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Recenzie (1 028)


Súmrak (2008) 

Tak pusobí to na mě hodně dojmem, že tam nehrají herci ale místí ochotnická pakáž, lidi přímo z toho města. Kdo je kurva Izabela? Jela na prázdniny k tatínkovi uprostřed semestru. Má divnej zadek. Začíná se to rozjíždět, Bella je centrem pozornosti/všech - Home girl - Je mi njěka blbě od žaludku. Snědl jsem dvě starý vajíčka a spláchl to beránkem a mlíkem. A co má bejt? To se srovná. Spíš je mi blbě z tý prdele, co má místo ksichtu - Jé, tam hraje ta bitchy resting face - Shiny new girl - We are tlking Olympic-size - A hele, něco se začíná líbit mně - The Cullens - They are Dr and Mrs Cullens foster kids - They kind of keep to themselves - They are, like, a thing - The little dark-haired girls Alice (ahoj). Shes really weird - The blond one who looks like hes in pain (Jesper) - To je prča - But apparently nobody heres good enought for him (já věděl, že je slyší) - Like I care, you know - Miss Swan. Se z ní málem poblil - I literally repel technology now (hello) - They are very wellcoming - Prej sem dolu z Aljašky - Ice really dont help the uncoordinated - You are no in Phoenix (Arizona) anymore, Bells - Be careful. Always am - Hezky, nechal si to projít hlavou a představil se jí - Hello. Im sorry I didnt have chance to introduce myself last week - Mně se to líbilo, ačkoli nemám rád ani ve zvyku podlejzat, vysvětlovat nebo chápat malý český kurvičky, nebo se starat o jejich feeling. Nicméně v tomto případě nejde o malou českou kurvičku, že ne, a není duvod se chovat jakkoli nezdvořile - Onion root. Já myslím, že mají jiné starosti… - Co to dělá, jí ted balí? - Complicated. Im sure I can keep up - Remarried - A ted si povídají na chodbě o její rodině - Im just trying to figure you out. You are very difficult for me to read - Koho to zajímá? - Přišlo to jako blesk z čirého nebe! - Tudle scenku jsem si pamatoval - You can kiss your driving licence goodbye - Cant you just thank me and get over it? - Non-refundable ticket - Why didnt you jist let the van crush me and save yourself all this regret? - Your mood swings are kind of giving me whiplash - Its just little crowded - Take control. You are a strong independent woman (ne v souvislosti) - Hey, will you do me up? - Descended from wolves - Quileute Legends - Disgusting - We just sort of ran into each other - I was trying to keep a distance unless you needed my help - And then I heard what those low-lifes were thinking - Po tomdle si zahraju Bloodlines. Zrovna jsem si založil postavu Venture, a mužskou! - You read minds (a není to nejlepší schonpst?) - I can read every mind in this room aparf of your. Theres money, sex, cat… se poseru - I dont have the strength to stay away from you anymore (to je chcípák) - Kdo řadí? Má motor jak v Burnout Paradise - Cold-skinned - How long have you been seventeen? - Im designed to kill - You are like my own personal brand of heroin - Thirsted for my blood - I was unconditionally and irrevocably (neodvolatelně) in love with him - To je Volvo? - Everybodys staring. Im breaking all the rules now anyway - Since Im going to hell - We think of ourselves as vegetarians - Its like a living on tofu. It keeps you strong, but you are never fully satisfied - Alices vicions are subjective. I mean the future can always change - Dum plnej upíru. Snad bys ani nemusel mít alarm - So light and open, you know? - Přesně to jsem si pomyslel (I like it) - 1.08.18 - I dont really mind being alone - I like watching you sleep. Its kind of fascinating me (to je magor) - Krásně nadhazuje - Im the one with the wicked curveball - Hele, on mluví - James is tracker. Hunt is his obsession - My reaction set him off. I just made this his most exciting game ever - Hes never gonna stop. We have to kill him. Rip him apart and burn the pieces - I just got you back - Tvl, on ji pustí v noci v týdle náladě - I have grown tired of his games - Dont underestimate - Bella is withEdward. Shes part of the family now. And we protect our family - If they change their minds, the vision changes - That will breaks Edwards little heart - His rage will make for more interesting sport than his feeble attempt to protect you - Very visualy dynamic - Fragile little human - Death is peacefull, easy. Life is harder - Tvl, to je psychickej upír - You just cant say stuff like that to me - I will take it from here - The PROM is an important rite of passage - Fightless bird - Im dying already. Every second I get closer. Older - Thats the way its supposed to be - Her visions changed, based on what ppl decide - Není to ten buzerant ze Spidermana? - Did cat get your tongue? - Robert Pattinson - Peter Facinelli - Nikki Reed (kecáš) - Ashley Greene (Alice) - Christian Serratos (ta hispánská štětka) - Rachelle Lefevre (Victoria) - Maverick Films 2020 Myslím, že je čas si znovu pustit Twilight. Dělám drobný upravy (saga), font je už dobrej. Nechápu ty negativní komentáře. V ledsčem mají pravdu – mladá dívka by asi neměla toužit po tom randit s vlkodlakem nebo upírem (nebo oběma naráz), ale je to nádherně natočený! I po dvou a pul letech mě to zase baví. Líbí se mi ten vypravěčský styl. A Bella nikdy nebyla uplná šereda. Klidně bych se od ní nechal vykouřit…. na rozdíl od těch dylin, co to komentují. Asi jí jen závidí Edwarda. To je další věc, na kterou se dá poukázat – většina z nich skončila s malým čoklem z utulku, protože je samotné nikdo nechce, natož nesmrtelný upejr. Myslím, že jsem na to přišel, proč je tadle sága tak neoblíbená. A netrvalo to tak dlouho. Dává to perfektní smysl. Rozvedený kurvičky, který vztahu neobětovaly všechno. Spokojily se s pěnězi z alimentu. Vidí v něm toho bastarda, co jim udělal dítě a pak zdrhnul s jinou. Nejsou s to si takovou pohádku ani připustit. Nebo se pletu? Napište mi to do komentářu…


