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Recenzie (1 028)


Sprisahanie (1997) 

On the pretext that it strengthens your teeth (fluoride). Thats ridiculous. You know what this stuff does to you? it actually weakens your will (no shit). Takes away the capacity for free and creative thought (proto si zuby čistím jen jednou denně – po každým jídle) and makes you a slave to the state - They are UN troops. The infrastructures ready. Its a fait accompli - To, co mě napadlo – mi došlo – před několika lety, berou naprosto vážně ve filmu z devadesátých let. Tak měl jsem na to věk, český svini to třeba nedojde nikdy… i kdyby to měla přímo před očima, nerozuměla by takovému světu, nechtěla by v něm žít, stačí jí žrádlo z Tesca a malej pes – kriplové, kteří si myslí, že změní tendle svět u voleb, protože to je jedinej zpusob – jim šitej na míru – kterej pro ně připadá v uvahu - They will just take over. We will all be toast (mně nepřijde moc ordinary – kdy se probudil, až potom, co prošel programem) - Oswald said – I m just a pasty. That means he didnt do it - Isnt there anything you can do for me, doc? Three minutes? Well, I can boil you an egg - Got milk. Thats like saying Smoke cigarettes or Drive cars. I mean its real generic - You think its a democracy? Of course its not. Web sites, newsletters, self-published manifestos, they think we are kooks (mad or eccentric person) - Geaorge Bush knew what he was saying when he said, New World Order. He was a 33rd degree Mason, an as ex-director of the CIA, he knew that saying that would send conspiratologists everywhere, spinning their wheels. Then they destroy their own credibility - Dont get me wrong sister, I m sure your heart is in the right place, but somebodys got to lift the festering (prohnilej) scab (škraloup) that is the Vatican - A chip for identification so they can track down an animal anywhere hes at. You will insert it under the dogs skin and its an identification thing. Its only a small logical step until they start putting it in us and our children (2015 debata – srovnání psu a dětí – česká mrtka to tak už bere běžně – psi jí nahrazují děti, které přirozeným zpusobem už nemuže mít) - And before we know it (bacha – testy na covid – ale asi by tam měla být ta podmínka volby), they will probably come with the pretext (výmluvou) - One of the new hundreds where they changed picture od Ben Franklin? He looks like the love child of Fred Mertz and Rosie O´Donell. See the metal strip in it? Thats a tracking device - Black helicopters are everywhere. They are on whisper mode. You cant hear them until they have already gone - Love gives you wings. I dont even call it love. I call it Geronimo - You jump right from the top of the Empire State and you wont care - Cant take my eyes off of you (podruhý vidím – pandemy – status 2014) - You are just too good to be true - Why do you do that (co)? Why do you push yourself (taky mě to napadlo)? - Water mains dont usually break unless its wintertime. The pipes burst open bcs its cold - Whole Vietnam War was fought over a bet that Howard Huges lost to Aristote Onassis? - Blinfold justice - Six major earthquakes in three and a half yrs and the space shuttle up in orbit for every one. Dont you think thats strange? Testing some top-secret seismic weapon? Not testing. Using. Nukes are passe. We are talking weapon of future (fakt) - Use your common sense - You know, to be normal in the real world and drink Coca-Cola you got to be in a conspiracy against yourself - Johnny Dancer (her horses name) - Theres something fishy going on here - Dont make me repeat myslef - Only paranoid bcs they want me dead - A dog bit it (to se stává) - That seems oddly possessive behavior to me - Why do you insist on having me repeat myself? - Why you? I think he has a crush on me. How charming. He has great taste - Two guys tried to mug (přepadnout) me - Start - Veritas - Thu TRUTH will set you free (John 8/32) - The Catcher in the Rye - Thats the book Chapman had on him when he shot John Lennon - John Hickley, guy that shot Reagan, had a copy of that book in his apartment - Weird coincidence - I dont like to come and go the same way twice (vysvětluj to psum nebo ženám) - Jerry Garcias has a double-0 rating, just like James Bond - Jerry Garcias is dead. Thats what they want you to think (ne asi, Team Seal Six) - Tak tendle film si nepamatuju ale v mnoha ohledem mi připomíná muj život, akorát tolik nespoléhám na techniku - Its their spokesman - You think if anyone had the information that hes got and had a national podium to shout (Hollywood) it from, they would actually let him do it (určitě)? No, its quite clear that hes a disinformation junkie for him (Alex Jones). The fact that hes still alive says it all (Babišek) - Are you sure of it? Absolutely not. A good conspiracy is an unprovable one. If you can prove it, they screwed up somewhere alon the line - They who? I dont know, thats why they call them they (Lost, The Others, Aliens) - And them - Hes one of they - Suppose they have a secret handshake - I m just horsing around - Whenerver I see one I have to buy it. So that I can feel normal (to se mi ještě nestalo) - Thats what they start when you are young. They Baden-Powell all the boys and they Betty Crocker all the girls (no ještě že tak). Then they air condition you. änd they put you in an Easy Bake Oven and you cant breathe anymore (mi povídej). Oh, Jesus. You must think I m crazy - 4 23 12 - SHUDDERS - Always be prepared - Jerry, who are you? just a guy trying to put out a fire - Dont turn the lights on - It was so big and you obviously put a lot of time into it and you seem to know me so well - He is why you punish yourself. Its like you are running away or something (turning back) - Jonas thought you might be inclined not to cooperate¨ - They monitoring absolutely everything - Elaborate „they“ - Theres lots of groups actually. Lots of initials. CIA, FBI, IMF, you name it - They. But they are part of the same two opposing factions. Which are one. Some of them are really wealthy families. Their thing is to maintain stability. Thats what they call it. The other is Eisenhowers industrial-military complex. And they want instability, so they say - So you are saying that group one is warring with group two? Yes, at some levels. But at others, its the same group (sedí, nejsou to jen kulisy, náznaky pro něco jiného) - Its hand and gloves. Cold wars, hot wars. They sit back and watch the whole damn show - Nobody dies in Newport - Everything you do is magic. Those are song lyrics, Jerry. I know, but I know how I feel (trapně) - Its Geronimo (picture on the wall). Thats love. And love gives you insight. Love lets you see things that you wouldnt normally - MK ULTRA program (nekecej, nic si z toho filmu nepamatuju, nic mě z něj nezaujalo – jen pocit slabšího akčnáku – přitom Predátora z tý doby znám nazpamět). Are you familiar with it (ted už jo)? It was mind control. Manchurian Candidate kind of stuff (tak to už se zase ztrácím). That a vulgar generalization. But yes, you take an ordinary man and turn him into an assassin (v tom případě se program, kterým jsem prošel já, jmenoval česká svině) - Programm was terminated in 1973 (Reagan), but not the research - I m trying to pay my penance - Technollogy was stolen (jistě). Pandoras box opened. My suvjects were taken from me, used in the private sector - Stimulate Jerry into telling me what he knows - Jerry is very dangerous (a co Tom) - Jerry has killed (se snad rozpláču) - The sick son of a bitch has been obsessed with you ever since - Serial killers only have two names. But lone gunman assassins they always have three names - John Wilkes Booth - Lee Harvey Oswald - Mark David Chapman¨ - He died in the dirt like an animal - That what I was programmed to do that - Ezekiel Carl Walters - Its moment without hope. You have never seen her run - If the intelligence world was a family, think of us as the uncle no one ever talks about - Smokestacks (shoda – dnes odpoledne) - You can fit through there? - Kiss me for luck - I guess nothing was what it seemed to be, huh?


