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Recenzie (1 028)


Nebezpečná rýchlosť 2 - Zásah (1997) 

You take care of me, I will take care of the ship. Lets not split hairs. Pořád toho nesympatickýho dementa zabíraj jen do pulky ksichtu. This will do. Relationships based on extreme circumstances, they rarely work out. Computers generate electromagnetic fields, which over time can cause severe sopper poisoning. I m a smart guy and even I didnt know that (5G). Ted kde si pořídit pijavice...


Dokonalí rodičia (2017) 

Trochu mám problém s tím závěrem, kde ji donutila zapíchnout svou matku, a pak dělaly, jako by se nechumelilo. To nebylo zrovna v souladu s křestanskými hodnotami. Poštvala je proti sobě!


Black Widow (2021) 

Are you okay? Fantastic. Put your seat belt on. You are such a mom. Crysis. Tydle hroty chci taky. Fighting mirror. Collateral damage (kolektivní vina). What you experienced was psychological conditioning. I m talking about chemically altering brain functions. They are two completely different things. You are fully conscious, but you dont know which part is you. Maybe one in 20 survives the training, becomes a widow. The rest, he kills. We are just things. Weapons with no face that he can just throw away. Bcs there is always more. Did you ever wish for kids? I want a dog. This would be a cool way to die. Little Natasha, all indoctrinated into the Western agenda. Yelena, you went on to become the greatest child assassin the world has ever known. No one can match your efficiency, your ruthlessness. And you, Natasha, not just a spy, not just toppling regimes, destroying empires from within, but an Avenger. You both have killed so many ppl. Your ledgers must be dripping, just gushing red. I couldnt be more proud of you. You cant defeat a man who commands the very will of others. You never saw the culmination of what we started in America. You named a pig after me? You dont see the resemblance? We stole the key to unlocking free will. The world functions on a higher level when it is controlled (cože). Dreykov has chemically subjugated agents planted around the globe. Na to, že to je bolševická propaganda, si docela sere do vlastního hnízda - když otevřeně popisuje svoje metody. Problém je, že tomu nikdo nevěří, nevidí v tom ani paralelu se skutečným světem. You were selected by a program that assessed the genetic potential in infants (chosen ones). I was taken? I believe a bargain was struck, your family paid off. Red Room. Pain only make us stronger. Put that thing in her you do. You know, chemicals. Turn her into one of your pigs. I have rats in the basement. There is something you can break. The real war was fought here, in the shadows. You didnt fight in the shadows. You hid in the dark. If nobody noticed, then why even do it? I dont need to impress anyone. These world leaders, these great men, they answer to me and my widows. I recycle the trash. And i give them purpose. Its my network of widows that help me control the scales of power. One command, the oil and stock markets crumble. One command, and a quater of the planet will starve. My widows can start and end wars (řízený chaos). They can make and break kings. I can finally come out of the shadows using the only natural resource that the world has too much of. Girls. All from that little console? Make your own choices now. Vaše own choices nás/vás dovedly tam, kde jste ted. Vtipný je, že si pořád myslíte, že todle je ten perfektní systém. We are both upside down. Verbal má zajímavý postřehy, ale sám žije v jiné době. Todle není bolševická propaganda, ale nacistická. Supervojáku jsou plné americké základny po celém světě. Feminismus měl jen rozbít společnost a nasměrovat ji tímto směrem - aby nakonec samy padly za obět lepších zítřku.


Lucy (2014) 