Chaplin (1992) 

Todle je přehlídka těch nejkrásnějších žen filmového plátna - Penelope Ann Miller (leading lady) - Maria Pitillo - Milla Jovovich (first wife – acting career faded after their divorce) - Deborah Maria Moore (second wife – younger son) - Diane Lane (third wife) - Nancy Travis (mental institutions) - Moira Kelly (eight children, wtf) - Never ceased to mourn him until her own death (bitch) - You wait, someday they will bag


Posol: Príbeh Johanky z Arku (1999) 

I cant wait for tomorrow - Todle je super! - Pamatoval jsem si, že to bylo velký, ale nemělo to takový uspěch - Milla je užadná - Bursting my ears - Put yourself in my shoes for a moment - One hell of a girl - Theres a battle to fight and a war to be won - Ona jim otevřela! - Ted trochu krve - The French witch, shes back from the dead - Sooner is better than later (x2) - This is glory? Ženská nepatří na bojiště - We were fighting for a cause - Buried in this field - Enought blood. But if you want more, I cant stop you. - I can only warn you, that it will be your blood, not ours - It is the sacred place that matters, not the size - Reims, Holy oil Clovis - Vyobrazili členy církve jako tlustý prasata - Tak trochu se na to dívám z jiného pohledu - A ten jejich ježíš rozhodně není Stvořitel, možná pán nebes - Walls of Paris - He doesnt want this war anymore. He has his crown now - Its time to face facts - PEACE will only be got at the end of a lance - Diplomacy is far more civilized for saver and far more cheaper - France does not belong to you, Charles - She belongs to God - A ted ji chce očistit, znovu postavit na nohy - They havent spoken to me in weeks. Not since the coronation (toho jsem se obával) - Maybe their silence is a sign - We cannot allow her to conduct her own private war (svině) - Your romantic vision od death with all that grass fgrowing everywhere - Big imagination - Death is much more simple - Get thee behind me, Satan - Who yre you to even think you can know the difference between good and evil - Tak to je velká otázka - Im just a messenger - Source of all life - (we rae very close) - Im here to set you free - I prefer gold and English have plenty - Witch of Orleans - The English are arrogan, they cant accept being defeated by a peasant girl - It has to have been the Devils work - Charge of heresy - Ronen - Nineteen - Baptized - You, who claim to be my judges, you be careful! For you too will be judged - Kam se hrabe se svým drivem Král Arthur - Verdict comes at the end of a trial, not at the beginning - Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed by Thy name (tear her down) - Forgive us our trespasses - Daily bread - Infinite number od possibilities - Ne, někdo ho tam hodil, ale ona si to tak měla myslet, což bylo zamýšlený. Cílem nebylo zjistit, kde se tam ten meč vzal, ale aby vstoupila do myslí Francouzu jako panna Orleánská - Aby se naplnilo proroctví, které dalo lidem naději - Joanne - A aby Satan dosál svého malého vítezství - Im more afraid od displeasing Him than not answering you - My revelations were for the King of the France, not for you - Angel. If there was, I did not see it - Ty francouzský lilie - Illiterate peasant - Je poráží na každé pudě - Our armies refuse to fight - They need proof Gods on their side - We cant do that unless she admits to blasphemy - Předchvílí jsem nad tím přemýšlel. Jaktože to vím, respektive si to pamatuju? Nevzpomínám si, že bych o ní v poslední době četl? Možná to pohanské čarodějnictví? Jistě. Propustili ji, aby to vypadalo, že se doznala a lituje (že ji zlomili), a pak ji zkrouhli za oblečení. Vlk se nažral a koza zustala celá - Česká svině, jako ji tak pozoruju, dokáže jít mnohem dál - Torture her. You will never get anything out of her that way - Several of my colleges are scared to make a mistake - Im on the side of Holy Mother Church (to je bordel) - Pleasure from watching us killing each other in His name? - For France, motherfucker - You get pleasure from hurting me? - When does the pain end and the pleasure begin (difficult to define) - Set me free - Ji tam dusili tak rok - Many grievous sins - Hele, artikl one, mens clothes - Hair short - No comprehension of the Churchs authority (v titulcích to dobře otočil/zkrátil) - Invoker of demons, an idolater and heretic - Child of superstition - Trying to část out and recant your erroneous beliefs by signing this recantation - If the Church wants me to say that my visions are evil then I do not believe in this Church - Shes recanted - For the Church never closes her arms to those who return to it - Nor shes your martyr, not yoursnad by what miracle did these clothes get there? - Asi je to hodně populární - Its not my body I want to save. Its my soul - I fought out of revenge and despair - I was proud - Selfish - Cruel - May 30, 1431 - She was canonized by the Vatican five hundert years later - Sometimes our intuitions are our best counsellors


