

Akty X

  • Česko Akta X (viac)
Trailer 1
Dráma / Horor / Thriller / Mysteriózny / Sci-Fi / Komédia
USA / Kanada, (1993–2018), 162 h 42 min (Minutáž: 42–86 min)


Chris Carter


Mark Snow


Gillian Anderson, David Duchovny, Mitch Pileggi, Robert Patrick, Annabeth Gish, William B. Davis, Tom Braidwood, Bruce Harwood, Dean Haglund, Nicholas Lea (viac)
(ďalšie profesie)

Série(11) / Epizódy(217)

Špeciálna agentka FBI Dana Scullyová má za úlohu asistovať špeciálnemu agentovi Foxovi Mulderovi pri vyšetrovaní Aktov X - neobjasnených prípadov, v ktorých figurujú správy o pozorovaní nadprirodzených úkazov. Vyštudovaný psychológ Mulder týmto správam verí, kdežto doktorka medicíny Scullyová hľadá racionálne vysvetlenia. (TV Markíza)


Recenzie používateľa Loki_Six k tomuto seriálu (219)

Šestý zánik (1999) (S07E01) 

"I came in search of something I did not believe existed. I've stayed on now, in spite of myself. In spite of everything I've ever held to be true. I will continue here as long as I can... as long as you are beset by the haunting illness which I saw consume your beautiful mind. What is this discovery I've made? How can I reconcile what I see with what I know? I feel this was meant not for me to find but for you... to make sense of - make the connections which can't be ignored... connections which, for me, deny all logic and reason. What is this source of power I hold in my hand - this rubbing - a simple impression taken from the surface of the craft? I watched this rubbing take its undeniable hold on you, saw you succumb to its spiraling effect. Now I must work to uncover what your illness prevents you from finding. In the source of every illness lies its cure." ()

Hlad (1999) (S07E03) 

"True story. I used to weigh 356 pounds. Do you believe that? Well, it's true. I lived to eat, ladies and gentlemen. My entire life revolved around eating because I was always hungry! My appetite was controlling me. Four-star restaurants, Denny's-- it didn't matter. And it didn't stop. It didn't stop till I took charge of my own life. It didn't stop until I put on the brakes and I said, "whoa...Ricardo, you are your own man and you control everything that you do." " ()

Milénium (1999) (S07E04) 

"Mulder, these people, even when they were alive, mangled biblical prophecy to the extent that it's unrecognisable. The year 2000 is just their artificial deadline, and besides 2001 is actually the start of the new millennium." ()


Zrychlení (1999) (S07E05) 

"Some kind of territorial or spiritual entity, maybe. Poltergeists have long been associated with violent acts like this and they tend to manifest around young people. They seem to be drawn to the turmoil of adolescence." ()

Souhra náhod (1999) (S07E06) 

"For such a fortunate man, a lot of unfortunate things happen in Henry Weem's wake." ()

Láska boží (2000) (S07E07) 

"I promise you there is nothing supernatural about this man. Donnie Pfaster is just plain evil." ()

Úžasný Maleeni (2000) (S07E08) 

"Mozart and Salieri. They sound pretty much the same to a layman, but they ain't. Know what I'm sayin'? It's about originality, style, and more than anything else, soul; because that's what separates the great ones from the hacks." ()

Divy a zázraky (2000) (S07E09) 

Scully - Snake handling. I didn't learn that in catechism class. Mulder - That's funny - I knew a couple of catholic school girls who were expert at it! ()

Bytí a čas (2000) (S07E10) 

"Don't go looking for something you don't want to find." ()

Konec cesty (2000) (S07E11) 

"I have this... powerful feeling and I can't explain it, but that... this is the end of the road. That I've been brought here to learn the truth." ()

Poldové X (2000) (S07E12) 

"I don't know what it is about a full moon - It's just, something about it. People just go off the wall. I mean these are some pretty scary neighborhoods to begin with - I haven't been on the job that long myself, but, I've seen more than my fair share of crazy stuff. When the moon is full - It's just, like, times ten... I don't know, uh.. I don't know - Maybe it's the tides of something.. But irregardless - we're on the job, and if that makes people breathe a little easier knowing we're out there, or, be a little less nervous walking the streets at night, well, that's a good feeling." ()

Z pohledu střelce (2000) (S07E13) 

"Maybe out past where the imagination ends, our true natures lie, waiting to be confronted on their own terms. Out where the intellect is at war with the primitive brain, in the hostile territory of the digital world, where laws are silent and rules disappear in the midst of arms. Born in anarchy with an unquenchable bloodthirst we shudder to think what might rise up from the darkness." Prvykrat ma v seriali nieco iritovalo. A to Scullyovej predpotopny nazor na hry, ktory je na urovni 127 rocnej babicky z obdobia 70tich sukien, parochni a chlapov non-stop potiacich sa v oblekoch. Kto v dnesnej dobe povazuje hry za detsku zalezitost mal by cim skor vyhladat odbornu pomoc, nakolko nieco s jeho mozgom je velmi silno v neporiadku. Alebo este ziadnu novodobu hru nevidel, ale v tom pripade nema pravo mat na to nazor. Kazdopadne Maitreya nema chybu. ()

Zloději (2000) (S07E14) 

"Lousy spelling aside, who do you think it refers to? Who's the thief?" ()

Jako přátelé (2000) (S07E15) 

"That which makes miracles, can also make great evil." ()

Přízrak (2000) (S07E16) 

"The raven is considered a very powerful symbol in certain Norse, Celtic and Native American cultures mostly, a negative one. Indians view it as a deceiving spirit, Christianity mostly associates it with evil and, then, of course, there's Poe's raven and, "nevermore," and all that stuff." ()

Úplně všechno (2000) (S07E17) 

"I was diagnosed with breast cancer. It's the cancer that got my attention. It stopped me from being on the self-destructive path I was on. It made me realize I was in a field that had little meaning for me and it's what's allowed me to be happy for what feels like the first time in my life." ()

Nová značka (2000) (S07E18) 

"You don't have my brand." ()

Hollywoodský šéf (2000) (S07E19) odpad!

"Maybe true faith is really a form of insanity." Nieco tak velmi zle by som v tomto seriali nikdy necakal. ()

Klub rváčů (2000) (S07E20) 

"Okay, so these agents were investigating something. Something... much like what they themselves were almost killed by. Uh, something they came into contact with. Uh... Third party? Two third parties. Twins? Relatives? A doppelganger? A corporeal likeness that appears unbidden from the spirit world the sight of which presages one's own death or... a double, conjured into the world by a technique called bilocation...which in psychological terms represents the person's secret desires and impulses committing acts that the, uh, real person cannot commit himself... or herself?" ()

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