

Akty X

  • Česko Akta X (viac)
Trailer 2
Dráma / Horor / Thriller / Mysteriózny / Sci-Fi / Komédia
USA / Kanada, (1993–2018), 162 h 42 min (Minutáž: 42–86 min)


Chris Carter


Mark Snow


Gillian Anderson, David Duchovny, Mitch Pileggi, Robert Patrick, Annabeth Gish, William B. Davis, Tom Braidwood, Bruce Harwood, Dean Haglund, Nicholas Lea (viac)
(ďalšie profesie)

Série(11) / Epizódy(217)

Špeciálna agentka FBI Dana Scullyová má za úlohu asistovať špeciálnemu agentovi Foxovi Mulderovi pri vyšetrovaní Aktov X - neobjasnených prípadov, v ktorých figurujú správy o pozorovaní nadprirodzených úkazov. Vyštudovaný psychológ Mulder týmto správam verí, kdežto doktorka medicíny Scullyová hľadá racionálne vysvetlenia. (TV Markíza)


Recenzie používateľa Loki_Six k tomuto seriálu (219)

Slunečné dny (2002) (S09E18) 

"A - Eyewitness places the deceased inside this house just prior to the time of his demise. B - We found a fragment of roofing shingle at the scene of the impact. It would seem it matches the discarded piece you now hold in your hand. C - There's a hole in the roof, recently patched, this big around. Connect A to B to C." ()

Pravda (2002) (S09E19) 

"Yes.. I'd like to congratulate you - On succeeding where so many before you have failed. A bullet between the eyes would have been preferable to this charade. But I've learned to pretend over the past nine years - to pretend that my victories mattered only to realize that no one was keeping score. To realize that liars do not fear the truth if there are enough liars.. That the devil is just one man with a plan, but evil, true evil, is a collaboration of men, which is what we have here today. If I am a guilty man, my crime is in daring to believe; that the truth will out and that no one lie can live forever.. I believe it still. Much as you try to bury it, the truth is out there. Greater than your lies, the truth wants to be known. You will know it. It'll come to you, as it's come to me, faster than the speed of light. You may believe yourselves rid of your headache now, and maybe you are... but you've only done it by cutting off your own heads." ()

Môj boj (2016) (S10E01) 

"A government, driven not only by corporate greed, but by a darker objective, the takeover of America and then the world itself, by whatever means necessary, however violent, cruel or efficient. By severe drought, brought on by weather wars, conducted secretly using arial contaminants and high altitude electromagnetic waves, and a state of perpetual war, to create problem reaction solution scenarios to distract, enrage and enslave American citizens at home with tools like the Patriot Act and the National Defense Authorization Act, which abridge the constitution in the name of national security. The militarization of police forces in cities across the US, the building of prison camps by the Federal Emergency Management Agency with no stated purpose, the corporate takeover of food and agriculture, pharmaceuticals and healthcare, even the military in clandestine agendas to fatten, dull, sicken and control the populace already consumed by consumerism. A government that taps your phone, collects your data and monitors your whereabouts with impunity, a government preparing to use that data against you when it strikes and the final takeover begins." ()

Mutácia zakladateľa (2016) (S10E02) 

"Every new species begins with a Founder's Mutation. One child with the correct combination of DNA could be a start." ()


Mulder a Scullyová stretávajú monštrum (2016) (S10E03) 

"Maybe he was a nudist. Took a midnight hike in the nude, got attacked by a wolf or a lion or a bear. Maybe all at the same time. That's how I'd like to go out." ()

Znovu doma (2016) (S10E04) 

"The people on the streets - the homeless, street people - they ain't got no voice, right? They get treated like trash. I mean, actual trash. It's like this. You throw your grande cup or your pop bottle in the right trash can under the sink - recyclables here, trash there - you tie it in a bag, you take it outside, you put it in the right dumpsters. Pat yourself on the head. You're a good person, yeah? You did the right thing, you fought global warming, you love all the little animals. Well, Friday come, Wednesday maybe, garbageman takes the trash away. It's not your problem anymore. Magic! But it is your problem, because it piles up in the landfill. And the plastics leak toxins into the water and the sky. But if you don't see a problem, there's no problem, right? People treat people like trash." ()

Babylon (2016) (S10E05) 

"You know, I've never seen a patient receive so much attention... especially one who's so unworthy of it. Just like all those immigrant groups coming over here, taking all our jobs, clogging up the health care system and our schools, and they don't even speak English. A church group brought 200 Arab refugees to our town, and now they're saying that they want to bring some more. It's all part of a government program paid for by my tax dollars, which means that I come to work every day, and I pay for these people... So I did some research, and I found out that this is all part of a plot by the United Nations to get these people into the US, so that they can form terrorist cells. Yeah. You turn your back on these people, you're taking your chance." Slabá časť, ale potešilo, že si trochu urobili srandu aj z takto zabednených ľudí. ()

Môj boj 2 (2016) (S10E06) 

"I've controlled you since before you knew I existed." ()

Season 11 (2018) (S11) 

"Dreams are today's answers to tomorrow's questions." ()

Môj boj III (2018) (S11E01) 

"My plans are airtight. And even if they were to get out, they would be dismissed as so much fake news. That's the world we live in, Monica. Everyday a new disaster, when the one thing no one is prepared for will wipe the slate clean. We refuse to imagine our impending extinction, the acceleration of the cataclysms. We've thrown science out the window in favor of scandal and opinion and cant and all manner of ridiculous untruths. Civilization a joke, and my plan merely the punchline." ()

Život po živote (2018) (S11E02) 

"Scully, you looked so adorbs just there, all curled up in a ball in the booth of a skanky bar with your fingers wrapped around the grip of an assassin's Glock." ()

Plus jedna (2018) (S11E03) 

"Well, they didn't all die from car crashes into trees. Seven died from hanging, four jumped off a tall bridge, - um, three - This is a mass phenomenon." ()

Počkať, čože? (2018) (S11E04) 

"The Mandela Effect. When someone has a memory that doesn't coincide with everybody else's or the facts. So named because some people have a memory of hearing that Nelson Mandela died in the '80s while imprisoned, when, in fact, he died a free man in 2013." ()

Ghouli (2018) (S11E05) 

"Dreams are today's answers to tomorrow's questions." ()

Mačiatko (2018) (S11E06) 

"Imagine a government who could literally control the minds of its citizens by exposing their minds to a poison. It's happening. It's happenin' right now!" ()

Dôverne známy démon (2018) (S11E08) 

"I'm, I'm not defending him. But you said it yourself, it's this rush to judgement - mass hysteria, Salem, McCarthyism. What happened to the precious presumption of innocence, which is rooted in a very democratic ideal - that it's better to let ten guilty men go free than to imprison one innocent man." ()

Nič netrvá večne (2018) (S11E09) 

"I finally know why I'm not a Christian, Scully. My parents never got me a puppy." ()

Môj boj IV (2018) (S11E10) 

"You can't help me. All right? Nobody can help me. Okay? These people, they're never gonna stop coming for me. I've seen the future, all right? Like visions. I-I know what happens if they catch me. All the people who are gonna die. Look, I don't want to live in that world. And, I don't know, maybe I can stop it. If I didn't exist..." ()

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