to answer to the Romans instead of to our gods! They think they are invincible, and that is their weakness. Tak hlavně v devátým století tam už neměli co dělat. Ale možná jsem se jen přehlíd. Since I know how they live, you will know how to kill them. Fur our children. For out freedom. Let us fight together! Let us triumph together! Its like going hunting with a pack of wolves. If you fail, they will eat you instead. Děvka! Přitom mezi germány se monogamní vztahy udržovaly po celý život. Jo vona si mislí, že je mrtvej. Tak to ji omlouvá! Netruchlila dlouho. The snake will grow so long that the tail wont notice when we cut off the head. Land of the Marsi. Rome never acted without caution. Fifteen thousands sons of Rome should fear a thousand Marsi? We will take the detour and teach those barbarians a lesson. To je tak blbej, nebo to hraje? Zas tendle zmrd. Tvl, až ted mi došlo, že v intru R2TW jede jeden napřed a domlouvá léčku - to je Arminius.


Knihy smrti (2020) 

You cant stop your meds. They werent helping. Tired and numb is better than having a broken brain. Dinners ready if you are interested. You are so lost in the trees that you cant  even see the leaves. The forest. To asi nebude biologickej otec. Prasata! Here we go. Jenna off her meds. How can I eat without chewing. Stačí, když zabiješ svojí čivavu. Před tím zkurveným štěkámím není kam uniknout. Leda špunty do uší, nebo je zabít. Go n Sleep. Its like a coincidence but more cosmic. Synchronicity (poprvý, co o ní slyším ve filmu). Like a meaningful coincidence. You are sensitive. You are an artist. For moments like these, the good Lord gave us tea and cake. Nauseous means you make other ppl sick. Ellie is very particular about words. Doctors and nurses are completelly different. Doctors treat illnesses. Nurses treat ppl (doktoři vs lékaři). Its so much easies to take life than make life (life vs problem). Zase, hrozně se u toho nudím, i když to má nápad, myšlenku, je mi to blízký… Life sucks. We aint born laughing. In this world you are either the anvil or the hammer. I would rather be the ant. Then at least its over quickly. Čuráku, nesrkej to kafe! Kde ses učil žrát? Jsme snad ve chlívě! Sometimes I think I would just be rather deaf. Its called misophobia - literally the hatred of sound (mě toho sere víc, abych řekl pravdu). Včera jsem měl paralýzu - málem zapomněl! Už to naprosto ignoruju. Napsal jsem to předtím, než ji dostala sama. Potom, co si lehla na postel. Je to vlastně první paralýza ve filmu, když nepočítám ruzné posednutí. Slumber nešel stáhnout. Birds dont fly for pleasure. Flying is just an endless desperate search for food. Nemá ráda zvířata. Synchronicita s mouchou - uplně normální, kterou prožívám každej den. Je fajn, že to někdo zpracoval a nemusím to podrobně vysvětlovat. Docela se s stím i trefil. Otázka je, kde to má svuj puvod. Theres nothing like the quiet company of plants to calm a soul down. Feverfew. First rule of gardening, intruders must be weeded out. Sometimes I cant help thinking it would be much easier to be a plant. Nebo ovce. Přišla o dítě ale děkuje Bohu za druhý. Something bad happened at college (no jasně, našli si k ní cestu - demoni). It just proved to me what I always knew the world is an ugly, cruel place. And after what happened at school I just didnt feel like myself. I felt like everyone was staring at me. I guess I got super paranoid bcs my mother sent me to the farm (nemuže za to, je to malá češka). The only vegetables they grew there were the patients (lol). And afte I left it just got worse. Stop judging your feelings and just feel them. What did you feel? Followed. Sen každý … krávy. Hospitals make you sick and keep you sick. Everything you are experiencing comes from the withdrawal. Girls are made of sugar and spice and everything nice. Boys are made of snips and snails and puppy dog tails. Ta vietnamka je oblečená ve stejných barvách jako Furie, kterou jsem stáhnul předtím, než se rozhodl pro todle. Ted si vzpomněl, že mě dnes varoval Avast, že mě někdo sleduje (cookies). Aby ne, jsem přece oblíbenej! Kde máš baterku (to řikám, tvl)? WHEEZING This is critical time for you. You cant trust your senses. Má dobrou intuici. A trochu psycho.  Chudák baba! She walloped me. A jéje. Já bych jim naletěl. I did what I could to keep them from pain. It was all clear that their fate was to die a lonely death in agony surrounded by cold and indifferent machines. Now we all live under one roof. I tend the garden. Live can be perfect when you dont ask for too much. Ellie has the kindest of ways. You wont feel a thing. Just the relief of not having to see, not having to weep anymore. Její postoj se zkříženýma rukama. You stay right there, I m gonna bring you a nice cup of coffee (hot tea - co máš s tím kafem). Doufám, že jí už prokouk a hraje to na obě strany. Kids dont understand. They have got no sense of proportion (aha). Everything is huge, dramatic, apocalyptic. Its a passionate time (jsem ještě dítě). They will learn. Times the teacher. K tomudle