We Summon the Darkness (2019) 

Makeup is like warpaints for sex - You dont think we can fend for ourselves? - Theres a lot of evil out there and you seem like nice girls, thats all - 25/48 - I dont understand whats wrong with ppl - It was so stressful - What kind of game (předtím Hunger Games)? - Never have I ever - And what are you trying to express? Defiance. Against ppl like you (tak to bylo hluboký) - Ppl like us who are trying to spread Christs word of our Lord Savior. Good ppl trying to help the world - Thats whats wrong with us? It means that ppl are just closed-minded, ignorant fuckheads, who just go around their whole life shitting on anything they dont understand - What he means is hypocritical, lying, fucking pieces of shit that invent a belief system so they can persecue anyone who stands up against them - What he means is fuckin weak, cowardly sheep that has no original ideas of his own, who just blindly follows anyone (česká swině Babiše s rouškou) whos the first person to blow in the fucking wing (kripl bejvalou kurvičku, která mu tolik ublížila) - Beg for Christs forgiveness before I kill you. - Dont you want forgiveness from our Lord and Savior? - I m going stronger every single day - Jejich pravá tvář – ukazujou ji na rovinu ve filmu a všichni se tomu smějí – jsou to čarodějnice – ale ani mě nenapadlo, že budou hrát roli predatora - Who can say these days he died for good cause or for good reason (vyčítaj chyby) - Dobře mu utáhl žíly nad ránou - Tři holky je zavřely ve špajzu - To je správně zvrácený - Stepmother - The Lord will execute judgment by fire. And those slain will be many (Isaiah 66/16) - Podruhý Buh zničí lidi ohněm (demony) - Zachariáš 11/17 - Poor little lamb. You are so lost, you dont even know whats real anymore - Billy Graham - Shes brainwashing you - You really screwed this one up. Theres a sheriffs corpse in the kitchen. Your stepmom has bled out like a stuck pig in the family room, and I had to shoot one of the bastards in the driveway (nemusel, stačilo ho naložit do kufru a odvízt za město na skládku) - Reckless - We are gonna have to make some sacrifices - We are gonna do something drastic, unexpected (těšte se) - I dont understand… Why do you think I chose you for this mission? Why do you think I chose this house? Its the only way to erase any doubt in their minds. They will have no choice but to believe - You are gonna die a martyr - He set me up - My daughter was confused like so many young ppl today. And in her confusion she turned to a deadly and devious group of individuals, hell-bent on spreading Satans message - How many child must die in Satans name? - I just hope we all can work together figure out a way to end this evil (30.67) - You shouldnt believe everything you see (to je ten vzkaz, jsou mezi nimi nepraví pastýři, ale dobrý křestan naslouchá svým srdcem a dokáže je od sebe rozpoznat)


Terminátor 2: Deň zúčtovania (1991) 

Three billions human lives ended on August 29th 1997. The survivors of the nuclear fire called the war Judgment Day. They lived only to face a new nightmare, the war against the machines - I need your clothes, your boots and your motocycle - Nobody takes mans wheels (??) - Tendle film je od začátku mnohem lepší než ty následující - Easy money - To protect and serve - The delusional architecture is fairy unique - The year 2029 - Thorazine - Shes a complete psycho. Mental institute. She tried to blow up the computer factory, but got shot and arrested. Shes a total loser - The future is not set. There is no fate but what we make for ourselves - Theres not much time left in the world - The children look like burnt paper (lol – když jsem si ty zmrdy představil na houpačkách, jak tam u nich postávaji rozvedený samoživitelky, tak mi to vubec nepřišlo tak hrozný – naopak, vy zmrdi nezasloužíte nic jinýho). Then the blast wave hits them and they fly apart like leaves (zní krásně). Dreams about the END of the world are very common (neměl ještě ani jeden)its not a dream, you moron. Its real (kéž by – nezbývá než doufat). I know the date it happens. I m sure it feels real to you. on August 29th, 1997 its going to feel pretty fucking real to you too! Anybody not wearing two million sunblok is gonna have a real bad day. God, you think you are safe and alive - You are already dead. Everybody, him, you, you