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Recenzie (1 028)


Mučedníci (2008) 

Its so easy to create a victim. You lock someone in a dark room. They begin to suffer. You feed that suffering (jen používají jiné metody), methodically, systematically and coldly. And make it last. After a while, their trauma, that small, easily opened crack, makes them see things that dont exist. Ppl no longer envisage suffering. Thats how the world is. There are nothing but victims left. Martyrs are very rare. A martyr is somenthing else. Martyrs are extraordinary beings. They survive pain, they survive total deprivation. They bear all the sins of the earth, they give themselves up, they transcend themselves. They are transfigured. Dont try to tell me that the notion of martyrdom is an invention of the religious. Young women are more responsive to transfiguration.


Hunter's Cove (2017) 

Your behavior has gone to hell. You dont appreciate what I have done for you. I saved your life. I appreciate that so much. Well, you dont show it. Alison would never take life for granted the way you do. That wasnt very lady-like. A jo, šlo to. Třikrát jsem to předtím slyšel na pozadí bez obrazu. Podobnej film jako "Zhoubná vášen". Sharibo jsem objevil v Poltergeist (2015) ale v ničem moc nehrála a vyrostla z ní typická americká kráva.


Another Me (2013) 

Panda Eyes, tvl. You would wake up screaming in your cot (obal, pouzdro) as if the world had ended. But your world hadnt even started to end until last summer (to řikám pořád – byl to začátek konce). Until then, you had had a perfect childhood. Not a worry in the world. Not a care in your heart, not a stain in sight. Do you remember what it felt like? Fay Delussey. Her understudy will be Monica Meldrum. Dont look at her. To je celý? Dobrá pýčovina…


Muž v ohni (2004) 

Do you ever see the hand of God in what you do? The Bible says, Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good (Romans 12/21). Failure to fire. A bullet always tell the truth. Trained or untrained? St. Jude, saint patron of lost causes. Its crazy, huh? One week we are figuring out which nightclub to go to and the next thing I m reading Bible. I m gonna kill em. Anyone who was involved. Anybody who profited from it. Anybody who opens theirs eyes at me. Máme stejnej plán. You kill em all. Spolehni se. He can go places we cant. What are you gonna do? What I do best. Revenge is a meal best served cold. Pin number 4747. The forgiveness is between them and God. Its my job to arrange the meeting. I m just a professional.


Zhubná vášeň (1992) 

Karen, all the things that come so easily to Michael, were you one of them? A woman like you a man should never take for granted. These days everybodys got a goddamn home video (když už má alarm, kterej mu přerušil soulož). Department doesnt want an unstable officer on the street any more than you do. I m advising you to make a donation to the son of bItches favorite charity. I know this lady. She was out walking her little poodle. When a coyote comes charging out of the brush, snatches up the little poodle, and takes off. All we ever found of that little doggy was its diamond-studded leash. 1.34.04 (proč je to v tomdle filmu, proč se tam podepisujou, ačkoli to s tematikou nemá nic společnýho).1.36.52 (podruhý). She just been the third wheel. You little fucking cock-teaser, is that it? You are a cock-teaser. You are a little fucking whore. You are a worthless fucking whore, just like every fucking whore I have ever met. Thats exactly how I m going to treat you. Get your fucking leg open! I m going to treat you like a whore.


Galaxy Quest (1999) 

Never give up, never surrender. Miners, not minors! Does the rolling help actually? It helps. Wheres your gun? It is a matter-rearranger. Effecting a 13-second time jump to the past. Thats really not enough time to do anything of any importance. It’d be time to redeem a single mistake. Maybe you are the plucky comic relief. You ever think about that? The chompers. This episode was badly written. Whoever wrote this episode should die! Its the simple things in life you treasure. Hey, get a room, guys. Pedal on the metal. The actors are going to play war with me. Missi Pyle (Laliari)


Summer of 8 (2016) 

Girls are much sweeter. Thats bullshit and sexist. Anytime you make a generalization based on gender, thats sexist (symbol). A proto je to ošklivé slovíško jen pro ošklivky. Rozkopal bych jí držku hned, genderový pýče. Já nebo nějakej muslim v budoucnosti. Bailey Noble (Serena)


Kovboji a votrelci (2011) 