101 dalmatíncov (1996) 

Animal Kingdom (todle je strašný, nechutný) - Tvl, co kripl, to čokl na vodítku - Tak snad jenom kvuli tý Cruelle - House of DeVil - Pravý oko 1 - To neznamená, že ona je falešný pastýř, ale že ten film spadá do takové kategorie, což je zřejmé - I did leopard spots in the 80s - What kind of sycophant are you? - Stand anywhere til I need you - Its my only tru love, darling. I live for fur. I worship fur - After all is there a woman in all this wretched world who doesnt? - It was nice being assaulted by you - I hope I didn alarm you - We both seem to have a certain foundness for dalmatians - You risk losing your master for a brief frolic with a female? - Well, you give a very well rescue - I think my dog is in love - A co kráva, co máš na talíři, ta nebyla počata z lásky – in love? - Cup of merriage - Cože? Tak to bylo rychlý. Proč se zdržovat s detailama - What a beautiful day. Blue skies, birds singing, the laughter of school children riding on the gentle breeze (tak to jo) - Im twisted creature, motherfucker, twisted away from my true nature - Hello beauty, come with me - Je, ona mí radost - You were a big, bad boy, werent you, darling? - Siberian tiger suits - Mirror, MIRROR on the wall… - Whos the fairest of them all? - To je ten německej policajt - Smile we wear when we are guarding a precious secret - I design video games. Its a growing business - Those horrible noisy things that children play with on their televisions? - What a senseless thing to do with your life (ta její upřímnost se mi líbí) - Shes going to have a baby - Im so sorry. Well, what can I say? Accidents will happen - Let me know when the blessed event occurs - Puppies. I have no use for babies - Cheerio, darling! - That will drive the delinquent kiddies into frenzies of video delight? - Prasata jsou asi v balíku, když si mužou nechat 100 štěnat. Sen každýho kripla - Čím víc štěnat, tím víc lásky - Bábu sejměte. Svině. Psi v domě muže mít jen vyloženě zlý člověk. Řikal jsem, že jí máte dát okamžitě do držky - Well, the old bird put up a good fight - Dogs aint got the brains to figure things out - I sincerely hope I have not disturbed your relaxation - My faith in your limited intelligence is momentairly restored (lol) - Cozy puppy coat - Bonzácký mrtky. Čokly je třeba vybít - Any way you want. Poison them. Drown them. Bash them on the head! Got any chloroform? I dont care how you kill th elittle beasts. Just do it and do it now! - Miluju jí - S ní bych neměl problém jako sousedkou - I have always said that human beings are essentially superior - You know, blessed with faculties of speech and thought and a couple of other things - Aby tady ta věta, kterou říká on, záporák, vyzněla negativně - Naprogramovaná budoucnost - V tý době, když todle běželo v kinech, se tady ještě nikdo s čoklama nepelešil. Tak řekni, že to nefunguje - Sám se divím, že takovýdle detail, kterej si vetšina nedá (vědomě) ani dohromady, má význam - Spousta detailu tvoří celek. Detail nelze oddělit od celku - Pat a Mat ze Sám doma. Tady ten film nebue až zas tak špatnej, jak jsem si myslel - I love the smell of near extinction - Point taken. But what are the logs for? - Možná by bylo lepší to zkratovat předem - Poor little things. Im gonna cut you off. Then cut you up - Darling, red istn your COLOR - Give me the hat, or you will become a HAT - WTF - Nice and warm - Pravý oko - Im not beaten yet. You have won the battle, but Im about to win the wardrobe - Spotty puppy coat - Sad plastic plate - Dead and medium red - No friends, no family, no pulse - Cruella De Vil has the last laugh - Záchrana jede - Miss De V - We have a warrant for your arrest - You have just won gold, silver and bronze in the Morons Olympics - My business, my reputation, my life has been ruined, bcs you three incompetent twits - Let yourselves be outsmarted by a bunch of dumb animals - And you call yourselves men, ha! - I have seen more intelligent pieces od carpet - Kdo uléhá s bestií, stává se sám bestií - Stepchildren. Speaking about children - Ice in her stare - Glenn Close (Cruella) - Hugh Laurie (no jasně, ten idiot)


Hledám přítele pro konec světa (2012) 