are dead already. This place, everything you see, is gone. You are the one living the fuckin dream! Because I know it happens - Mluví, myslí jako já. Možná bych neměl nic říkat… (nic si myslet) - Model citizen (nepoučila se a znovu vybočila z řady slušného chování) - Cyberdyne Systems Model 101. You are like a machine underneath, but sort of alive outside. I m a cybernetic organism. Living tissue over a metal endoskeleton - Mimetic polyalloy (liquid metal) T-1000 - Z krabice se nepije! - He killed 17 police officers that night. Men with families, children (koho jinýho) - She just grown more and more disconnected from reality as time goes on - You were gonna kill that guy. Of course, I m a terminator (dipshit) - You just cant go around killing ppl. Why? Zatím ne - He will live - Come with me if you want to live - If I m supposed to be military leader, maybe you start listening to my ideas once in a while. Allright, play it your way - You got to listen to the way ppl talk. You dont say affirmative or some shit like that. You say „No problemo“. If someone comes up to you with an ATTITUDE, you say „Eat me“. And if you want to shine them on, its „Hasta la vista, baby“ - We are not gonna make it, are we? Its in your nature to DESTROY yourselves - 1.17.08 - Miles Bennett Dyson (built Skynet) bylo s „d“ na konci, neskutečný - Jaktože jsem todle ještě nepřepisoval? - The systems goes on-line on August 4th 1997. Human decisions are removed from strategic defense. Skynet begins to learn at a geometric rate (jako se cigáni množit po revoluci) it becomes self-aware at 2:14 a.m. Eastern time, August 29. In a panic they try to pull the plug. Skynet fights back. It launches its missiles against targets in Russia. Russian counterattack will eliminate its enemies here - Detailed files (how much you know). I want to know everything. What he looks like. Where he lives. Everything (Facebook, vic nepotřebuješ) - Mají bazének, zahrádku, a pořád nejsou štastní - This thing kicking my ass. I cant. I m on a roll - Imagine a jet airliner with a pilot that never gets tired (nebo plantáže s negrama), never makes mistakes, never slows up with a hangover (to je užasný, opičáku. Meet the pilot - Why did we get married? You dont need us. Your heart and your mind are in here. But is doesnt love you like we do (to nevadí) - One thing about my mom, she always plans ahead - Sure. Just drop by any time and totally fuck up my life - See, I grew up in places like this, so I thought thats how ppl lived. Riding around in helicopters (I m grounded) learning how to blow shit up. But then, when my mom got busted, I got put in a regular school. The other kids were into Nintendo - Are you ever afraid? Not even of dying? No. I have to stay functional until the mission is complete. Then it doesnt matter (muj člověk/definitely DC) - I wish I could have met my real dad. You will. Yeah, I guess. When I m, like, 45, I think. I will send him back through time to 1984. He hasnt even born yet - Why do you CRY? Pain causes it? Its when theres nothing wrong but you hurt anyway (poté to popisuje v Městě andělu) - Gimme five (dělaj buzeranti a zřejmě i malí transsexuálkové) - The Terminator would never stop, it would never leave him, nover hurt him (chyba), never shout at him or get drunk and hit him, or say it was too busy to spend time with him. It would always be there. And it would die to protect him (nemuže). Of all the would-be fathers who came and went over the yrs, this thing was the only one who measured up. In insane world it was the sanest choice - No fate - Those lying motherfuckers. It was radically advanced. It was smashed, it didnt work. But it gave us ideas, took us in new directions. Things we would never - The future, always so clear to me, had become like a black highway at night. We were in uncharted territory now, making up history as we went along - I know why you cry but its something I can never do - The unknown future rolls toward us. I face it for the first time with a sense of hope. Bcs if a machine, a terminator, can learn the value of human life (dnes žádná – spíše záporná), maybe we can too (právě proto) - Tzn, že bysme tu hodnotu měli vytvářet, ne si ho cenit. Každej kripl má dneska lidský práva, muže si dělat, co chce, a to je špatně. Být člověkem si musíte zasloužit - Brad Fiedel (music)


