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Recenzie (293)


Veľký Gatsby (2013) 

“So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.”


Dôkaz (2005) 

How many days have I lost?


Imaginaerum (2012) 

When you get old enough you don't fear death anymore, you wait for it. And, after a while, you hope for it, even if you don't admit it. Do you know why? Because losing your mind before you go is worse than dying.


Jack Reacher: Posledný výstrel (2012) 

Look out the window. Tell me what you see. You see the same things that you see everyday. Well, imagine you've never seen it. Imagine you spent your whole life in other parts of the world, being told everyday that you're defending freedom. Then you finally decide you've had enough. Time to see what you've given up your whole life for, everything. Get some of that "freedom" for yourself. Look at the people. You tell me which ones are free. Free from debt. Anxiety. Stress. Fear. Failure. Indignity. Betrayal. How many wish that they were born knowing what they know now? Ask yourself how many would do things the same way over again, and how many would live their lives like me.


Mavericks: Na divokej vlne (2012) 

As for the rest, all I will say is... the ones who push the limits, discover the limits sometimes push back.


K zázraku (2012) 

I feel so close to you that I could almost touch you. There is always this invisible something that I feel so strongly. Which ties us so tightly together. I love this feeling even if it makes me cry sometimes.