by se hodilo hudební pozadí od Progigy - Smack my bitch of - se hodí ke všemu. Jo, hrál to na obě strany a měl v záloze náhradní plán - na co, dva starý bezbranní duchodci, mohl jí strčit nohu do dvěří a normálně si to tam prohlídnout, když měl podezření - a sledoval celej den barák. Idiot. You took your sweet fucking time. SUSPENSFUL MUSIC BUILDING Má dobrou barevnou kombinaci - ve tmě nebude vubec vidět. Připomnělo scénku z In the Spiders Web. Fuj, to je humus. Ještě, že je pod sedativama, jinak by se z toho sama poblila. Ideální v tomdle stavu sednout za volant. V podstatě ji ale zachránil život. Proč ho nehodí do kufru? Aha, sebevražda. Ta holka má pech. OMINOUS MUSIC Proč se nepřipoutala? Obrat o sto osmdesát stupnu. Nekoukám na jinej film? Klidně to už mohlo skončit. I was like a fish trying to survive on air. I m a speaker for the dead. Magician or mentally ill. I m deeply and tragically sane. Or a glutton for punishment. You expose frauds. Why is it so important that you convince everybody its all bullshit?who are you really trying to convince - yourself? Science was once defined as putting nature to the rack. Faith is believing in things that you cant see. I challenge any of you to to witness one of Simons convocations and remain unchanged. I need complete darkness. Or rather they do. The dead. INHUMAN SCREECHING Je z toho uplně jinej film, kterej má blíž ke Conjuringu. I m not sleeping mommy. Todle mi zkuste udělat v pokoji a jste mrtví. I just let them speak. Assumptions must be tempered by an open mind to new evidence. The best scientists always question. Bcs if you, with all your tools of science, with all your certainty, if you fail to prove me wrong, it will change the world. And at that point, you will see how close your son really is to you. Spolu ještě neprcali? A year later I can still feel  my son everywhere I go (demon). What if scientists (sciencists) were the ones acting on faith instead of using our best resources to find the truth. The horizon is just the limits of our vision. Čarodějnice! Četl jsem o nich předtím. What are you doing? Oh, fuck. I m so sorry, Professor. Si nemohli zavřít dveře? You want to stop looking at me like that? Like what? Like I just shot your fucking dog. Explain yourself. I think the crime scene speaks for itself. You are in recovery and this is part of your gift. I have been in prison. I have no interest in going back there. Já myslel v pekle. You dont fuck with ppl with money. Ty mám nejradši. They dont take lightly to being conned. To vidím. Zvlášt, když jsou sami ponořený v dluzích. Wake the fuck up. It was all a noc (con). I used phenolphthalein. Its invisible until exposed to an activating agent (forenzní věda). And the seizures, that was a microdose of penicillin. Takes a hour to kick in and makes the drama all the more convincing. Nemohl jen kopat nohama? You fell for it. A ty hruzu nahánějící zvuky? Duchové existujou. Medvídek! Takhle se stávají lidé závislí na zvířatech. Když skončí uplně na dně. Chudinky. I dont understand. The show must go on. Over the horizon that separates life and death. Real finall frontier. Neměla by si vzít rukavice, když mu sahá do tý držky? Its very disturbing how he suffer to communicate with the beyond. But we musnt interfere. Problém je, že ji volá o pomoc a oni to slyšeli - to jí u soudu přitíží. Pěkný tetování. Někomu se to líbí. Ale do těla bychom si neměli zasahovat. Je to chrám Boží. Jé, tak napálil jednu čubku, co si hrála na chitrou. To byla její vlastní blbost. Ravenmoore. We are headed there. Unless you want to join us in the trunk of our car, you will surrender these baverages to us. Todle je zase co za film? Nebyl to Tarantino? Fucking kids with their headphones. Generation of zombies, man. Taky si to musím pořídit. Aspon iPod. Me and Jeannie, we are gonna sip tequilas and watch the divorces doing downward-facing dog on the yoga lawn. And I gonna read Jack Reacher and William Shakespeare and leave the fucking rats in the sewer. Nechá krysy na severu, cože? To by se mýmu auto nestalo, aby mu zhasla palubovka. Bubáci maj smulu. Jo, vemete knihu, a hned jste v Mexiku. Happy place. Transformers! Takhle bych to vyřešil taky, kdyby se ty mrtky už mohly střílet. All the dead have stories. And they chose Simon to be their page. I m in my happy place. You have been writing your story your whole life. My story doesnt end here. Proč ty kdysy nepostřílí? Taky dobrej nápad. Šetří náboje. Can i help you with something? A dokonce drží kladivo - jako v tom klipu předtím. Life is a problem in search of a solution. We are joining the great, infinite nothing. We will be together. Dont you see? Its not just about us. Its about the sign we leave behind us, the footprints in the sand showing others the way. Life is a lie, that we said no to all the bullshit, that we chose the freedom of annihilation (ukazuje znak šelmy). If you dont do it now, you are never gonna do it. Já to udělal. Třikrát! Now we just do it, together (hromadná sebevražda). SOMBER MUSIC Deep Six


