


Keby sa narodili v rovnakom storočí, bol by z nich dokonalý pár... V roku 1876  je mladý a atraktívny Leopold, vojvoda z Albany, jedným z najžiadanejších ženíchov v New Yorku. Strýko Henry sa snaží mladíka výhodne oženiť, pretože po smrti rodičov prišiel o veľký majetok. Okrem obdivných pohľadov dievčat ho prenasleduje aj neznámy mladý muž, vďaka ktorému sa Leopold presunie v čase do budúcnosti a ocitne sa v New Yorku na začiatku 21. storočia. Píše sa rok 2001 a šľachtic z 19. storočia spoznáva nielen autá, telefóny a televíziu, ale ak krásnu a sympatickú Kate. Ich spoločná cesta je plná nedorozumení, komických situácií a prekvapujúcich zvratov. Leopold sa ľahšie vyrovnáva s modernými technickými vymoženosťami ako s názormi a životným štýlom modernej ženy. Kate dlho odmieta uveriť, že Leopold skutočne pochádza z dávnych čias, a považuje ho za čudáka či vtipkára so špecifickým zmyslom pre humor. Cíti však k nemu čoraz pevnejšie puto a hoci je rozvážna a racionálna, z lásky k nemu sa rozhodne urobiť riskantný krok do neznáma. (TV JOJ)



Kate & Leopold: Sting - "Until"

Kate & Leopold: Sting - "Until"

Vydal: BMG Poland

Rok: 2002

Krajina: Poľsko

Formát: CD

Minutáž: 34:29

Poznámky: Available with one of polish women's magazine. Comes in cardboard sleeve.
This CD also includes the following content:
Data-1 is MS Office .doc file with description of interviews from track 4
Data-2 is movie presskit (in Polish) from polish distributor (.rtf file)
Data-3 is photo gallery (sixteen .jpg files) from the movie
Video-1 is movie trailer in Apple's Quicktime format
Data-4 is MS Office .doc file with polish distributor materials

1. "Until" - Sting Sting 03:08
2. Let's Go! Rolfe Kent 03:03
3. "Back Where I Belong" - Jula Bell Rolfe Kent 02:49
4. DIALOGUE: Wywiady Z Twórcami I Aktorami 25:29
Kate & Leopold

Kate & Leopold

Music from the Miramax Motion Picture

Vydal: BMG

Rok: 2002

Krajina: Japonsko

Formát: CD

Minutáž: 41:46

1. A Clock In New York Rolfe Kent 01:25
2. I Want Him Resplendent Rolfe Kent 01:25
3. Leopold Chases Stuart To Brooklyn Rolfe Kent 01:54
4. That Was Your Best? Rolfe Kent 01:17
5. Let's Go! Rolfe Kent 03:03
6. Leopold Sees The Completed Bridge Rolfe Kent 00:48
7. "You Did So Great" (Kate's Theme) Rolfe Kent 01:18
8. Galloping Rolfe Kent 01:21
9. "Dearest Kate..." Rolfe Kent 02:13
10. Prolixin / Leopold & Charlie Buy Flowers Rolfe Kent 02:20
11. Charlie Wins Patrice, Leopold Wins Kate Rolfe Kent 03:41
12. Secret Drawer Rolfe Kent 02:00
13. Time For Bed Rolfe Kent 02:14
14. Charlie Realizes Leopold Was For Real - 1876 Rolfe Kent 01:31
15. Kate Goes To The Awards Rolfe Kent 02:24
16. Kate Sees The Pictures - "I Have To Go" Rolfe Kent 02:53
17. "You Have To Cross The Girder" Rolfe Kent 01:51
18. Back In 1876 - Waltz Rolfe Kent 02:11
19. "Back Where I Belong" - Jula Bell Rolfe Kent 02:49
20. "Until..." - Sting Sting, Rolfe Kent 03:08
Kate & Leopold

Kate & Leopold

Music from the Miramax Motion Picture

Vydal: Milan Records

Rok: 2001

Krajina: USA

Formát: CD

Minutáž: 41:46

1. "Until..." - Sting Sting 03:08
2. A Clock In New York Rolfe Kent 01:25
3. I Want Him Resplendent Rolfe Kent 01:25
4. Leopold Chases Stuart To Brooklyn Rolfe Kent 01:54
5. That Was Your Best? Rolfe Kent 01:17
6. Let's Go! Rolfe Kent 03:03
7. Leopold Sees The Completed Bridge Rolfe Kent 00:48
8. "You Did So Great" (Kate's Theme) Rolfe Kent 01:18
9. Galloping Rolfe Kent 01:21
10. "Dearest Kate..." Rolfe Kent 02:13
11. Prolixin / Leopold & Charlie Buy Flowers Rolfe Kent 02:20
12. Charlie Wins Patrice, Leopold Wins Kate Rolfe Kent 03:41
13. Secret Drawer Rolfe Kent 02:00
14. Time For Bed Rolfe Kent 02:14
15. Charlie Realizes Leopold Was For Real - 1876 Rolfe Kent 01:31
16. Kate Goes To The Awards Rolfe Kent 02:24
17. Kate Sees The Pictures - "I Have To Go" Rolfe Kent 02:53
18. "You Have To Cross The Girder" Rolfe Kent 01:51
19. Back In 1876 - Waltz Rolfe Kent 02:11
20. "Back Where I Belong" - Jula Bell Rolfe Kent 02:49
Kate & Leopold

Kate & Leopold

Music from the Miramax Motion Picture

Vydal: Milan Records

Rok: 2001

Krajina: Francúzsko

Formát: CD, digital

Minutáž: 41:41

1. A Clock In New York Rolfe Kent 01:25
2. I Want Him Resplendent Rolfe Kent 01:25
3. Leopold Chases Stuart To Brooklyn Rolfe Kent 01:54
4. That Was Your Best? Rolfe Kent 01:17
5. Let's Go! Rolfe Kent 03:03
6. Leopold Sees The Completed Bridge Rolfe Kent 00:48
7. "You Did So Great" (Kate's Theme) Rolfe Kent 01:18
8. Galloping Rolfe Kent 01:21
9. "Dearest Kate..." Rolfe Kent 02:13
10. Prolixin / Leopold & Charlie Buy Flowers Rolfe Kent 02:20
11. Charlie Wins Patrice, Leopold Wins Kate Rolfe Kent 03:41
12. Secret Drawer Rolfe Kent 02:00
13. Time For Bed Rolfe Kent 02:14
14. Charlie Realizes Leopold Was For Real - 1876 Rolfe Kent 01:31
15. Kate Goes To The Awards Rolfe Kent 02:24
16. Kate Sees The Pictures - "I Have to Go" Rolfe Kent 02:53
17. "You Have To Cross The Girder" Rolfe Kent 01:51
18. Back In 1876 - Waltz Rolfe Kent 02:11
19. "Back Where I Belong" - Jula Bell Rolfe Kent 02:49
20. "Until..." - Sting Sting 03:03



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