You in revolt (triko). Tak todle je hodně dobrý! Life starts approximately a bilion yrs ago (pěkný hovno). Buh stvořil všechno za šest dní a sedmý odpočíval. The only living being that uses its brain better than us is dolphin, uses up to 20% of its cerebral capacity, allows it to have echolocation system that is more efficient than any sonar invented by mankind. It developed naturally. And this is the crucial part of our philosophical reflection we have today. Can we therefore conclude that humans are concerned more with having than being? I m not in the mood. Ano, drogy mužou otevřít bránu demonum. What out life would be like of we could access 20% of our brains capacity. Its up to us to push the rules and laws and go from evolution to revolution. There are more connections in human body than there are stars in the galaxy. Next stage would probably becontrol of other people. But for that we need to access at least 40%.  After control of selves and others would come control of matter. But now we are entering into the realm of science fiction and we dont know any more than a dog who watches the moon. Na kolik % využívaj mozeg asi pejskaři - za předpokladu, že nějaký vubec maj? Do you speak English? Umět cizí jazyky se vyplatí! I can feel the rotation of the Earth (tak to asi dost těžko, protože je placatá). Zvláštní, že jí nedošlo, že násilí není řešení! Learnings always a painful process (we love the process). I used to be concerned with who I was and what I wanted to be and now I realize that what makes us us its primitive. They are all obstacles. Does that make any sense? Like this pain you are experiencing. Its bloking you from understanding. All you know now is pain. Berlin, Paris... jako já s čísly - fajn, zkus uhádnout třetí město - Rome (triangle). Once the brain reaches 20%, it opens up and expands the rest. There are no more obstacles. They fall away like dominoes. I m colonizing my own brain. Also, I can control magnetic and electric waves. I dont feel pain, fear, desire. Its like all things that make us human are fading away. Its like the less human I feel, all this knowledge about everything, it all exploding inside my brain. I dont know what to do with it. The sole purpose of life has been to pass on what was learned. There was no higher purpose. Pass it on. If the habitat is not sufficiently favorable or nurturing, the cell will choose immortality. In other words, self-sufficiency and self-management. I would rather be late than dead. We never really die. Jo, blikej, ty pyčo. Asi neví, že jede v protisměru. Prase má právo na to jet v tomdle pruhu, tak neuhne ani za cenu čelního střetu. Dobře vymaštěný. Odchovaný v oboře. To je jak ve Watch Dogs, akorát tam používal k hackování zátarasu mobil. Neo hadr. Cells group together, forming a giant web of communication, which in turn forms matter. All social systems we have put into place are a mere sketch. One plus one equals two. Thats all we have learned. But one plus one has never equaled two. There are no numbers and no letters. We have codified our existence to bring it down to human size to take it comprehensible. We have created a scale so that we can forget its unfathomable scale. But if the humans are not the unit of measure and the world isnt governed by mathematical laws, what governs all that? Time gives legitimacy to its existence. Time is the only true unit of measure. It gives proof to the exostence of matter. Without time we dont exist. Time is unity. I m not even sure that mankind is ready for it. Právě naopak, vubec není připraven! Kriplum stačí ke štěstí malej pejsek! We are so driven by power and profit (kéž by). Given mans nature, it might bring us only instability and chaos (vidíme, co udělalo třicet let svobody). Ignorance brings chaos, not knowledge. I will build a computer and download all my knowledge in it (image Satana). I will find a way for you to have access to it. I just hope we will be worthy of your sacrifice (přebírá na sebe roli Ježíše). What is she making? New generation computer, I presume. I m everywhere.


Anjel pomsty (2018) 

To není Mithra, ale Garner. Líbí se mi, jak se s nima nesere. You should punched her lights out. We know everything, but we cant prove anything. I m a friend. The road to recovery has to begin somewhere. Your memory is a little hazy. I m just putting out there. Maybe you didnt see things the way you thought you saw them. You think that you are gonna have justice? Make them all pay? They wont. Lorazepam, lithium, risperidone. Thats an antipsychotic. You identify my clients, yeah? And are you currently on any antipsychotic medications? Né, asi by mi to ulevilo, a hlavně lidem v mém okolí, ale… Preliminary hearing. Evidence is insufficient. Tak schválně, jesli prasatum bude stačit, když si vymysleli, že jsem řekl, že je zabiju - což je obvious, už zase. To najednou zkurvení fízlové mají dost podkladu pro to, aby to poslali soudu - což byl muj záměr, protože s komisí se opravdu už hádat nebudu - mužu je poslat do prdele, ale ničeho jiného zatím nedosáhnu. Jo hele, on je tady zaujatej. Poprvý u soudu? Vyváděl jsem stejně… ted mám v hlavě jenom jediný, dohrát hry na písíčku a pak si to s nima vyřídit. Dneska přemejšlím - ne jesli existuje Buh, ale jesli zaslouží uctu, ale pokud to dopadne jako v tomdle filmu, tak to bude stát za to. Potřebovala jen trochu motivovat. She only took military grade. Five-year anniversary of her familys murder. Det cord, explosive rope (to používali už ve Vietnamu). You can cut through anything with this. Cut through trees, cut through concrete corrupt judges (jateční pistole by myslím stačila). Watching someone take everything from you. All you have, all you are ever gonna have, just gone. Hurts, doesnt it? And knowing that its all over, and there is nothing you can do about it. If you can tell me my name, I will let you live. I mean, you will eat out of a tube the rest of your life. You didnt serve justice, your honor. I will. Dont forgot who put you where you are. Everybody wants to be a big dog. Little dogs trying to eat my food. You are still a little dog. One of that life-altering moments. You ever sell him anything else and I will blow you and this place to bits. Consider it a rental. You are in the wrong place. Actually, I m not. Armed and extremely (aha) dangerous. 4826 (11/17) to bylo jasný, ale co se dá dělat… Bitch has been fucking with us for weeks. Everywhere she goes, ppl get dead. Shes multiple homicide suspect. I want justice. Tvl, mohla mu tu mrtku zastřelit před očima. I m going to burn your house down with you inside of it. Stop squealing, I m kidding. Ppl are too afraid to steal from her. I dont think its fear. Its low crime bcs of her. Dobře tu svini sejmul. Strkala nos tam, kam neměla. Or so help me God, I will every single one of you. Něco jako Punisher pro chlapy. You hit like a girl.


