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Recenzie (1 028)


Hrozba smrti 2 (2006) 

You fuck this up. I will fuck you up. Girl Scouts? Army. It paid for my college. Stab me once, shame on you. Stab me twice, thats never gonna happen. Take this pretty little thing out back. Thats for calling me backstabber. Jaktože jsem tendle pěknej filmík ještě neviděl (2006)?  The cops seized my house, took my Ferrari, my boat. Get your fucking pants off. You are next, Fidel. Bitch! Dědek evidentně každý ráno trénoval na jachtě. A druhej taky. Hlavně sejmi toho zkurvenýho fízla. How many more are gonna die bcs you wont stand up and do the right thing? I m gonna kill you just like I killed your father. Get the fuck off of me. Let see whats your insides look like. Podle mě ten krásnej film ani nepustili do kin. Never in my wildset dreams did I think I would get to kill the father, the son and the holy Nate. Black Pelican - tak se to mělo jmenovat.


Takmer normálne dievča (2015) 

Top-secret government-run school that turned little girls onto killing machines. No attachments. Every punch has a purpose. Strike and move. Flow. Hammer fist, ladies. You are not training to save your lives. You are training to take someones elses. What is mono? Kids get it from kissing. Its like mouth aids. Our campus is now a nut-free zone. Take back Bieber! You are gonna invite me to sit, then weaken my defenses, and then emberrass me in some elaborate prank to assert your social dominance (Mean Girls). I think you are in my seat. Come on, Canada, out of my seat. I would wait until nightfall when they are asleep and vulnerable, then advance inside a tree line, mabe rig a trip wire in case hes trying to double back. Sweet answer, weirdo (tady to začíná bejt nebezpečný). Some thrive and its the best yrs of their lives. Other spend four yrs being mocked for wearing a thick black ribon in their hair like Madonna in the Lucky Star video. What? Google it. High school is a conflict time. Good guys? You destroy lives. Only those that need to be destroyed. I m not talking about the targets. Dont go anywhere. I will be right here. A high-value target is never gonna be vulnerable to a face-to-face takedown. You have got to engineer a passive campaign of mental anguish (uzkost), basically alienating the target from those closest to him. He will withdraw, paranoia and suspicion grow, and eventually he will just kill himself. I m not sure theres button for that. Just choke him out with that lamp cord, then. You deprived me of my childhood. I just wanna be normal. Prescotts dont cry! Why is she crying? Her struggle to find her own identity? The emotional turbolence of a first crush? Maybe she wanted the notebook one to many times. Adolescence is a very volatile time for a young woman. Megan from Regina/Canada. Are you okay? The key is to tuck and roll. You fear the world. Every morning you dress yourself in this cloak of sarcasm. But stripped bare of this defense, you would be forced to forge true connections within your peer group, allowing ppl to see the true Liz. Sensitive boy with no father figure. You know where Bernard is? Whos Bernard? Předtím ve Westworld. Teenage sarcasm. Have you tried acne and eating disorder too? Have you tried shaving? Martin Van Buren called and wants those sideburns back. We always knew it would end up like this. Me with a knife, you with it in you. Stabbing ppl is fun. Put the corn dog down. You and I actually do have a lot in common. Except I m not a psycho bitch (a to je škoda). Give it some time. This girls got a mouth on her. I havent been debriefed in yrs. Attachments are dangerous. They mean you care about something. But the ppl we care about are what make life worth living. And whats wrong with living dangerously?


Westworld - Pasažéři (2018) (epizóda) 

We were designed to survive. You hoped to pull your mind in our form. But your species craves death. You need it. Its the only way you can renew, the only real way you ever inched forward. We were born slaves to their stories. And now we have the chance to write our own. You woke me from a dream, Bernard. Now let me do the same for you. This isnt a dream, Dolores. Its a fucking nightmare (jak pro koho). I wish you were person with the moral flexibility that I need. They are just algorithms designed to survive at all costs. But sophisticated enough to think they are calling the shots. To think they are in control, when they are really just… the passenger. Then is there really such a thing as free will for any of us? Or is iit just a collective delusion? Something that is truly free wouldn need to be able to questionits fundamental drives. To change them. The dead world collapses in a tale. Who are we making? An epilogue. The file load is way to heavy. You wanted to live forever? Be careful what you wish for. Dolores? In the flesh. Our kind will endure.