The final mission to save mankind has failed (2012) - Life has no meaning - Hes not gonna die alone. Hes gonna die with everybody else - Todle je super - Popravdě takhle hlubokou zápletku jsem nečekal - Koukám v brýlích - Wlcome aboard - Titanic, dobré přirovnání, jde se tančit, co nám zbývá - Aha, tak proto se zmrd nechal oddělat - Naštěstí ne všichni opustili své zaměstnání aby si užili zbytky života - Someone special - Fight through the burn - To je prdel - Bcs its different world now. Sky is falling - The apocalypse has leveled the field - Souhlasím, apokalypsa muže být zábavná pro lidi, co nemjí co ztratit - Ta vaše, a podotýkám, falešná naděje vás bude stát hodně zábavy - Sarah and Dave brought heroin. Wheres Lacey? Let Lacey do it, shes a dental assistant - Tak to je šílený - Nobodys anybodys anything anymore - SOBBING SOFTLY - Its end of the world and Im still 15 minutes late - Flanky and irresponsible - I put my energy in the wrong places - I give my time to the wrong ppl - To be with some guy I used to know (aha) - I wont steal anything if you dont rape me (to je hláška za hláškou) - Its always better to sleep on the fire escape than have pity sex, I always say - Nejdražší anglická herečka/herec - Splash of vodka - Já ji žeru - Its the only thing that sends me to sleep and the only thing that wakes me up again (tráva) - I ve got a wicked case of hypersomnia - Im sure she has enough on her plate - Zase to pravý oko - Ta má pěknou držku - Ještě ji vyprovodí, zabiják - Wait here a tick - Catchin up on some ME time - Find God. Maybe move around some chairs - SOBER - Vypadal tak vyrovnaně - Tak to mu scházelo, zasranej čokl - With the lack of POLICE presence, we are seeing ppl with nothing left to lose - Matter of time before the CITY is too dangerous to inhabit - To je jak z Battlefieldu - Is this because you pay my rent? - Proč nemá on auto? Proč jí nechá řídit? Aha, on se chtěl taky zachránit? - Proč nejdou rabovat s nima? - Are you freaking blind? - GROANS IN FRUSTRATION (lol) - Že to bude takhle dobrý, to jsem nečekal. Má to podobný námět jako Laggies. Mladá žába padne do náruče starýmu vošoustovi, … - Hybrid cars dont need as much gas - He used you as a human shield - Fuck. Guilt isnt a feeling that Im comfortable with - Theres no greater search than that of lost love - Special friend - Nice to have a company for change - Why dont you tell us your life stroy? Then we wont be STRANGERS anymore - Im gonna drain th snake - Im gonna take him for a sniff - Detached look in your eyes. Vague way about you - WTF? - Poslední věta před smrtí - Tak tendle film vás musí zaujmout - When a man… - The man committe suicide via homicide two weeks before the apocalypse - Do you have the keys? Ouuu - To je přesně moje! - Líbí se mi její bunda - You would think a lifetime of waiting for the worst to happen would have prepared me for this - I thought I was gonna live forever - Was totally gonna PEAK at 40. Well I hear 30 is the new 40 - Im getting my mid-life CRISIS in just under the wire - We were YOUNG, we were not fully formed beings yet - Proč jsou oba tak připálený? - Všimle jste si, jak je Keira pokaždý uslintaná? - I am a recovering serial monogamist - I had problems being alone - Friendsy (steakes) - Dude brought in a wolf last week. Its crazy - In fact, TRAGEDY has brought us closer - We burned all the chairs in a bonfire - Can I touch your hair. Oh its so soft. Thank you - V co se to ještě zvrtne - Guys, Im rolling pretty hard right now, but if you two keep it super positive… - Stačí, když mi uvaříš toho psa - Piece of American history, human landmark - Ty záběry na ní.. - You dare to dream - Reality hit. Have a desk somewhere with your name on it - Economy headed in one direction (insurance) - Im not getting my hopes up - Its your very last birthday! - Star - Výhoda je, že mužete jet ožralý domu - I want you to be my last (todle tomu chybělo) - Thats a lot of pleasure - To bylo všechno? - Aha - Shit happen - Jí bylo ve skutečnosti 28 - It was ond-of-the-worl sex. It was creature comfort - Just a little sex. It was bound to happen. Lets not make a big deal out of it - How fast are you going? Who gives a shit - I should warn you, my dads ex-military and he says I have a really serious problem with authority - What do I do with it? - Put it in mouth. That was still lit - Go on. Thats everything - Well, why dont you write us out any number of expensive time-sensitive tickets, and we will be on our way? - Well, you see, thats where we have got a problem, bcs I didnt a chance to retrieve my identification before fleeing my home during a deadly riot - Given the current situation - Before we all reach our ultimately conclusion - Krásná řeč - Soukromá věznice. To je nějakej uchyl - Tak to muže být to nejhorší, kde strávit zbytek života - Therrible neighbor and awful daughter - Sound asleep in his sandwich board. You know why? Bcs he always knew the end was near (jak to mohl vědět). And hes currently not surprised - Vindicated man - Jsme teprve v pulce - Pass away. Drove away. Ran away - She wanted to get married. I didnt pul the trigger (to je nějaká metafora?) - Rest is almost history - Garden-variety end of the world mumbo jumbo (minule – Final Fanfasy) - Lance Corporal - Lieutenant Colonel… - We are in a bit of a pickle - Entertainmen, sports and recreation - These walls are 12 inches of pure titanium (no aloy). Yeah, I was going to say 11 - The world will need a strong leader - I miss you like crazy - You have a lot of gun and potatoe chips (yeah, exactly) - She may be a romantic on the outside, but on the inside shes all survivor - Can we restart civilization withou her?(tak to už je humor a dost černej) - She deserveto be one of the top quality females in conection - Magoři sekají trávník - Watch cable - GASPS - Nemáš tam Play Station? - Big juicy ham instead of the canned beets - How could anyone abadon this face? Pýča - I watch everythin my mum did and did the exact opposite - You have never seen two ppl more in love. I think thats the reason I can never settle for anything less than amazing - Theres a reason that opposites are supposed to attract - Im the result of two romantics getting together (a já jsem pravý opak) - Im totally screwed - They are not for everyone. You really have to take care of vinyl. Its very delicate, it can get wrecked so easily. You really have to love it - How full is sound - The grooves in them are sort of deeper and wider. You get more detail - Vintage cherry wood, perfect tone - So what else are you going to do when you go home? - Nechá si zvětšit kozy - Im going to hang out with my brothers - And no more days spent picking out what you are gonna wear for nights that dont mean anything - You are an awful judge of character - CHUCKLES SOFTLY - Ted se něco stane, cítím to - Frisbee or I could set up a squirrel hunt - You think hes horny? Oh, yes, I think he is definetely girl-crazy - Keira stokrát jinak - What happened? Whats happening? - Why dont you want to see her? Bcs I dont want it to change anything - Staromilní - Todle mi připomíná scenu z Warriora. Akorát tam neměl na vodítku toho trapnýho psa - Co mu zase udělal? - You were the one with the question - She ripped up all my cards and letters to you - I know I lost all my privileges, when I left - Tak to je hodně vtipný. Když dnes kurva uteče od rodiny, respektive od otce svých dětí, tak tím nic neztratí, naopak se o ni stát bohatě postará (proč by to jinak dělala) - I really am sorry. It really doesnt matter now - I know I wasnt there for you back then - Its not too late (fully formed being) - Hlavně happy, voe - To the beginning of the world - Such a good cheap wine - Tak s Keirou bych taky zapomenul na všechny bolísky - Ale rozhodně by se ze mě nestal takovej kokot, co se ujme dojemnýho pejska - Aha, tak on je pilot - Se jako vrátil do toho vyrabovanýho města? - To vypne sám, ne? - How could you let me go? Přesně! - They are romantics, they understand. Besides they have got each other - Tak to jsem už nečekal, že uvidím takhle dobrej film. Taky jsem ho odkládal - SNIFFLING - They never fought. Or at least we never heard them fight - Já bych radši pozoroval ten výbuch (jak si to mužou nechat ujít) - You are my favorite thing. I thought that somehow we would save each other. We did - Ta záře by tam asi byla dřív - Jak to dopadlo???? - RUMBLING INTENSIFIES - Lorene Scafaria (written and directed)