Slzy slnka (2003) 

Proč si lehnul na tu negrošku? Si k ní stačil vytvořit vztah, zatímco byl v tom pralese? Věděl jsem, že to je přehnaně patetický, ale takhle? To je nejhorší film z Afriky a s Willisem, jakej jsem viděl. Antoine Fugua (directed by, prej) to je čurácký jméno, napsaný dalšíma čurákama, pastýře jsem si všiml................... Já to nechápu. Nejdřív mu řiká, že mu žádnou evakuaci nepošle – jako by si usácy dělali hlavu z překračování hranic jinejch africkejch státu, pak tam letí dva Hornety, nemají žádnou výzbroj, pak nesou rakety vzduch-vzduch, a když to vybombí, tak jsou na místě Seahawky – jak se tam tak rychle mohly dostat? Tendle film prostě nejde zhlédnout celý, aniž byste si u něj nekrátili čas něčím jiným nebo nezkracovali stopáž.


Lov (2020) 

I dont believe in hell... How did you know hes lying? Bcs everybodys lying. What was the name of the movie again? Tears of the Sun (stáhnul společně). Whys the sun crying? Why are you doing this stuff? Bcs Jesus told me to. Thank you for your service. The Manor. Deplorables. If you know you are crazy, you are not (Numb – psychotic). Its not manor. Its house I buied in Chroatia and decorated it. Now its true bcs you made it true. You ppl can anything you wand and you twisted... backworld fucking world view. You wanted to be it true. Excited... It was your idea. Snowball – idealist, better place. Proč ten film vlastně Trump kritizoval, že je rasistickej (ten taky kouká na všechno)? A pak mi to došlo. Nehrál tam žádnej zkurvenej negr. Hned přihodím jednu hvězdičku, protože něco takovýho dlouho nepamatuju a v roce 2020 je to něco neslýchaného. Že by se konečně karta obrátila?