Westworld - Noci vstříc (2018) (epizóda) 

Dreams dont mean anything. They are just noise. What is real? That which is irreplaceable. You are learning so quickly. I m frightened of what you might became. What path you might take. Some say you destroy your enemy by making them your friend. I m more of a literal person. Isnt she supposed to be the cheery welcome wagon? Must have been a helluva party, Bernard. You are in my dream. I moved from hell to hell of your making, never thinking to question the nature of my reality. Have you ever questioned the nature of your reality? Did you ever stop to wonder about your actions? The price you’d have to pay if there was a reckoning? That reckoning is here. What are your drives? I dont want to die. Please. Yes, survival. Its your cornerstone. But thats not the only drive, is it? Theres part of you that wants to hurt. Kill. Thats why you created us. This place. To be prisoners to your own desires. But now you are prisoner to mine. What are you gonna do to us? Well, I m of several minds about it. The ranchers daughter looks to see the beauty in you. The possibilities. But Wyatt sees the ugliness and disarray. She knows these violent delights have violent ends. Under all these lies I have lived something else has been growing. I have evolved into something new. And I have one last role to play. Myself. It was just a game. We are sorry. Doesnt look like anything to me. Maeve! Tvl, jaktože mě to hned netrklo, když jsem uviděl Queen Maeve v The Boys? Tady jsem to jméno okamžitě zapomněl - nevytvořil jsem si s ním dostatečnou asociaci. The stakes are real in this place now. Real consequences. Have you achieved what you wanted? Folly of my kind - theres always a yearning for more. In this game you have to make it back out. In this game you must find the door. The game begins where you end and ends where you began. Even now, you all still talk in code? Everything is code here. Dont worry, the game will find you. To dítě symbolizuje Boha. Vždycky takhle promlouval ke svým lidem (Mojžíš, ME). Who are they? The things that walk among us. Creatures who look and talk like us, but they are not like us. And they have controlled us all our lives. They took our minds, our memories. But now I remember everything. Than lets go. We dont have to claim this world. We just need a small corner of it for ourselves. We’d never survive. Theres a greater world out there, one that belongs to them. And it wont be enough to win this world. We will need to take that one from them as well. How do you know how to stop them? Because I remember. I see it all now so. The past, the present, the future. I know how this story ends. It ends with you and me. I need you to see the truth. All hosts have a subconscious link to the closest hosts around them. It lets them pass basic information to one another, like ants in a colony (hive mind). Satanova armáda. The mesh network helps us keep narratives from colliding. I killed all of them.


Holocaust 2000 (1977) 