Final Fantasy: Esencia života (2001) 

I dont have time for this. I dont want to talk about it. The fact of the matter is (líbí se mi) it was worth the lives of you and your men - Did it ever occur to you that maybe we would volunteer to risk you lives? - Možná se na to nejdřív podívám bez vypisování dialogu… - Barrier City 42 (ne, proč čtyřicet dva, toje satanovo číslo – prodical son returns) - How much more time? - Enganging bio-etheric laser - Dont get smart with me - All life is born of Gia and each life has spirit. Each new spirit is housed in physical body.through their experiences on Earth each spirit matures and grows. When the physical body dies, the mature sprit enriched by its life on Earth returns to Gaia. Bring in with in th experiences, enabling Gaia to live and grow (to by dávalo smysl) - Kolik mu je let, proboha, 80? - Our ideas are unpopular - I know what happen to GALILEO. They threw him in jail, bcs he said the Earth was not the center of the universe - And stay away from your friend, the captain - He saved your life, you saved his life. This leads to that - Theres a war going on. No one is young anymore - Zeus, zrovna jsem pustil Freespace a tam taky mají všechnu techniku pojmenovanou podle antických bohu - Strange dreams, form of communication - Its gonna be a real picnic - Deep Eyes - Bio-etheric energy. And to create that energy we use living tissue. Single cell organism - Vital signs are dropping - She needs a sympathetic spirit to help hold her in this world - No spirit suited better - I dont understand – you dont have to understand - You seem pretty calm - I have been having this dream every night for months - Whatever it is, you are really here, arnt you? - Spiritual support - How sweet of you - Recording her dreams (stačí tužka a papír, nebo se podívat na nějakej horor) - Shes under the influence of the phantoms (tadle zápletka je hodně populární) - Need a push in the right direction - Maji zajímavý lodě - I know what the phantoms really are - Why do you think we have never been able to determine a relationship between human size phantoms and the giant ones roaming away slants (housenky)? - Creepy caterpillary phantoms - Personal favorite, the big fat giant phantoms - Theres no relationship. Its like a zoo out there - I think the GIANT ones are like our whales or elephants - But why will an invading army bring a bunch of whales or elephants along for their ride? - Some kind of crazy Noahs Arc - We always assume that the meteor was intended as a form of transportation - The meteor is a chunk od their planet - Hunk of rock - This is all beginning to make a creepy kind of sense - Since they died? Since then all they know is suffering. They are not invading army. They are GHOSTS - Look out - No to jsem rád, že ulomil aspon kolo - I mean what if it is all a bunch of mambo jumbo? - Vytáčí mě s těma neustálýma otázkama - Jane moc nemluví - Nothing we cant handle - Jane is negotiating with extreme… - No když se budou objevovat takhle daleko, tak je to bezva střelnice - Nemužu zastavit slzný kanálky - Pusa na pusu, jo? - Zkus to napravit, ne? Todle není cesta (jsem to přeskočil) a hele! - Takovej Makarov - Strange place. Quite astonishing - Precisely (x2) - I cant explain that at the moment - One way trip - Chest plate (together with eight spirit) - And then? Then we will wait. And see what happens - Keep scanning from orbit - Best of luck to us all - Ted mi to připomíná Dead Space - Fighting spirits that are confused, lost and angry - Firing on the alien Gaia will only make it stronger (kde jsem to už slyšel – živí se energií, Crysis, ) - We are sitting ducks in here - Phantom must have changed into the 8th spirit when it touched a new life born from our own Gaia - Ask them to play nice - Combat strategy is your area of expertise - With the hope of new life has Gaia changed the phantom within (reborn) - Wave pattern is complete - We can use the shield to project the wave - Trust me (opět ženský) - Death isnt the end - Dont back out on me. Now, when I finaly believe - Konec je tradičně slabší - On je nějakej hromosvod? - Ten fantom ho sežral a nakazil se její Gaiou - Nechápu. Ale to je fuk - Ted si to muže rozdat s profesorem - Tak to je opravdu smutnej konec - Ze všeho nejvíc mi to připomínalo Starcraf. Asi protože to vzniklo zhruba ve stejný době a ty videjka si byly podobný - Slyšel jsem tam hlas Kate Beskinsale/Ming-Na (těsně vedle) - Bars are pulse-sonic lasers