Láska a příšery (2020) 

Everything will try to kill you. Use the advantages that you have. You are fast and small, so dont fight. Just run and hide (nemusíš řikat dvakrát). First decision make. Shes a big animal lover. I m Joel. I should stop talking to the dog. Super encouraging speach. You are braining out. Thinking too much. I like you bcs you have a really cute dog. Lesson three. Dont take shortcuts. Target practice every day. Keep your socks dry. Thats a great one. Not both. You get a hot meal or a good nights sleep. I m super tired. Good instincts are earned by making mistakes. If you are lucky enough to survive a few mistakes, you are gonna be okay out here. Thats my dog. Hes delightful. There is no mission more admiranle than love. Every sailor worth his salt knows that. Feel like I got King kongs nuts on my shulders. Theres a but coming. I m not the same person that I used to be. Seven years, thats a long time. Last year I lost someone and he meant a lot to me. Zcela pochopitelně. I just feel like such a idiot. I didnt even ask you if I should come. I just got so excited and I left. A o tom to je. I know this isnt how you pictured this going. This is our shot for survival. There is no place for mankind on land. Man down. My crew and I have to improvize just to survive. What can I say? Shit gets crazy in the apocalyspse. You get the crab. You can always tell in the eyes. I will come find you. You better. Surface is a dangerous place. Go live your life. Dont settle. You dont have to. Not even at the end of the world. Monster apocalypse survival.


Lov (2020) 

I dont believe in hell... How did you know hes lying? Bcs everybodys lying. What was the name of the movie again? Tears of the Sun (stáhnul společně). Whys the sun crying? Why are you doing this stuff? Bcs Jesus told me to. Thank you for your service. The Manor. Deplorables. If you know you are crazy, you are not (Numb – psychotic). Its not manor. Its house I buied in Chroatia and decorated it. Now its true bcs you made it true. You ppl can anything you wand and you twisted... backworld fucking world view. You wanted to be it true. Excited... It was your idea. Snowball – idealist, better place. Proč ten film vlastně Trump kritizoval, že je rasistickej (ten taky kouká na všechno)? A pak mi to došlo. Nehrál tam žádnej zkurvenej negr. Hned přihodím jednu hvězdičku, protože něco takovýho dlouho nepamatuju a v roce 2020 je to něco neslýchaného. Že by se konečně karta obrátila?