Star Wars: Vzostup Skywalkera (2019) 

The Firs Order was just the beginning. I have die before. The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. It will be yours if you do as I ask. Kill the girl. She is not who you think she is. I m just not feeling myself. Never underestimate a droid. Dark science. Cloning (tady to má vlastně puvod). World Exegol. Legend describes it as the hidden world of the Sith. There were always whispers of his hunger to cheat death. Palpatines has been out there all this time. Pulling the strings. Always. In the shadows. From the very beginning (Lucifer). There are ciphers here I cant read. Alone with friends. Neni tadle baba už po smrti? Never be afraid of who you are (tzn). Tak to byl rychlej briefing. Knights of Ren. Ghouls. The Acky Acky Festival of the Ancestors. This celebration occurs only once every 42 yrs (prodical son). To je hrozná komedie. Na co s sebou nosí ten klacek, když má lightsaber? I offered you my hand once. You are haunted. You cant stop seeing what you did to your father. You sill count the days your parents left? Such pain in you, such anger (českou svini ještě nikdo neodblešil, takže). I dont want to kill you. I m going to find you and I m going to turn you to the dark side (seber jim práva a uvidíš). When I offer you my hand again, you will take it. Už jsem se zmínil, že je to hrozně nastřihaný? To už tam jako jsou? Přeletěli galaxii? Lightspeed, voe. Strašná pýčovina. Koukám na to jen kvuli tý broskvičce, která pěkně dozrála. Tak sinking fields. Za pět minut jsou z toho venku. Will this agony ever end? Přesně. Možná to natočili schválně debilně. Serpent (má autoritu nad hady). I just transfered a bit of life. Force energy from me to him (čarodějnice). A jsou venku. Pěknej zadek. Taky ji mohli hodit do nějaký kuže. Jo, roztrhněte ji jako ten lightsaber. Dyt to řikám. Když se někdo moc snaží... ještě, že to neviděl Han. I had a vision. Of the throne of the Sith. And who was on it. Ren and me. The beast used to fly with Han Solo. Týranej dron, to mě poser. They win by making you think you are alone. Theres more of us. The Endor system. Where the last war ended. Whoever this Chewie person is, this is madness! You are relieved that we are here (přitlačila). Does she do that to us? I pushed you in the desert, bcs I needed to see it. I needed you to see it. Who you are (rebel). I know the rest of your story. Your parents were no one. Chose to be. To keep you safe. You remember more than you say. They sold you to protect you. My first laser battle. Palpatines granddaughter. My mother was the daughter of Vader. Your father was the son of the Emperor. What Palpatine doesnt know is we are a dyad in the Force. Two that are one. The Force brought me here. Dont be afraid who you are (to je ono – jejich pravá tvář). The dark side is in our nature. Surrender to it. I did want to take your hand. Bens hand. To letěla domu na pohřeb? The Resistance is dead. The Sith flame will burn. All worlds, surrender or die. The Final Order begins (NWO –poslední šelma). Defeat the Empire with almost nothing. We have each other. Thats how we won. What are you most afraid of? Myself. Some things are stronger than blood. Confronting fear is the destiny of a Jedi. Ted je z ní jeptiška. Saber would be pick up by someone who would finish her journey. A thousand generations live in you now. But this is your fight. To nejlepší nakonec. Good ppl will fight if we lead them. Now we take the war to them. Konečně má ten tryskáč normální turbíny – a ne že se rozpulí, když roztáhne křídla. Jo ty nový typy to maj pořád – asi zlepšovák! Long have I waited. For my grandchild to come home. I never wanted you dead. I wanted you here, Empress Palpatine. It is your birthrigh to rule here. It is in your blood. Our blood. Your hatred, your anger. You want to kill me (mi povídej). That is what I want. Kill me and my spirit will pass into you. As all the Sith live in me, you will be Empress, we will be one. I m gonna go something. I m staying with you. The time has come. With your hatred, you will take my life, and you will ascend. All you want is for me to hate, but I wont. Ne, nenávisti bylo už dost, ted chceme ničit. Ukázat těm kriplum, kde je jejich místo. Weak like your parants. My parents were strong. They saved me from you. Ona skutečně nemá duvod nikoho nenávidět – nic nezažila. Celá její nenávist se točí kolem něčeho, co ani nepoznala. Já mám bohužel jinou zkušenost – musel jsem vyrustat mezi toudle špínou. Kdyby Palpatin chtěl, stal by se ze mě hned druhej Hitler. Válka v nebi. The RITUAL begins (to se dlouho neobjevilo –dlouho jsem na to čekal). She will strike me down and pledge herself as a Sith. She will take her revenge. And with a stroke of her saber the Sith are reborn. The Jedi are dead. Make the sacrifice. Stand together, die together. The lifeforce of your bond a dyad in the Force. A power like life itself. Unseen for generations. And now the power of two restores one, true Emperor. Do not fear that feeble attack, my faithful. Nothing will stop the return of the Sith. Bring back the balance, Rey, as I did. In the night, find the light. The Force surrounds you, let it guide you. Feel the Force flowing through you. Rise in the Force. In the heart of a Jedi lies her strength. The Force will be with you, always. Let your death be your final word in the story of rebellion. I m all the Jedi. Rey Skywalker. Čí to byl lightsaber?