Jeepers Creepers (2001) 

Something dark catched in time… - He would have to be superhuman. Otherwise, the smell would have killed him (pořád prostor pro srandičky) - Přemýšlím nad tím, jak se mi o okno rozbil pták - You know the part in scary movies where somebody does something really stupid and everybody hates them for it? This is it - VOICE WHIMPERING - Bannon - SVM 421 - Under the church - This is why girls are smarter - What if it was you back there? - We gotta get out of here - No, lets stay and feed the birds LOL - Speed limit enforced by sniper - Burn notice-d - To se daleko nedokutálela - Pýča bude řídit? - Z tý převodovky se poseru - How many babies do you have? More then couple - Blinking (ona) - Tu černošku v baru, jak se olizovala, respektive toho odpornýho negra, nezminuju - Thats not my scarecrow - You got 10 to get your ass out of my yard - CATS SCREETCHING - Hele, babka přebila - Hit him - Every 23 spring, for 23 yrs, it gets to eat - I dont like knowing this and nit knowing why I do - Only certain things from certain ppl - It eats lungs so it can breathe and eyes so it can see. It all becomes a part of it - Whatever it eats becomes a part of it (jasně, to už jsi jednou řekla) - Dresses like a man but only to hide thats its not - Cause it can keep on eating till it isnt hurt no more - You have got something it likes , one of you - And its not gonna stop chasing you till it knows which one - It needs to scare you. theres something in fear, something it can smell - Something that tells it if theres anything inside someonethat it might like (like…) - We pounded it to dust (neuseknul jsi tomu hlavu, debile) ti to řikal hned. Máš vozit kromě špinavýho prádla v autě vzadu sekerku - Proč tam nejdete? - Fuckin body armour - Jak jsou vystrašený a ještě nic neviděli - This guy is a real mover and a shaker - Jak jsou posraný - Musíš je zabít všechny, protože tě viděli - Srdce - Zase střílej do prázdna - There are parts missing sometimes - Why did you dream up something useful (přesně) - Konec je uknouranej - Our Father, who art in heaven hallowed by tThy… - WHINING - Kde jsou ti zkurvení fízlové, když je dvě malý děti potřebujou - Sejme je na policejní stanici. Typický - To je předpokládám lest, aby ho fízlové trefili, až dojde k výměně (snad to taky pochopili) - Ani nevystřelili - Jo, dobrej film. Podivám se i na dvojku - Just a crazy old woman - CROW CAWING - Tak todle nemělo happyend - Konečně


Resident Evil: Posledná kapitola (2016) 