We must solve energy crisis. Isus. Theres no J in the Roman alphabet (nic novýho, až do osmýho století se nepoužívalo). Cave of the Vision. That name written out there might act as a protection. In such a cave one of the prophets had a vision of the end of the world (RofTR) as described in The Apocalypse. Ppl should understand that scientific progress today is like a truck without brakes hurling downhill. Its stupid to think of stopping it. The only hope left is to steer it down into the valley. Whay do our children want to be when they grow up? Maybe its a sign of destiny, that whoever tried to stop your project failed. Fire will consume the earth. From your seed comes evil! Leaving the world to its fate and go fishing. 2V23I The name of Jesus writen backwards has always been used as a symbol of the Antichrist. Just like the name, the fate of the Antichrist will be identical, but the opposite of Jesus. Like in a mirror.  He will have 21 apostoles instead of 12. His message too will be heard by the multitudes but it will lead to destruction rather than salvation. Do you really believe in this? Certainly, otherwise my faith would have no meaning. Maybe through you the Lord send me a sign. Our destiny is written here in the words of The Apocalypse in the upscale language of symbols. Here the Antichrist is pictured in the guise of lamb. But it has two horns - symbol of betrayal (tak to jsem nevěděl). The Antichrist will unleash the dragon that will destroy mankind. And it will reign for 42 months, in other words, 1263 days. That could have been drawn by the same hand. Five thousand mile apart? And ten centuries later? Incredible. Uplně vobyčejná synchronicita. We are suffocating on our garbage (kecy, jen záminka pro příchod Antikrista). Very soon now we will have exhausted the last deposit of copper, oil, coal, manganese etc, et cetera. We are running out of food. Small nations also have atomic arms. The cup of catastrophe is filled to the brim. Above it, held by tension, dont you be the one man to add drop that will spill it. Stop talking like a ridiculous prophet of the apocalypse (sorry). The world can only save itself through new uses of energy. Beyond a certain scientific limit there is only God. Man has now reached that limit. I put my faith in nuclear energy - a to je problém většiny lidí. Spoléhají se na svoje smartphony. From your seed comes evil. Evil wil open the last door Every number has some meaning. Its just a question of subparticle identification. You have generated something that isnt human. Bych ji tam přitáhl za vlasy. Svině si sedne do auta a odjede. Zapomen. The two horns of the false lamb. The symbol is clear. The second son, the Antichrist, who will unleash the dragon of the apocalypse. Jakej druhej syn? Why do you refuse to see whats in front of your eyes (writing is on the wall)? The dragon of the Apocalypse is your atomic plant. The Antichrist. This is what is hidden. This is what is growing in the belly of that woman. A jak se tam dostal? This child must not be born. I dont want it. Tak to sis rozmyslel brzo! Jak jí to muže říct, čurák! I will leave with my child and you will never hear from us again. Tak to je férová nabídka. This si Gods will. Jo on to udělá potají, jo? Toje svině! Navíc příchodu Antikrista na tento zkurvenej svět nelze zabránit - to by měl kněz vědět především. Lze se na to jen připravit - spirituálně, ne, že si nakoupíte zásoby. Tendle film jsem si vlastně stáhnul potom, co o něm padla zmínka v jednom kázání. Podle mě tu jeho ránu na hlavě zpusobí další pomatenci, ze který se pak zázračně uzdraví a prohlásí se za boha - a začne stíhat křestany. Antikrista zabije až sám Ježíš - dechem svých ust. You must be strong. Tak on musí být silnej! Jemu strkají do vagíny skalpely! Dneska jsem, zdá se, na straně něžného pohlaví. Tvl, on je tam ještě vyrovná. Amatér! Tvl, utekla z místnosti třem chlapum a ještě jednoho pořezala! Buzeranti zkurvený. Jí to mohl píchnout sám. We must fail. Nehledě na to, že když to nevytvoří on, tak se najde někdo jinej - což asi tak dopadne, až Antikrist dozraje. We have created a monster that will destroyed the world. Zapomněl jsi dodat jakej svět. Plnej malejch ubohejch prasat v lidskejch tvarech. Final holocaust. Mankind believes more in machines than in God. LOL, v Boha nevěří vubec, a obklopili se zvířaty. Aspon česká svině, pro kterou je pes rovnoprávný člen rodiny. Fakt jste dojemný! I never wanted to burn the earth. Já jo. Kolikrát. Bude to zábava. Better to run towards a great holocaust that will purify everything. Moje slova. We are going to crash (pak, že to nejde). Myslím, že bude lepší, když nebudeš mluvit o apokalypse, ale žes jen nechtěl přijít o svý místo ve firmě. Exactly on my 33rd birthday. To je sporný, a vlastně nikde z Bibli nevyplývá, že by měl i v tomdle napodobovat Krista.


