

Charles Bukowski - The Last Reading

(divadelný záznam)
všetky plagáty
USA, 1980, 74 min

Recenzie (1)


všetky recenzie používateľa

„Sit up and be, huh?“ Charles Bukowski má svoj last public reading a tradične mu s veľkou pompou kraľuje. Prichádza pomaličky, publikum poctivo zdraví, znie vážna hudba, smrká, dočká sa aj z to potlesku, namáhavo si odfúkne, povie, odkiaľ prichádza, vulgárne komunikuje s publikom, povie, že to bude dignified poetry a otvorí fľašu vína, odleje si do pohára a vypije. Prizná sa ku zážitku so stávkami na dostihy z minulej soboty, povie, že už začne, pozrie na svoje hodiny a ohlási začiatok a ozaj začne, no stihne si ešte spakruky odgrgnúť. Nezabudne spomenúť, ako dlho tam už je a s humorom sa obrátiť na divákov, „you are here a lot longer, haven’t you?“ číta ja príhodu spomenutú v poviedke z Príbehov obyčajného šialenstva. Odporúča aj spisovateľa Johna Fanteho a celý čas baví svoje publikum. „Tonight is going ot be a very dignified reading. I have not rejoin or have rejoiners with the audience. I shall read you dignified poetry in a dignified way. We shall comport ourselves as ladies nad gentlemen of culture.“ –„I’m not as tired aas you. So okey, I know that.“ –„Now that guy knew how to write a few lines down. Up and down and sideways and upside down. Just the way some of us fuck. Of course a lot of us don’t fuck at all. We sit home. To fuck me, right? Aren’t you girls? What that old ugly guy, how can he think i’d give my pussy to him? .. Oh. Do I have to explian this? This is not dope. Al right, you know what i tis. An indian cigarete called the share BD the lepers roll them for.. uh, for nothing! Just to feel good doing something you know, I. A leper roll that one did a lousy job. The guy who made this lighter must have been another leper.“ –„Magic? Yes, I’m magic. That didn’t wok, did it?“ –„How did I ever get in a fix like this looking at all these faces? You know if you think I look bad to you...“ –„You paid seven dollar. I got there free and I’m drinking. Im taking my time.“ –„I worry so much about hostages every night I can’t even jack off. Man it’s terrible.“ –„I’m pleased to be mistaken fir a foghorn in the middle of the night.“ –„Dio you write little poems at night, fellow?“ –„Watch me drink this now. Enjoy it.“ –„Jesus Christ, I worked factories. This is another factory.“ –„No more of this I thought. I’ll go back to the factories ifthey’ll have me.“ –„I’m getting rich off  your stupidity.“ –„Read your poem, stop talking, Bukowski!“ –„Linda, where are you?“ –„Iwish I could meet a dentist whoc could suck my dick.“ –„Your lame ducks are nowhere. Show me some hatred. Listen, I’m the toughest guy in town. I’m Humphrey Bogart.“ „Motherfucker! Fuck you!“ „There that’s what I’ve been waiting for! At last!“  -„Let me read the last poem and get the fuck out of this clip joint.“ –„You know you’re gonna get on my nerves finally I’m gonna find you.“ Jazykové okienko: stinko; clip joint. ()