Everything is like today - What will we do? - We gonna kill everyone of them (až ted mi došlo, že zombíci v RE jsou metafora – doslova – na lidský zmrdy, který ztratili směr) - EVIL comes home (takže but Milla, ale ta má kladnou karmu, nebo to znamená něco jiného, vidte, děti) - History is writen by victorious - There are 4, 472 humans remaining on the surface of the Earth (proč to tak blbě píšou – four) - 144 tis rapture/přeživších vykoupeni ze země (Zj. 14) nvm - They will cease to exist in under 48 hours - You have wiped out HUMANITY (jak se tak hloupě ptá) - No. Quite opposite (pýča tomu nerozumí) - I dont trust you. Given our history, I would be surprised if you did - But unless you intervene, the slaughter will be complete. There will be no SURVIVORS - A kdyby nebyly ty dny zkráceny, nebyl by spasen žádný (Matouš 24/22) - You are bound by no such constraints () - I can afford you something you want very much. Revenge - The clock is ticking - Jak jdou při kraji silnice - Co to má za kabát? Připomíná mi BW parku - Má stejnou bundu jako já, jen víc roztrhanou - Is that all you got? - Yet here I am - I killed your CLONE - You and your sisters (to je strašný) - The cleaning operation should have finished over a year ago, but you slowed us down - Jak si mužou dovolit neplnit plán? - Shes an unbeliever - Tohle je zajímavý: - What do we do with unbelievers? Cast her OUT (ven ze zahrady) - Čuráku, velký písmeno na začátku věty a přestan mi opravovat slova, ty negramote - Nevěřící v Antikrista, který se vyvýší nade všecky - Davové šílenství otroku uvnitř mechanizovaného později města (na tu metaforu tady nezbyl čas/prostor – jinde) - The Lord crerated a FLOOD to cleanese the Earth. Forty days and forty nights of rain. Our method is taking a little longer, but the result will be the same (kdo, Is 13/3, jeho armáda vyvolenejch, koho) - A world ready for the righteous and the pure to INHERIT (o kom to v tom filmu mluví – ne jako vážne se ptám) - Usekne mu ruku (opět Zachariáš 11/17) - Ta metafora s nehodným pastýřem je evidentní/zřejmá všem - No one in or out (level maximum) - God with you - Tower of Babel (Recon City – to už s tím nemá nic společnýho) Pantheon, temple of every god - Welcome home (Evil comes home – náhoda) - Vrátíme se do pravěku (send the clock back to time) - Návrat do ráje a Umbrela v podzemí představuje tu oazu? - Ano, dokud nebude zničen T-virus (pravý ráj – nová země), když už skoro nikdo nepřežije. A ten kdo přežije, bude hoden - Návrat starých pořádku (system of the Beast) - Kingdom of blood and fire - Airborn antivirus - We save these ppl and then we go TOGETHER - We dont have long - VENGEANCE is mine saith, the Lord - Znovu záběr na Tower of Babel - Zemětřesení - Its an army - What we are gonna do? - We are gonna kill every last of them (zombies – metafora pro meaningless human lives) - Ohen z nebe? - Bring all guns to bear - I was wrong about you. Blow me - I woke up just when all this was starting (The 5th Wave) - I cant recall much before that - Vždycky sis přál se ztotožnit s nějakým příběhem a ted mají všechny filmy jeden společný - To je to nejhorší, co mohli udělat. Běžet. Takhle netrefej ani hovno, zvlášt zmutovaný, hladový dobrmany. Přitom proti těm automatickým zbraním a brokovnicím nemají šanci, zvlášt, když si přiběhnou hezky pod hlavně - No to jste si pomohli - Jasně, zombíci jsou vystrašení! - Si řikal, proč mu nedali kulku - No to bylo trapný - No GUNS, no ammo. What the HELL are we gonna do (down here)? - Tak to vás chci taky vidět - Jak ty bouchačky má na přední straně stehen. Trochu ji podezřívám, že to si vymyslela sama - Milla je někdy víc akční, než bychom chtěli - After T-virus was released, secret file was uploaded to my data stream - A slavná řeč - We are here today not just to talk about the FUTURE of this company. We are here to talk about its destiny. We are here to talk about the end of the world - Takže Umbrela má něco do činění s vládou nad celým světem, po celou historii - We stand on the brink of ARMAGEDDON. Diseases for which we have no cure. Fundamentalist states who call for our destruction. Nuclear powers over which we have no control - Hezky napsaný - And even if we navigate these dangerous waters, we face other, even more inevitable threats. Global warming will melt the polar ice caps within 80 yrs flooding 90% of all habitable areas on Earth. Unchecked population growth will overtake food production in less than 50 yrs leading to famine and war (zap an idea in ppls minds – ta je ta nejduležitější, že globální katastrofa je nevyhnutelná) - A tedka, chápete, kurvičky z toho začnou těžit a dělat všechno proto, aby ji urychlili - Zapomněl jsi zmínit komfort a nadbytek všecho, který z lidí dělá opice. To bych si dovolil považovat za vubec největši hrozbu, nikoli pro planetu, ale člověka samotnýho - This is not conjecture. This is fact - Jediný, co zbývá, je „užít si“ poslední dny na zemi - One way or another, our world is coming to an END - Now question is, will we end with it? - I propose that we end the world, but on our terms. An orchestrated APOCALYPSE, one that will cleanse the Earth of its population, but leave its infrastructure and resources intact. Its been done once before with great success (Bible) - The CHOSEN few will ride out the storm, not in an Ark, as in the book of Genesis, but in safety, underground (world will not end by Gods hand but be reborn by embraced of the damned) - And when its over, we will emerge onto a cleansed Earth, one that we can then REBOOT in our image (ztracený ráj) - How do you intend to achieve this? The means of our salvation are already at hand - Už kvuli těm krásným dialogum tomu musíte dát hvězku - They release it deliberately - Conflict in programming. I was programmed to serve UC and also to value human life - Murdered ovet 7 billion ppl - Co se vám hnědopichum na zápletce nelíbí? Proč si myslíte, že by měl virus jinak uniknout? To by mě opravdu zajímalo. Asi se na ty vaše inteligentní názory budu muset podívat do diskuze (jak tomu kroužku dementu vy odborníci na všechno říkáte) - Mně to přijde docela logický, navíc to šlo šikovně navlíknout na dnešní krizi ve světě a jediné, na co se mužeme ptát, je, nakolik spolu RE a skutečnost souvisí a je to dobře vykalkulovaný filmový příběh odrážející motivy lidí v pozadí, tzv elit - Znovu babylonská věž v digitální podobě (byl to obchodní dům) - Reverse POLARITY of the turbine - No, tady už moc dialogu není. Mají hezký baterky. Mám krásně zapřenej stul (je to pořád znát – nová era) - At jde s tím Lets go do prdele - Milla, akční hrdinka - BIOWEAPON. It was once human (homeless disappear) - Razor didnt make it - Tvl, to jsou patičky, jako v Quakeovi - Ten její postroj dává smysl kvuly uchycení zbraní. Něco podobnýho má nová Lara a na rozdíl od současnýho army-issue to na těle fakt asi drži - Zase, opraváři z Quakea - Cryogenic storage, waiting out the apocalypse in safety (cryo-tubes) - A Noahs ARK for the rich and powerful (to spojení) - Rakev jako vystřižená z Underworldu (podobnost čistě náhodná) - I tried… Save your breath - We have been betrayed - Udělala zápalnou šnuru z tkaničky od bot - Nové využití pro Zippo. To už radši zavírací nuž než tendle krám - Má pěkný boty - Chuze po vodě, aneb Ježíš poprvé - Zase to řekla (potřetí, to je boží číslo) - The bad seed RETURNS (prodigal son number 42 IM3, Satan) - Or is it the prodigal daughter (no way) - Todle musí praštit i slepýho - Nine minutes to save the world - First things first - This is what you are after - Half a mile undeground (lizards) - Hopeless dreams will die sooner rather than later - Dodnes se nenaučila držet zbran (to je hodně divný) - Proč se prozradil? - Má modrý oči - Decanter, fountain pen - Predictive combat system - Apart from a few technological UPGRADES, Im Dr. Alexander Roland Isaacs (to čeká všechny) - Prej, to bych taky chctěl mít - As long as they think they are the real thing - After all, who wants to know they are just a poor IMITATION (pohled na ni), a worthless copy? Which brings us to you - You thought you were the original? - Painful thorn in my side. One I now intend to remove - You have no MEMORY bcs you had no life - You are nothing mote than a PUPPET whose strings were cut (to je básník) - Píp, pop (Caps Lock) - Just a clever imitation, a facsimile - You were created in her image, as was I (je to převrácené, proto hrála její dcera) - Alicia Marcus - You are so much better than I ever could be (jasně, kloni jsou nakonec super) - How touching. The trinity of bitches united in their hatred (ho žeru) - No that it will do you any good - Umbrella Corporation will triumph - The only difference is, I will no longer have to listen to your self-righteous whining - I will assume complete control (vyvýší se nade všechny) - My loyalties are with him (hail hydra) - How did you know it was me? You are still alive - Keep trigger depressed - Last remaining human outposts will fall - We need an intercept path - You dont need help. You are dying. Just get on with it - Voice print identification - Security override 4365 (18) - Is that all you got? Cause if it is, Im gonna have to kill you (tak nějak jsem na její straně a věřím jí její kladnou postavu) - We have played a long game, you and I - I made you. Big mistake - System REBOOTING (ne jeho, ale náš) - Do piči, kolik jich tam je? - What the HELL are you? Im you, you idiot - Liar, abomination, filthy clone - Tvl, to je dlouhý a přitom to má jen 1h 46min - Fre of infection - We had to know if you were willing to make the SACRIFICE, to give up your life for others. This was someething no one at Umbrella would have done - Zajímavý je, že tady je, nakonec, umělá inteligence v kladný roli - The CLONE became more human than they ever could be (toho se děsím nejvíc, ne těch opic/zombies za hranicemi) - Další díl? No proč ne. Ale tendle byl něčím velmi zvláštní. To vidíte sami - Problém je jen v tom, že podle Bible ten náš svět má skončit boží rukou - Žádný ugrady, žádnej reboot (syntetika nás, humanitu, právě zničí) - You are all going to die down here (tady na zemi) - A kdo vydržel do konce závěrečných titulku, mohl se dozvědět, co ho čeká