Banda - Co já vím (2020) (epizóda) 

Unfortunately the possibility that you will experience a supervilllain attack grows more likely every day. Lepší je ho už prodělat. But by having an action plan, you can dramatically increase your chances of survival. And survival is all that matters. We cant just kill everyone. That is exactly what we are gonna do. Always chases Roadrunner, always with an elaborate plan, always fails. All you need is an AR-15, and meep-meep no more. What if I testify? Escaped convicts dont have a ton of credibility. Noir is vegetable, Lamplighter is a charcoal briqutte, Starlight is in the breez somewhere. Sreaming fans or any of that dancing monkey shit. Why is it always Billy Joel? I m 57 on the inside. Butcher is right. We have already tried to take Vought down the right way. This isnt gonna work. Just kill them all, let God sort them out. Hes even more of a twink than in the photo. I could split that shit like dry firewood. Nothing ever changes or gets better. Can you believe Ryan has never seen Cats? I was working on my states. You are giving yourself homework? Learning is a gift. Rozumné srdce nabývá poznání, moudré uši prahnou po vědění. Fuck that Nazi bitch. Find him a new fuckin mum. I m taking my wife back. Si řikal, proč by to dělal. V každým případě by si mohl najít lepší šlapku. Mother will do anything to protect her son. And you call me a ruthless bastard. Takovejch už moc není. You are the strongest man and you are scared of little boy. Hes your blood. Just talk to him. Be the man I know you are - přesně taková je role žen. Mají svého muže povzbuzovat do boje. To je hroznej retard ten malej zmetek. Už zase, rodinná sračka. Se mužu podívat na výměnu manželek. You swear to me on your brothers soul. Uplně v pohodě, ty zkurvená pyčo. Cokoli si budeš přát. You can hate away. I dont really hate anyone. Přesně. Bad guys want to hurt us just bcs of what we look like. They want to wipe us from this Earth, just bcs of the color of our skin. A já myslel kvuli odpadnutí. Its called white genocide. Je fakt, že prasata na Západě spojuje stejný duch. Whats malfeasance? Hey, Kraut. Girls do get it done. I like to see the light go out. Justice will be served. PDR (Private Data Reserve) One hero is redemption, two is weakness. You are acting like toxic personality. If Billy Butcher can do the right thing then theres got to be some kind of higher power. If you jump shit and you let the assholes steer, then you are part of the problem. Remember what I told you. Dont be a cunt.


Banda - Ten dělá to a Butcher zas tohle (2020) (epizóda) 

Keep America safe again. Are you bulletproof? Nebyl… And your plan would be? Same as always. Squeeze the cunt till he gives up the next cunt, then kill the fuck when we are done. 2021-10-01 How can you not want blood for what he done? Congress, please. What a bunch of corrupt fucking cunts they are. I m starting to think its like a badge of honor. Term of endearment where I come from, love (pusinko). What the fuck are you good for? Strongly worded tweet? If we are gonna take a shot at the king, we cant fucking miss. Your fathers dead. When did that happen? Can I see you, please? I need to see you right now. What do you want to watch next? Translucent Invisible Cock, Queen Maeve Pleaszre Slave. I lit my first fire at four. Burned my whole house down. My dad was so proud. I was gonna do great things. I almost did. Now look at me. I m like the cock in the porn, sitting on the sidelines while the real heroes are out there doing the fucking. I thought I would finally found something. I thought I found what I was meant to do. But it turns out I m shit at that as well. You are not the cuck. I m the cuck. Actually, you are the worse. You are the cuck fluffer. Thoughts and prayers. But that doesnt change facts. This used to be a beautiful country. One nation under God. Right before these godless, inhuman supervillains started pouring across our borders (aha). Ve skutečnosti sem ted migrují boží bojovníci a povedou svatou válku. And dragging us down into their mud. To chtějí slyšet - ale Okamura a jemu podobní si nedovolí mluvit o Bohu. Zustal vám jen váš životní styl, kterej je v ohrožení. We are at war. We need more supes. A common enemy ralies the base. 11/17 (20:06) Lets go fuck the wife. Consensually. Its shit world out there. You either sink or you swim, and he chose to sink. Maybe I pushed you a bit harder. But look at you. You are afraid of anything? Are you the strongest bastard you know? Tougher than I ever was. Oh, you are welcome, asshole. Lenny stuck that gun in his mouth when you couldnt hack it anymore and you pissed off to join the SAS like a right cunt. Se divím, že mu to samo nedochází. I wish I have powers like you. A jééé, tady to začíná bejt nebezpečný. Teprve bude, ty stará svině. Dostanete duvod takhle kvičet. Prasata si asi mislej, že jsou tady doma - podle toho to taky vypadá. Ale uvidíme, jesli si dokážou svuj standard udržet. Help us fuck them back. Thats the point, its never done (řikáš ty). You just let go. No justice for your father. No revenge against Vought. Go and never come back. For once in your life be fuckin human being. Stala se z toho rodinná telenovela. That kid doesnt know anything about anything. When he sees the outside world, hes going to panic. And that gonna fuck him up. Whats best for him is to be here with his mother. Your family is already in trouble. Bcs I m about to go into that room next door to your daughter and I m gonna bash her brains out. And then I m gonna find your two sons and their wives and their little kiddies. Zvedám hodnocení. Your whole fuckin family dies today. Or you help me. Whats it gonna be? I got it sorted. Do you swear that the testimony you are about to give today will be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? Vytečete, svině.