Ničiteľka (2018) 

Měly nad sebou krále, anděla propasti, který se hebrejsky jmenuje Abaddon a v řečtině má jméno Apollyon, Zhoubce. Napadlo mě přidat nějaké staré komentáře - a opět zapracovala synchronicita (911). A samozřejmě že WTC nespadlo samo od sebe. Todle je nejduležitější den v jejich kalendáři. PLUS ten avatar (Zach 11/17), falešný pastýř. Nice ass. Its all yours...


Železné srdce (2014) 

Prej Železný srdce... kde na ten název přišli? Jednou se na to podívat dalo. Why you always whupping on me? Bcs you are an animal, a dog. All you understand is the fist and boot (to jsou moje slova). Muj pes nerozuměl ani tomu. You wanna talk Mexican? Join a Mexican tank. You talk German! I cant talk Spanish? Bible, what country we are in? Germany. His number came up, that all. Rains coming. Which way is the front? We are surrounded by Krauts (včera v The Boys). Every five rounds is a tracer so you can see what you are hitting. And remember, short bursts. That way you harvest more meat per bullet. She will let you fuck her for a chocolate bar. Its completely fucking true. Boyd, do you think Hitler would fuck one of us for a chocolate bar? See, what a kid can do? I dont care if its a baby with a butter knife in one hand and mamas titty in the other. You chop hum up! I m trained to type 60 words a minute. Tak proto mi to tak nejde. I am not trained to machine-gun dead bodies. Co je na tom těžkýho? My conscience is clean. Ideals are peaceful. History is violent (první věta). Shes a good, clean girl. If you dont take her in that bedroom, I will. They are young and they are alive. Ring of Solomon. Its really rare. Did you take this pretty young thing for a roll? He fuck you, you fuck me. That how it works. Good shot. It wasnt me. I m the instrument, not the hand. God didnt call us today. Vamonos. We never run before, I aint running now. Than i heard the voice of the Lord saying, Whom shall I send? And who will go for us? And I said, here am I. Send me. Book of Isaiah, chapter six. Thats exactly right. Best job I ever had. If a man loves the world, the love of the fathers not in him. Řekni to těm prasatum dneska. Žijou ve svým ráji na zemi. For all thats in the world, lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, pride of life, its not of the father. Ots of the world. The world and its desires pass away. But he who does Gods will is gonna live forever. I did my best.


Kat 2 (2008) 

Překvapivě to nebylo tak tupý, jak jsem předpokládal/když jsem si to pustil z pulky, sem tam padla nějaká ta facka - člověk se aspon nenudil, ale cenu za nejlepší drama roku si asi taky nednese. My fathers always said never insult your host. Put your hands behind your back. This is just a beginning (to řikám pořád).


Jumanji: Vitajte v džungli (2017) 

S titulkama to celkem ušlo. Spreading like a wildfire. Fortunately, there is no better place for self-reflection than detention. Are you gonna help, or are you too pretty? Hair is everything. Backpack power.


Wira (2019) 

Pěkný kung-fu. Jinak nvm, jesli si rákosníci vubec uvědomili, že se mezi ně asimilovali Arabové, protože to na plátně přijímají s klidem jako registrované partnerství třetích pohlaví u nás. Tak aspon, že se tam nikdo nepelešil se psem - geny by jim to nedovolily. This one is sharp...