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Recenzie (11 099)


Akty X - Roadrunners (2000) (epizóda) 

"Now, I have no idea what the motives of these people are-- whether it's some bizarre religious activity-- but they killed the last person who was in your condition and I'm afraid that they're going to try and kill you, too."


Akty X - Patience (2000) (epizóda) 

Doggett - The more basic answer is what we're dealing with here is simply a man. A psychotic killer with a deformed foot. You're familiar with the principle of Occam's Razor? Scully - Yeah. You take every possible explanation and you choose the simplest one. Agent Mulder used to refer to it as "Occam's Principle of Limited Imagination."


Hitman: Agent 47 (2015) 

John Smith - If you give me what I want, I'll leave your daughter in peace. Litvenko - If I give you what you want, there will be no peace.


Útok na Paríž (2016) 

Sean Briar - You ran. Innocent people don't run. Michael Mason - Have you seen yourself? You'd run, too.


Hlbočina (1977) 

"Anyway, rum's not drinkin', it's survivin'!"


Na okraji púšte (2015) 

"You're not a talker. I like that. You know, you meet people out here and they just...well, they tell you what they want you to think they are, which is bad enough, or what they really think they are, which is worse. Where they think they're from, where they think they're going, or... where they meant to go. I mean, you meet a guy, and he tells you..."I have a child. I have a beautiful home." And he tells you that, right? And maybe he believes it's true, but I think, in what sense does he have a house and child? I mean, these basics. Bank has a house. Wife has a child. You see if she doesn't. Bank has a house, brother. You pay the bank, don't pay your taxes, you see who owns your house. You rent it from the government."


Deadpool 2 (2018) 

"Only best buddies execute pedophiles together."


Krvavý diamant (2006) 

"Sometimes I wonder... will God ever forgive us for what we've done to each other? Then I look around and I realize... God left this place a long time ago."

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