


USA / Kanada, (2001–2011), 154 h 46 min (Minutáž: 40–84 min)


D.J. Caruso, Rick Rosenthal, Greg Beeman, Michael W. Watkins (viac)


Jerry Siegel (komiks), Joe Shuster (komiks), Bill Finger (komiks) (viac)


Tom Welling, Kristin Kreuk, Michael Rosenbaum, Allison Mack, Eric Johnson, Annette O'Toole, Erica Durance, Shawn Ashmore, John Schneider, Justin Hartley (viac)
(ďalšie profesie)

Série(10) / Epizódy(216)


Jednoho dne postihne zapadlé městečko Smallville neštěstí, déšť meteoritů změní život spoustě lidí. Syn bohatého a bezohledného Lionella Luthora, Lex, je ozářen a přijde o vlasy, malá Lana Langová ztratí oba rodiče a bezdětní a po dítěti marně toužící manželé Kentovi naleznou uprostřed kukuřičného pole malého chlapečka. Adoptují ho, přičemž už tuší, že malý Clark nepochází z této planety. Střihem se dostáváme o 12 let později, kde dospívající Clark překvapuje své okolí i sám sebe svými neobvyklými schopnostmi - svou rychlostí a silou. Začíná si uvědomovat, že je jiný, a rodiče mu odhalí tajemství jeho příchodu. Při autonehodě se seznámí s Lexem Luthorem, zachrání mu život a mezi oběma muži vzniká přátelství. Mezitím se v místní nemocnici probouzí z komatu Jeremy, hoch, který byl rovněž postižen ozářením v kukuřičném poli, když jej předtím jeho spolužáci připoutali ke kůlu jako tzv. strašáka roku. Mstí se svým bývalým kamarádům, dostává je do komatu elektrickými výboji. Jeho běsnění dokáže zastavit jen superman Kent Clark. (oficiálny text distribútora)


Recenzie používateľa Loki_Six k tomuto seriálu (227)

Season 8 (2008) (S08) 

"Mark my words, Clark Kent. I won't stop until I land the first worldwide exclusive interview. Watch me." ()

Odysea (2008) (S08E01) 

"Look, I know that you're nervous, Smallville, but you got to remember I grew up around Green Berets and Navy SEAL's, not cornstalks and Jersey cows. You stick with me, I'll protect you. You'll be fine." ()

Plastická trhavina (2008) (S08E02) 

"Rule number one: always know your source. Rule number two: always make a good first impression and don't screw up with the boss. Rule number three: do whatever it takes to get the story. You really should be writing these down." ()

Otrava (2008) (S08E03) 

"So, it turns out global warming's just another excuse to take your clothes off." ()


Instinkt (2008) (S08E04) 

"You are about as predictable as mullets in NASCAR." ()

Oddanost (2008) (S08E05) 

"Clark Kent ... will you marry me?" ()

Kořist (2008) (S08E06) 

"I've always felt like... kind of like there was this darkness inside me... just fighting to get out." ()

Totožnost (2008) (S08E07) 

"Writers have been writing under pen names since the invention of the alphabet. Oliver Queen has the Green Arrow. I think it's time for you to have one of your own." ()

Vlastní krev (2008) (S08E08) 

"It's not her life anymore, Clark. She's living yours. Chloe's knee-deep in these situations that - pardon the expression, but humans just don't understand. As her best friend... make her stop before she gets hurt." ()

Propast (2008) (S08E09) 

"The symbol for doom represents the ultimate destroyer. A Kryptonian creature bred for a single purpose - to kill. It adapts and evolves to any attack. It is virtually unstoppable. And it appears it's made its way to Earth." ()

Nevěsta (2008) (S08E10) 

"If we want to fight for the greater good, maybe we all have to be a little more like Clark." ()

Legie superhrdinů (2009) (S08E11) 

"Kal-El was known for doing whatever it took to save the world. Are you sure we got the right guy?" ()

Neprůstřelný (2009) (S08E12) 

"Clark, things always get messy when you start throwing around the Clark/Lana triangle. And I'm speaking from experience when I say that the third point always hurts." ()

Moc (2009) (S08E13) 

"This thirst for power, Lana... I've seen it before. Most of the time, it doesn't have a happy ending." ()

Rekviem (2009) (S08E14) 

"Toys are powerful things, you know. They're vessels of imagination imbued with life through the simple act of play." ()

Pochybná sláva (2009) (S08E15) 

Guess I should stop calling you "Smallville." ()

Turbulence (2009) (S08E16) 

"That wasn't a friendship. Clark, you were his obsession. Lex wanted so much to be like you. But he knew - he knew in his heart he never could." ()

Kouzlo (2009) (S08E17) 

"You can never be who you wanna be if you're always looking over your shoulder at what could have been." ()

Pravá podoba (2009) (S08E18) 

"Who would Christ have been if Judas had not betrayed him? Maybe we would remember Jesus only as a teacher roaming the desert." ()

Stiletto (2009) (S08E19) 

Well, I guess I didn't see the giant asterisk above Lois Lane's rules to reporting that said "Or just make it up." ()

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