Mesiáš - Aby hledíce hleděli a neuviděli (2020) (epizóda) 

Temple Mount (Let no one deceive you in any way) 2021-10-11 I just want to be here around him. Bcs I have seen Gods eye. Seš dobře zmatená pýča. Následovat jej budou bastardi/parchanti, nečistí a odpadlíci. Nicméně takhle to probíhat nebude. Svět bude hořet v plamenech, po devastující válce… Problémy se nebudou zužovat na problémky jedný pyče a její zdegenerovaný mrtky, když si zaprcala vzadu za kulturákem na popelnicích. In consequence, there were good seeds from good plants, and bad seeds from bad plants. But seeds are invisible. They sleep deep in the heart of the earths darkness. Until someone among them is seized with the desire to awaken. Zasraní Izraelci, co spoléhají více na techniku než na Slovo Boží. I knew something was coming. Sometimes I see things in my head. I have epilepsy. Are they believers? They think they are. What do you think they are? Lost. They dont have a clue. Todle je strašně podrobný popis příchodu Antikrista, aby to napsal někdo z Hollywoodu - po těch new age sračkách. Ani nás připravují na jeho příchod. Oscar Wallet. Guy who hacked the stock exchange. He wrote a book, Cultural Terrorist. He became a magnet for radicals and extremists. Everybody worships. And then he goes on to question the society that we live in, and the society that is driven by the world of greed and money and power. He does go on to say that the only way to combat this is to create a healthy confusion that sparks the need to question. Confusion, causing fear, making us question everything in search of some sense. You think you are special? You think you are the chosen one? You cant see it bcs you are mad. You cant see it bcs you love him. Pejsánek v baráčku, velkej šéf policie, a má uctu u týdle kurvy. Vytečete všichni. Jacob dreamed there was a ladder set up on the earth and the top of it reached to Heaven, and behold, the angels od God were ascending and descending on it. The situation is changed. Not necessarily for the better. He doesnt seem very interested in ppl. Sometimes no answer is the best answer. Proč nikdo nenavrhne, že Druhému příchodu musí předcházet příchod Antikrista? Through the darkest night, Below the eye of sinful men… Its not his fault. Jsně, že je… tvoje. Musíš se naučít žít s následky svých rozhodnutí. Ho chce sejmout, jo? Dyt nemuže za jeho problémy. Měl posranej život už předtím. Ted zachrání čokla a bude z něho mediální hvězda. I chose God. But what happens when God chooses you? Then you have no control. Then hes not a part of your story. You are part of His. We didnt decide all this. God did. Only He knows what happens next. Ten si ted pod sebou pěkně podřízl větev. Zabil psa. Ty ho normálně ukřižujou. Hes got under your skin. All men have the stars but they are not the same things for different ppl. For some, who are travelers, the stars are guides (zdravím). For others, they are no more than little lights in the sky. But you alone will have the stars as no one else has them. Ano, nezáleží, kam jdou, že s jejich pomocí pácháte genocidu, když jim poskytnete azyl. Ale nejsou to lidi jako my. Vy jste prasata a trocha vody a přikrývek na tom nic nezmění. Vidíš, jak seš ubohá, ty malá česká svině, když nikdo o tvoje dobro nestojí, a dosáhneš tím leda vlastní zkázy. Nepotřebujou vaši pomoc, neumíte si udělat pořádek ani ve vlastních řadách a chcete pomáhat ostatním. Všeho, čeho jste dosáhli, byl rozklad křestanských hodnot. Ted je načase, abyste se sami podívali do zrcadla. Co to je, lítající koberec? Beretta fulsize. Krásnej dárek. Má ho fakt rád. Todle je dukaz.