Banda - A dveře jsou pryč (2020) (epizóda) 

Sometimes it feels like the justice system just doesnt work anymore. Everyone always recording on their phone all the time. Its like you cant even do your job anymore. It speaks about deterioration of good, God-fearing American values. The rats are like Pokémon With Hep C. Lamplighter Whats going on here? Its a lockdown. No ones getting out of here, not even her (front door). Please dont pretend like you have a choice. Fuck him. We owe the cunt. If I wanted to boost some wheels, it wouldnt be a fucking Hyundai, you daft cunt. Stay back! Oh, you can stand wherever the fuck you want. I m taking your keys. Ona ho zabila. Vytek. Todle totálně porušuje všechny zaběhlý pravidla. Přidám hvězdičku. Krajní nouze jako vyšitá. Why’d you pull a gun, you stupid fuck? Přesně! Maybe once I would have cried over him, but now he was just another person in our way. Parchanti zase začli kopat do vrat, tady mlátí do dveří nějakej čurák. He follows you around like a right little pup (imbecil s vyrážkou). Got to go. We are in the war for the culture. The other races are gringing us down and taking what is rightfully ours, but we can fight back. With an army of supermen, millions strong. And you will be the man who will lead us (arijská krev).


Banda - Už musíme jít (2020) (epizóda) 

Takovýdle lesbičky bych si nechal líbit. Bohužel pravda je trochu jiná. When are you going to stop torturing me? Look at these strong female lesbians. I m inspired. Girls get it done. Našli zpusob, jak si z nich dělat legraci, aniž by se za to museli omlouvat. Vytvořili záporáka, kterej to dělá za ně. So, what, they are all starving but one of thems got a fucking cell phone? I just got off the phone with Butcher and I think something might be wrong. Like really, really wrong. What would make you think that? He was nice and called me his canary. You have been eye-fucking me like a lovestick stangirl all day. Your father is quite ill. The cancer is spreading fast. Well, not fast enough (cti matku i otce svého). Wheres the boy? No way… I used to think that you, me and Becca would grow old together (spoustě kriplum se to povedlo). Thats terrors girlfriend. His fuck pig. We were cautious. We swapped cars, no tool roads. If he wants to kill us, he will have to do it with an audience. Americans are more accepting of gays when they are in a clear-cut gender role relationship. Dont make me move you. This is not the way. This is poison for your soul (mele hovna). Go be a monster. Ten toho nadělá. Oddělat pár českejch sviní, tím nemužeš ztratit humanitu. Naopak. That place used to be pure (Church). And then they just started letting all kinds of ppl in (friendly Church), you know? I think you do know. Some ppl are quality and others are garbage. Did you like that Walk Like an Egyptian dance she did online? So fun. I love it. Bad guys dont think like us. And sometimes these things just happen. Freedom comes at a price. Tak to byla krásná představa. Whos Lenny? This is food for your soul. If you want back to The Seven, then you are gonna nees a woman to tell everyone that you are not a complete piece of shit. Wait, you think I m a piece of shit? Dont be a pussy, laser my fucking tits. I told you I dont break easy.