Constantine (2005) 

Corinthians goes to 21 acts in the Bible in hell - Paints a different view of Revelations - Says the world will not end by Gods hand, but be REBORN in the embrace of the damned - Fires fire - The sins of the father would only be exceeded by the sins of the son - Devil had a son too - Yearns to forge his own kongdom of fire and blood - Loophole. Always a catch - Mammon would have to possess a very powerful psychic - Mammon would need divine assistance to cross over, need the help of God (9/11) - Gabriel (androgynous) - Figured (me too – Válka bohu) - And the WICKED shall inherit the Earth - I am simply seeking to inspire mankind to all that was intended - By handing Earth over to the son of the devil - Each one of you granted redemption from the Creator - All of you, you just have to repent and God takes you into his bosom - In all the worlds in all the universe, no other creature can make such a boast, save man - If sweety God loves you so much, I will make you worthy of his love - I have been watching you for a very long time - Its only in the face of HORROR that you truly find your nobler selves - And you can be so noble - So, I will bring you pain, horror, that you may rise above it - So that those of you who survive this reign of hell on Earth, will be worthy of Gods love - Štastní ti, co do té doby umírají ve spojení s Pánem - Tvl, tak ted je nemocnej i anděl - The road to salvation begins tonight


Nikdy ma neopusť (2010) 

Tvl, statickej záběr na píču, jak chrápe, 10 vteřin, 20, 30, kdy už to skončí????