

Nahá veda

  • Česko Nahá věda (viac)
USA, (2004–2011), 104 h 26 min (Minutáž: 45–51 min)


Eric Meyers (rozprávač), Rushmore DeNooyer, Chris McKay, Iain Stewart, John Lundberg, J.V. Martin, Robert Schoch, Bethany Hamilton, David Childress (viac)
(ďalšie profesie)

Série(8) / Epizódy(139)


Trinásťdielny dokumentárny serial USA, v ktorom nám vedci objasňujú skutočnú silu prírodných živlov, pôvod legiend, ktorých tajomstvo sme dodnes nevylúštili aj podstatu človeka. Odhaľuje pravdu skrývajúcu sa za mnohými polemickými vedeckými témami našej doby. Každá časť nastoľuje samostatný problém vedeckého výskumu a sleduje špičkových odborníkov pri triedení dôkazov, ktoré prinášajú prekvapujúce odhalenia. Na rôznych pokusoch zisťujú, nakoľko by príroda a jej katastrofy mohli ohroziť existenciu našej planéty a tým aj ľudstva. Tento dynamický seriál využíva dramatické rekonštrukcie a špeciálne efekty v štýle, ktorý je pre diváka vysoko atraktívny. (oficiálny text distribútora)


Epizódy (139)

Killer Asteroid (S01E01)

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Super Volcano (S01E02)

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Angry Earth (S01E03)

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Who Built Stonehenge? (S01E04)

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The Deadliest Shark (S01E05)

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Bermuda Triangle (S01E06)

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Atlantis (S01E07)

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Alien Contact (S01E08)

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Angry Skies (S01E09)

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What Is Human? (S01E10)

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Earth's Core (S02E01)

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Surviving Nature's Fury (S02E02)

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Shark Attacks (S02E03)

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Telepathy (S02E04)

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Volcano Alert (S02E05)

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Spacemen (S02E06)

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Bullets (S02E07)

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Tsunami Warning (S02E08)

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Birth of the Earth (S02E09)

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Landslides (S02E10)

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Loch Ness (S02E11)

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Close Encounters (S02E12)

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Moon Mysteries (S03E01)

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What's Sexy (S03E02)

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Death of the Sun (S03E03)

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Big Freeze (S03E04)

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Roman Technology Investigated (S03E05)

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Lightning Strike Investigated (S03E06)

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The Deep (S03E07)

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Explosive Force (S03E08)

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Pyramids (S03E09)

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Colliding Continents (S03E10)

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Birth of the Universe (S03E11)

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Freeze Me (S03E12)

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Forensics Under Fire (S03E13)

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Ancient Asteroid (S03E14)

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Extinction (S03E15)

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Deadliest Planets (S03E16)

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Was Darwin Wrong? (S03E17)

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Glacier Meltdown (S04E01)

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Destructive Forces (S04E02)

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Stone Age Apocalypse (S04E03)

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Comets (S04E04)

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Prehistoric Americans (S04E05)

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Deep Space Probes Probes (S04E06)

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Polar Apocalypse (S04E07)

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Dino Meteor (S04E08)

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Planet Storm (S04E09)

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Killer Lakes (S04E10)

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Ring of Fire (S04E11)

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Comet Mysteries (S04E12)

? %

Alien Safari (S04E13)

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Hyper Hurricanes (S04E14)

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Dangers of the Deep (S04E15)

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Solar Force (S04E16)

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Birth of the Solar System (S04E17)

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Hubble Trouble (S04E18)

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Grand Canyon (S05E01)

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The Rockies (S05E02)

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Birth of America (S05E03)

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Birth of Life (S05E04)

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Pluto Rediscovered (S05E05)

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Mars: Waterworld (S05E06)

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Saturn's Secrets (S05E07)

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Asteroid Alert (S05E08)

? %

First to Cross the Ocean (S05E09)

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Time Machine (S05E10)

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Earth's Invisible Shield (S05E11)

? %

Big Bang (S05E12)

? %

Hubble's Amazing Universe (S05E13)

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Supercontinent (S05E14)

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Giant Crystal Cave (S05E15)

? %

Death of the Universe (S05E16)

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What Killed the Aztecs? (S05E17)

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Five Years on Mars (S05E18)

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Solar Storm (S06E01)

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Super Diamonds (S06E02)

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Birth of the Oceans (S06E03)

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Ice Age Meltdown (S06E04)

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Death of the Earth (S06E05)

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Journey to Jupiter (S06E06)

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Death of a Star (S06E07)

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Monster Black Holes (S06E08)

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Great Lakes (S06E09)

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How to Kill a Planet (S06E10)

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Earth's Crust (S06E11)

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Anatomy of a Hurricane (S06E12)

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Twister Outbreak (S06E13)

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Earth's Evil Twin (S06E14)

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Secret World of Fireworks (S06E15)

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Tsunami from Outer Space (S06E16)

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How the West Was Made (S06E17)

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Living on the Moon (S06E18)

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Stephen Hawking's Universe (S06E19)

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Incinerator Earth (S06E20)

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Earthquake Swarm (S06E21)

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Dirty Bomb Attack (S06E22)

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Countdown to Impact (S06E23)

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Vesuvius Time Bomb (S06E24)

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Ancient Astronomers (S06E25)

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Surviving Ancient Alaska (S07E01)

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Earth Without the Moon (S07E02)

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Finding the Origin of Life (S07E03)

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Traveler's Guide to Mars (S07E04)

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Preventing Armageddon (S07E05)

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Hunt for Aliens (S07E06)

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Expedition Apocalypse (S07E07)

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Earth from Above (S07E08)

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Traveler's Guide to Saturn (S07E09)

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Iceland Volcano Eruption (S07E10)

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10 Things You Didn't Know About Tsunamis (S07E11)

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Dead Tired (S07E12)

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21st Century Stealth Sub (S07E13)

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Easter Island Eclipse (S07E14)

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Swallowed by the Sun (S07E15)

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When the Earth Stops Spinning (S07E16)

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Lightning Chasers (S07E17)

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Man-Made Disasters (S07E18)

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City Under the Sea (S07E19)

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Pravěké mořské příšery (S07E20)


Alien Fireballs (S07E21)

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Earth: Making of a Planet (S07E22)

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Solar Powered Flight (S08E01)

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Star Clock BC (S08E02)

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Dinomorphosis (S08E03)

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The Book That Can't Be Read (S08E04)

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Birth of the Grand Canyon (S08E05)

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Storm Winds (S08E06)

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Zázračná molekula (S08E07)


Život v paralelním vesmíru (S08E08)

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Venom Power (S08E09)

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World's Oldest Child (S08E10)

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Kristova ohnivá koule (S08E11)

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Jak se stát supermanem (S08E12)

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Sea Strikers (S08E13)

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Life After Dinosaurs (S08E14)

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Holiday in Outer Space (S08E15)

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Volcano Devils (S08E16)

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Dovolená ve vesmíru (S08E17)

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