Mesiáš - Boží prst (2020) (epizóda) 

Tornado alert. Scrub it.  Freeze her accounts. And any other videos like it. Last thing we need is this going viral. Bury it for as long as you can. I go where God takes me. He si coming with the clouds. And every eye will see him, even those who pierced him. And all the tribes of the earth will mourn bcs of him. So shall it be. I am the Alpha and the Omega says the Lord who is and was and is to come. Whats he being charged with? Title 8, US Code, Section 1325. Improper entry by an alien. It was meant to happen. Miracle Man spotted in Texas. These old things, thay can become a nuisance (). You are not old, but you are a nuisance. Why cant daddy come inside? Daddy doesnt live here anymore.


Mesiáš - Bůh je veliký (2020) (epizóda) 

Its a way to get your life back. Zelman. No more free rides. Ráda se ho zbavila. Sticking head in the sand isnt the solution. Theres no solution. Family, thats rich. I just wonder what else you dont tell me. Am I your partner? Am I the husband you wanted, or am I just a disappointment. Clearly I m not someone you turn to. I love you. I just couldnt now how to tell you (jo, tak s tím mám taky trochu problém). We have beliefs! And they dont include abortions for young girls. I dont believe Rebecca stuck in Texas as a teen mom for the rest of her life was an option. And I wasnt gonna let that happen to her. That explains a lot. What is that supposed to mean? I m taking control. Už bylo načase! This can still all be a part of Gods plan. He looks for us to enact His will. Blatant provocation. If we dont move, they will feel emboldened (jistě, to si máme myslet). You call it provocation, but we increased our fleet in the Baltic first, didnt we? On your order, sir. You drew the line. You cant back away from that. It makes you look weak. This demands a response (asi si moc nevěří). Delusional disorder. A messiah complex. Tak ten má celej západní svět. Proto ho tak následujou. A todle období bezvládí je třeba před jeho příchodem také vytvořit. A zdiskreditovat tajné služby. Vládnou nám samí idioti (Babiš a spol.). The only other option is you are being taken advantege of, and if someone is running you, I will find out. Willfully communicating with a known terrorist is a federal offense (a když mu dám na fcb like). You are so strong in your convictions. I m coming to get you. Prosím, a mužeš opakovaně. I have always assumed that bcs I come from humble beginnings, I must be a humble man. I have learned that my lesson is in humility. I m Gods servant. And I want to serve you how the best way I can. And how is that? A message straight from you, directly to an audience of millions. Hned po těch výměnách manželek a dalších upadlých soutěžích. I look at the moon and I don see the moon anymore. I feel it. Things are happening. Its all connected (fish). Dont talk to me about goddamn hope (potratila). This was a mistake. Asi nebyl moc dobrej. Todle chlap dycky rád slyší po souloži. Are you satisfied with the life of this world rather thanthe Hereafter? Nature of self, the purpose of a life. Yo stumbled upon me. You dont know shit. Theres no plan between us. I will say it again. You dont know shit. I m gonna help you bcs you were enough to find me. You couldnt be more wrong. Believe me when I say this.  I m not the dangerous one. And thats the beautiful thing. I have been so happy to serve his cause. What cause? Just read my book. I need a Pentagon study on the consequences of a full US military withdrawal from Eastern Europe (stalo se letos poté, co nastoupil Biden do uřadu). My eyes only. Hes an avatar for Golshiri. Wallaces book is Golshiris thesis. Wallace is his disciple. Actionable intelligence. Humble adoration. Lord, we know theres a plan. We know all things are possible through you (zas malý). If you are with him, you will be delivered. If you are not, you will be taken by tornadoes, by floods and swept into the great wasteland. Heed his message. Embrace his warning, for he is the messenger. Sharing the Word of his great Father. The eye of the storm (epilepsy). I want to share a message of peace and unity (nasrat). If you look for truth (to je ten vzkaz). Ne, on to pustil. To ho nemohli odpálit na dálku? Proč to odpálil, až když všichni utekli? Dostal příležitost vejít do Valhally, kterou nevyužil. Nejsou tak drsný, jak se o nich tvrdí v mediích. Absolutně netuším, kam ten dement odjel? Kde se s nimi domluvil? Proč to auto řídí ten fízl? Jo jasně! On dostal novej úkol. Ale proč k nim nasedl? Pochopil jsem, že Fénixe nechal ve štichu, a zároven dal příležitost ty malý mrtce šířit jeho vzkaz.