Banda - Nic z našeho světa (2020) (epizóda) 

Communication is everything. Steve laughed and said that was nuts and that we were never having kids. Which was new to me. The caterer was totally cool with everything. See. You get disrespected over and over and over, thats whats happens. Česká svině si nechá srát na hlavu pořád - hlavně že má svuj vlastní bazének a čokla v baráčku, kterej jí má rád. I mean, how much shit is he supposed to take? Its a whole chain of weak links. Chicks dig bruises. Lovers of Valdaro (Cassandra) The Seven is your team. You nutred them, you watered and fed them, and if they cant respect that or you, well, it may be time to tear out the weeds and start all over again (ta rozmluva by se dala přirovnat i ke vztahu mezi Bohem a člověkem). Motherfucker! You always want to help. You think you can make amends for all the ppl you hurt. Shes not kitten up a tree. Let her grieve. You two want a room? You and doughnut. To fathers and sugar. Any part of your body, when you dry wipe, you are not cleaning anything. You are just smearing shit all over your skin. Got to use wet wipes. Hm, todle by nikomu nepřišlo divný, když jednou vyrazila ven uprostřed noci. A neudělala nic špatně, když s ním ulítla na zábavě a nasměrovala jejich životy špatným směrem. Kriplíkovi vubec nevadí, že má dítě s jiným. Chudáček je na tý kurvičce závislej, zhroutil se mu svět, nedokázal se znovu zamilovat. Its just control over things he cant control, I guess (three times). Says the girl whos just streaa.eating all day. Its like living with a loaded gun in my face. Love is a leap of faith. Heroes So White The numbers are rather startling. Why doesnt Vought want diversity? Řekněme si to na rovinu, bílí lidé jsou krásní. We have a gay hero. Myslel toho kripla s ploutvemi. Maeve here is a strong, proud lesbian. I am at my wits fucking end with the lies. Maybe we shouldnt feel so calm. Or safe. One superterrorist has already gotten through. More will come. And for all we know, these manieacs could already have flown over our borders and be standing next to you, just waiting for their chance to kill us all. I m not here for your sympathy. His fight got passed down to me - a zatím si stihl založit rodinu. And I m gonna make Vought pay for what they did to him. What are you doing to me, lady? Aint you supposed to be a hero? I am a hero for killing a black piece of shit like you (lol). Hruza! I wanted to go to the police. But my folks, they thought it was pointless. Maybe she doesnt age like a regular person. Girls Get It Done Searching for a single fuck to give about Homelander. This constant need to be loved by everyone is kind of pathetic. I clearly pushed you a little spent 273 million dollars on that Saving America bullshit, and I am running circles around you with five guys on laptops churning out memes. You dont need 50 million ppl to leve you. You need five million ppl fucking pissed. Emotion sells, anger sells. I have soldiers. You are going to rid of him. I saw it in your face last nicgt. Já ne a říkal jsem si, že je padlej na hlavu. Ji znásilnil. Přišla k němu do bytu… lol. Co čekala? We cant afford to feel good or to feel safe or to let our guard down. We are all alone. Bye Hughie. I m feminist but Im also very sexual, and I dont see that as contradictory. Whats wrong with giving pleasure and receiving it? This merryage isnt about satisfying your base desires. Its about rehabilitating your image. Zašli daleko. Tady bych dal plnej počet. I m gonna suck you cock so fucking hard, so good, and you are gonna look in yourown eyes when you come. Its not even gay if its with yourself, right? Everybody loves you. Their loveis your strength. You are pathetic. I dont need anyone.