I have been shot. Only two kinds of men get shot, criminals and victims. Just what do you know? English. I have seen good men do bad things and bad men do good things. Whether you are gonna end up in heaven or hell, its not Gods plan, its your own. You just got to remember what it was. Money makes you soft. This is your dream. I would follow you anywhere (poslušná žena). I thought it was your dream. Is it demons? You are talking about Bible stuff? Book of Numbers wherein God commanded Moses into the promised land of Canaan. But Moses was unsure, so he sent his spies into that land to survey it. And they came back with terrible stories. Stories of evil beings, monsters they likes of which they had never seen before. Giants, they said. A dnes ty zmrdy máme kolem sebe v normální velikosti. And they were as grasshoppers in their eyes. And the ppl of Israel became afraid. How can we survive against them? They lost their FAITH. They forgot that there is nothing to fear under heaven and earth as long as we walk in the path of righteousness. That He created man by blowing His breath into the mud. And so there is in each of us a little breath of God. Thou shalt not be afraid of the terrors of the night, nor the arrow that flieth by day, nor the pestilence that walketh in darkness. God is testing us, friends. He testing our faith. Got a kid and a dog, why not a woman? Spencer 56-50. You fixing to say something? Just align your sights and when the target peeks up over the top, just squeeze the trigger. Dont yank on it, its not your pecker. Gods been real swell to me. He dont like me very much. Surely you dont expect the Lord to do everything for you, do you? You got to earn His presence. Then you got to recognize it, and then you have to act on it. God dont care who you were, only who you are. Dust to dust, amen. If he so much as twitches, blow her brains out of her ear. He said the whore. You call her whore again, it will be the last word you ever say. You aint in no position to make threats, boyo. We brought evil? Evil was here. You are the evil one! Něco na tom bude. Indiáni byli pohani. I took this form so I could walk among you – co jsem psal na začátku. She said she came from a place above the stars. Samozřejmě, hvězdy jsou prostor (afirmament) mezi zemí a nebem. They want gold. Its as rare to them as it is to you. They are studying your weaknesses. These are just scouts. They dont see well in daylight (Battleship). They stay underground in caverns where its dark (jako já). We have one advantage, they underestimate you. You are like insects to them. Tak to se snad ani nepočítá. They are not planning on defending themselves, so they will be vulnerable. The Apaches are mountain warriors. He says its better to fight from high ground. You despise battle but would never run from it. A fierce warrior worthy of any fight. He says if you are such a great warrior, why do you only have a man and a boy to follow you into battle? We got one. I always dreamed of riding into battle with you. I always dreamed of having a son like you (si řikal). Dont look into the light.


Cobra (1986) 

Call the Cobra. Silent instruments. Call the bastard. Ingrid Knudsen. You are too violent. All the sugar you eat. He didnt say the magic world. Vypadá jako Keira Knightley. A má zajímavej hlas. Vím, že se pak dali dohromady. Ve filmu je vidět, jak měl Stallone komplex z mládí, když si z něj dělali srandu, a pak začal cvičit. Sure, why not? You have right to remain silent. We are the hunters. We kill the weak so the strong survive. You cant stop the New World (to je ten muj krvavej rituál, kterej mu bude předcházet). Your filthy society will never get rid of ppl like us. Its breeding them. We are the future. Murder is against the law. You have to take me in. If you can. Even I have rights. Take me in. They will say I m insane (už to začalo). The court is civilized (až moc). But I m not. This is where the law stops and I start. Catchy name, isnt it?


Patriot (2000) 

I was intemperate in my youth. Temperance can be a disguise for fear - If your principles dictate independence, then war is the only way - Wars are not fought only by childless men - This war will be fought not on the frontieror on some distant battlefield but amongst us. Among our homes - Our children will learn of it with their own eyes (nemáš ponětí – budou zabiti před vašima očima). And the innocent will die with the rest of us - Nikdo není nevinný, zvlášt ne v dnešní době – právě naopak – dnes jsou tidle kriplové a jejich mrtky duvodem pro válku - And bcs I will not fight, I will not cast a vote that will send others to fight in my stand - I m a parent. I havent got the luxury of principles - When I have a family of my own, I wont hide behind them - Going muzzle-to-muzzle with Redcoats in open field, its madness - This battle was over before it begin - You presume too much. These brutal tactics must stop. You serve me and the manner in which you serve me reflects upon me! - I would have thought that a gentleman from a family as esteemed as yours would understand that - I advance myself only through victory - These Colonials are our brethren (archaic plural of brother, members of an organization). And when this conflict is over, we will re-estabilish commerce with them - A shepard must tend his flock - And at times, fight off the wolves - Dog is a fine meal - New world, where all men are created equal under God (mi připomněl toho malýho homosexuálka) - Další buzerant - You created this ghost, colonel. Your brutality swelled his ranks - There must be gentlemen in command to lead and restrain them from targeting civilians, women, children and such - As long as your soldiers attack civilians, I will order the shooting of officers at every engagement - He rode in under a white flag for formal parley - He has shown no aggression here, hence he cannot be touched - Before this war is over, I m going to kill you. Why wait? Soon - I alone will assume the full mantle of responsibility for my actions free of the chain of command rendering you blameless - When the war is over here in the Colonies the new aristocracy will be landowners - The honor is found in the end, not the means - Why do men feel they can justify death? Is it arrogance or? I have long feared that my sins would return to visit me. And the cost is more than I can bear - Seek your victory. I m small issue to it - Gentlemen, Cornwallis has us cornederd (podruhý za karieru) - Yorktown 1781 - Vive la France. Vive la liberté - Everything will change. Everything has changed - My hope and prayer is that the sacrifices borne by so many will spawn and fulfill the promise of our new nation