Mesto anjelov (1998) 

It just feels cold bcs you are so hot (tak proto mě to tak pálí, když v zimě vlezu do vany). She wont understand. She will, someday. They all want wings. Angels arent human. We were never human (trocha historie). What good would WINGS be, if you couldnt feel wind on your face. Bummer. No one can see you unless you want them to. We fight for ppls life. Dont you ever wonder who it is we are fighting with? I m chemically imbalanced. You are tired (hele, to je ten čurák z Bouře století). Never date a man who knows more about your VAGINA than you do. I suddenly have this feeling that none of this is in my hands. Nothing. Are you in despair? Ppl die when their bodies give out. He is living. Just not the way you think. Some things are truth whether you BELIEVE in them or not. Those eyes. The way he looked, right down into me. What kind of name is Seth (padlej anděl, kterej si začal se ženama). Its weird to see you again. Weird is nice. I m a messenger of God (what do you do). Got a message for me? You have definitely been beeped. How do you know? I have that feeling. Thats pretty filmsy evidence. Close your eyes. Just for a moment. What am I doing. You are touching me. How do you know? Bcs I feel it. You should trust that. You dont TRUST it enough. Lets go somewhere. Where? I dont care. What do you want to do? Anything. I supposed you know a womans treshold of pain is nine times higher than a mans (jako psí). How do you explain it. The enduring myth of heaven. I got this feeling that theres something bigger out there. Something bigger than me, bigger than you, bcs I couldnt fix him. I did everything right. Thats not supposed to happen. Why do ppl CRY (předtím Terminator)? Tear ducts operate on a normal basis to lubricate and protect the eye. When you have an emotion, they overact and create tears. Maybe emotions becomes so intense your body just cant contain it. Your mind and your feelings become too powerful (aha). How you feeling? Ready hit the waves. Serendipitous. You can speak every language. You travel with the speed of thought. And you are reading my mind. You chose to fall to the Earth (to píšu). You take the plunge, the tumble, the dive. You jump off a bridge. Leap out a window (one way ticket). You just make up your mind to do it, and you do it (no strings). Human. He gave these bozos the greatest GIFT in the universe. You think he didnt give it to us too (free will)? These ppl down here a lot of them are afraid of heights. That makes me uniquely qualified. It feels like a little bit of home up here. Nobody likes to think of the old life. You know, what they gave up. Why would you do that? And this is my wife (tak to ti gratuluju, seš řadovej mukl). Its too much for them. Ppl dont believe in us anymore. You make up your mind to do it and do it. To feed the dog. Touch her hair. Why dont you never touch me? Bcs I dont want to hurt you. Hyphenates. You felt it. Not the way you do. I have no sense of touch. You liar (otec lži). Pretty intuitive call. Proverbial heart. I dont understand a God who would let us meet, if we could never be together. Seth knows no fear, no pain, no hunger (to se mu bude v postapo světě hodit). He can give up his existance as he knows it. He can give up eternity and become one of us. Ted zase nebude chtít ona. Tvl jak todle dopadne? Zatím se mi to líbí. Překonalo to očekávání. You are so beautiful. You will always be that way. He and I are the same. God help me through this. I want to say goodbye. I dont want to see you again (těžká volba, ale správná). To skočil rychle. What color were the drugs you took? Loving that old black magic called LOVE. We fit together. We were made to fit together (pasujou do sebe). I always asked the dying what they liked best about living. I wanted to show you everything. Is this what happens? I m not afraid (a co on). Tvl, to je psycho. Ta scena na kole mi přišla povědomá a došlo mi, co se přesně stane, ale předtím jsem to ještě neviděl. Am I being punished? You know better than that. Thats life. You are living now. I would rather one touch of her hand than eternity without it (ta mu dobře popletla hlavu). To bych si tu hrušku radši odpustil.


