


Show se uskutečnila 1. května 2011 v St. Pete Times Forum (Tampa, Florida). Na kartě se sešlo osm zápasů.

1) CM Punk vs. Randy Orton (Last Man Standing)
2) Sheamus vs. Kofi Kingston (United States Championship Tables Match)
3) Jack Swagger & Michael Cole vs. Jerry Lawler & Jim Ross (Country Whipping Match)
4) Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes (Falls Count Anywhere)
5) Layla vs. Michelle McCool (Loser Leaves WWE)
6) Alberto Del Rio vs. Christian (World Heavyweight Championship Ladder Match)
7) Big Show & Kane vs. The Corre (Tag Team Championship Lumberjack Match)
8) The Miz vs. John Cena vs. John Morrison (WWE Championship Steel Cage Match) (TheSpearCZ)


