Michael PetroniRéžia:
James McTeigueScenár:
Bruce Marshall RomansKamera:
Danny RuhlmannHrajú:
Mehdi Dehbi, Michelle Monaghan, Jane Adams, Melinda Page Hamilton, Stefania LaVie Owen, Tomer Sisley, Wil Traval, Sayyid El Alami, John Ortiz, Beau Bridges, Amanda JarosVOD (1)
Eva odhalí znepokojující detaily o al-Masihově minulosti. Jibrilovy a Samerovy cesty se nečekaně protnou. V důležité chvíli zasáhne Rebecca. (Netflix)
Recenzie (4)
Po sľubnom úvode sa seriál zmenil na liberálny brainwashing s politickým podtextom, ako je tomu v poslednom čase na Netflixe čoraz väčším zvykom. Xenofóbia a náboženská neznášanlivosť, ktorú táto streamovacia služba rozširuje na obrazovky skrátka nepatrí. Doplácajú nato potom vydarené seriály z ich produkcie , ku ktorým patrí povedzme Dark či série Criminal U.K. či Germany. ()
Pomaly sa rozplieta skutočná identita a bombové závery. ()
Vidiet, ako zrejme prebieha vymyvanie mozgov a radikalizacia mladsich muzskych generacii v blizkovychodnej Azii, nie je pre sudneho cloveka nic prijemne. Zo dva zaujimave rozhovory a malicky twist na telefone s typkom v Rusku. Ten odchod pred vystupenim v zavere postrada logiku v pripade, ak nebude nejak prijatelne vysvetleny v zaverecnom dieli. To a par dalsich veci. Uvidime. ;) ()
Its a way to get your life back. Zelman. No more free rides. Ráda se ho zbavila. Sticking head in the sand isnt the solution. Theres no solution. Family, thats rich. I just wonder what else you dont tell me. Am I your partner? Am I the husband you wanted, or am I just a disappointment. Clearly I m not someone you turn to. I love you. I just couldnt now how to tell you (jo, tak s tím mám taky trochu problém). We have beliefs! And they dont include abortions for young girls. I dont believe Rebecca stuck in Texas as a teen mom for the rest of her life was an option. And I wasnt gonna let that happen to her. That explains a lot. What is that supposed to mean? I m taking control. Už bylo načase! This can still all be a part of Gods plan. He looks for us to enact His will. Blatant provocation. If we dont move, they will feel emboldened (jistě, to si máme myslet). You call it provocation, but we increased our fleet in the Baltic first, didnt we? On your order, sir. You drew the line. You cant back away from that. It makes you look weak. This demands a response (asi si moc nevěří). Delusional disorder. A messiah complex. Tak ten má celej západní svět. Proto ho tak následujou. A todle období bezvládí je třeba před jeho příchodem také vytvořit. A zdiskreditovat tajné služby. Vládnou nám samí idioti (Babiš a spol.). The only other option is you are being taken advantege of, and if someone is running you, I will find out. Willfully communicating with a known terrorist is a federal offense (a když mu dám na fcb like). You are so strong in your convictions. I m coming to get you. Prosím, a mužeš opakovaně. I have always assumed that bcs I come from humble beginnings, I must be a humble man. I have learned that my lesson is in humility. I m Gods servant. And I want to serve you how the best way I can. And how is that? A message straight from you, directly to an audience of millions. Hned po těch výměnách manželek a dalších upadlých soutěžích. I look at the moon and I don see the moon anymore. I feel it. Things are happening. Its all connected (fish). Dont talk to me about goddamn hope (potratila). This was a mistake. Asi nebyl moc dobrej. Todle chlap dycky rád slyší po souloži. Are you satisfied with the life of this world rather thanthe Hereafter? Nature of self, the purpose of a life. Yo stumbled upon me. You dont know shit. Theres no plan between us. I will say it again. You dont know shit. I m gonna help you bcs you were enough to find me. You couldnt be more wrong. Believe me when I say this. I m not the dangerous one. And thats the beautiful thing. I have been so happy to serve his cause. What cause? Just read my book. I need a Pentagon study on the consequences of a full US military withdrawal from Eastern Europe (stalo se letos poté, co nastoupil Biden do uřadu). My eyes only. Hes an avatar for Golshiri. Wallaces book is Golshiris thesis. Wallace is his disciple. Actionable intelligence. Humble adoration. Lord, we know theres a plan. We know all things are possible through you (zas malý). If you are with him, you will be delivered. If you are not, you will be taken by tornadoes, by floods and swept into the great wasteland. Heed his message. Embrace his warning, for he is the messenger. Sharing the Word of his great Father. The eye of the storm (epilepsy). I want to share a message of peace and unity (nasrat). If you look for truth (to je ten vzkaz). Ne, on to pustil. To ho nemohli odpálit na dálku? Proč to odpálil, až když všichni utekli? Dostal příležitost vejít do Valhally, kterou nevyužil. Nejsou tak drsný, jak se o nich tvrdí v mediích. Absolutně netuším, kam ten dement odjel? Kde se s nimi domluvil? Proč to auto řídí ten fízl? Jo jasně! On dostal novej úkol. Ale proč k nim nasedl? Pochopil jsem, že Fénixe nechal ve štichu, a zároven dal příležitost ty malý mrtce šířit jeho vzkaz. () (menej) (viac)