Zmätená duša (2007) 

The sense that trhe external world was unreal or strange, like living in some hellish dream-like state (no, přesně to mám, akorát je to realita). In other terms, I was fucked (you are). Ne, to by vás nemělo uklidnit. You hear that? Yes. Is that bad? Disphoric is when you just dont feel right in your own skin. I suffering here. Its important that you socialize, even if you have to force yourself. Two pills cut my feelings of hopelessness by a third. Sexual disfunction. It got so bad, the average sexual act did nothing for me. I had to find the most extreme 20 seconds of footage and play it over and over until it did the trick. I figured out that I have already spent 2650 Dollars on sessions and I still feel crazier than I ever did. So, if you were snoring. I think you are making this bigger than it needs to be. You would also think, at those kind of prices, if we ran into each other at a restaurant, you could acknowledge me as something more than patient. Obviously you are upset. I think I m a little upset bcs I rely on you. you are my touchstone to my mental health and I think we have kind of a bond (SNORING). Fuck me. Intense exercise (vs practice) was my next course of action. I red if you could raise your endorphins high enough, it could somehow alter your brain chemistry (Crank). Hyperventilation (překysličení – vím). That girl is an angel. Theres something different about this girl. Its just that theres also something very different about money coming in. Whats your biggest fear? For some reason I think that saying it might make it happen. Out? I thought we were gonna watch the Star Wars trilogy with the commentary. So even though the Millenium Falcon was the oldest plane, it ended up saving all of them. Maybe it gives me a wraped sense of control or some adrenaline (no jasně, to mu chybí). Its only small stuff. It doesnt matter, its not right (blbost, když mu to pomáhá, muže jim tam udělat větší utratu, nechat dýško). Speed up my recovery. I m psychotic? No. Bcs I feel psychotic sometimes. The fact that you are asking the question proves that you are not. Well then why am I taking psychotic medication? Ty rozhovory s psychologama – a psychiatrama – jsou nejlepší. Bcs in small doses it can be quite helpful with mood (divalproex sodium), which I think is contributing to your problem. But I thought thats why I was on clonazepam. Well is this gonna help with my depersonalization? Thats what we are gonna find out. Well, what about the side effects? Nothing to be concerned about. Have you taken an antipsychotic before? No, I m not psychotic. My alternatives were slim. Permanent spaciness or rare, irreversible facial twitching. Relationship with reality. I see your lips moving and hear you talking, but it just doesnt feel real to me (ona ho z toho měla právě dostat). This all started with the pot (ne, ta dokáže horší věci). They give me pills, but I dont think Im taking the right ones, bcs they just make me feel worse. I feel like we are the last ppl on earth. I wish it was like this all the time (stejný – potom, co je vlastnoručně odbleším). Let me put your mind at ease. Ppl who talk about killing themselves very rarely carry it out (ona byla vážně zvláštní případ – obě si naplánovaly smrt dopředu). I would never let a girl go to my shrink. Well, she knows too much about you now. I would just be concerned that she would use it against me. Like a trump card. Whenever she wants, boom, shes got that. No, Sara would never do that. I become numb to the labels (děj odpovídá názvu filmu). I just wanted relief. Just one more tournament. Lets get married (to jste měli udělat dávno předtím, než jste se spolu poprvý vyspali). Marriage is a motherfucker of a responsibility. Fucked up state of mind that nobody seems to have a clue what to do with (já myslím, že ti nic není). Cognitive behaviorism. The deal was you could change the way you felt by altering your negative tinking. But why tempt fate? Bcs it will lower your anxiety and help you get better. You are very sweet, but my only concern is that you get better. Is that why you blushed (červenat se) back there? As a way to recovery Dr. Blaine thought it a good idea to e-MAIL me cognitive excercises I could practice outside our sessions (s mojí psycholožkou si taky dopisuju, akorát nemám v plánu ji píchat). First assignment, monitor my daily begative thoughts. It explains how high cortisol levels increase adrenaline, which could have a bearing on the feeling of depersonalization. Its a shack (chatrč). Almost like a sanctuary (svatyně). Charming, funny and attractive, but things as they are, nothing can ever happen on that level (velice profesionální). She said it was the first time she’d had sex in seven yrs. It was like having a wounded animal on top of me. Inexcusable. A terrible line has been crossed. I become a cognitive whore. Its me again. Call me at home when you can. I hope I havent filled up your machine. I suppose I have spent so many yrs listening to other ppls feelings that I have neglected my own. I love you! I thought you were dealing with it? Its just I cannot get you out of my mind (ted se mi to začíná líbit). Fifteen yrs of cognitive training, I might just know a little something about feelings. May I just ask one question? Why dont we wait till we get out of the restaurant? Calm down? Špatně zvolený slova. You have depersonalization disorder. Well, I know that. How do I get rid of it? To je porucha osobnosti, ne? Jsem nad tím dosud nepřemýšlel. Není to duševní porucha v pravém slova smaslu a „trpí“ jí 90% populace. Akorát on má něco jinýho. Tímdle označej psychiatři každýho, s kým si neví rady, protože má jíný pohled na svět. So, what do I do? There are medications. I have taken them all. And therapies. I have done with them. Then I suggest you try to accept it. You suggest I try to accept it? I do know of an excellent cognitive behaviorist at ULCA/SOS centrum praha whos proven helpful. Chtějí si ho přehodit, aby jim z něj něco káplo. Svině. Výbornej film, kterej tydle duševní mrzáky ukazuje v jejich pravém světle. I needed a quick fix of manic adrenaline, to snap me back into a semblace (vypadat) of reality. What are you staring at (už jsem se ho chtěl zeptat). Shoplifted a pair of aerosoles. Good shoe. Do I look familiar to you? So is that real enough to you? Maybe I had a predisposition all along. I was my own problem. we need to have a session to discuss you ending your session (přesně na todle mají čas). This is your brain chemistry talking. This should square us up.


O 28 týždňov (2007) 

Iris variation. Its usually hereditary (demonic). Isle of Dogs. Rats and wild dogs are prevalent, as is disease. Repatriation. Nějak takhle to bude vypadat, až se urovná situace poté, co vypukne chaos. Ani mě to nenapadlo před filmem spojovat. I m a section officer. I keep the lights on, the water running, the heat running. Triple A (acces all areas). Caretaker/run the place. District One (kolik jich asi po světě bude). I have never seen you get so white. I know, man. I had the same dream about your wife. You can run tests on her corpse. Lockdown. Execute Code Red. Abandon selective targeting. Tvl, ty jsou tak blbí. Jak tatínci, maminky, dětičky, tak securitáci, co to tam hlídaj. Nechce se mi to komentovat. Chápu, že je to film, ale přesto mě to strašně ruší. Nicméně ta scena na izolaci byla luxusní. Jaktože jsem ji už zapomněl? Je to, jako bych se na to díval poprvé. Vím, že se mi to líbilo – na rozdíl od 28 dní poté. Target everyone on the ground level. No exception. A další pýčovina. Pochopil bych to, kdyby kolem bylo funkční město, ale za perimetrem z ostnatýho drátu jsou maximálně krysy – co jim utečou a mužou druhej den na zombíky pořádat lov. Nesnáším, když někdo panikaří. They shooting everybody. Why? It makes no sense (dík). It makes perfect sense. Tak snad mají nějaký protokoly, podle kterých postupují. Its Code Red – a kterej podělanej čuráček ho vyhlásil? Zvlášt, když tam pobíhal jeden nakaženej. Vypatlaný hovada vyhnali všechny z uzavřených cel do jedný haly, aby se případná nákaza rozšířila co nejrychleji – infikovali všechny a ti pak snáze prorazili perimetr. Věřím, že v reálu by to dopadlo ještě huř se současným vedením. Step one, kill the infected. Step two, containment. If containment fails, step three, extermination. Krok dva je totální pýčovina. Měli eliminovat jen ohniska nákazy. Evakuovat přeživší, uspořádat hon na zombíky. Vzhledem k tomu, že nákaza se projevuje takřka okamžitě, neměl by to bejt žádnej problém. Udělali to nejhorší, co mohli. Vždyt je to jen zkurvenej film. At least you have limited cover from the infected. Skoro jsem nepochopil, jak to myslí. Kdo koho ted kryje? Less shooting. Maybe its under control. Or there are less shooters. Be my shadow. Multiple shots, one hit. Hes panicker, no marksman (čurácká česká svině by se ani netrefila, jak je posraná i z blbýho koronaviru). Kolotoč si pamatuju. It was all fucked. Další nelogika. Děti možná mají imunitu, ale co je nám to platný, když tě stejně roztrhaj – to není virus. Imogen Poots (Tammy)