

Najsledovanejšie žánre / typy / pôvody

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  • Sci-Fi

Recenzie (106)


Bikini Spring Break (2012) odpad!

Toto môže mať len jedno vysvetlenie. Študent dostal natočiť porno bez porna a vzniklo toto. Ani na tie cecky sa mi nechcelo pozerať.


Terapia láskou (2012) 

You have poor social skills. You have a problem. / I have a problem? You say more inappropriate things than appropriate things. You scare people. / I tell the truth. But you're mean. / What? I'm not telling the truth?


Sedem psychopatov (2012) 

New idea. How about we change the title from the Seven Psychopaths to the Seven Lesbians Who Are All Disabled And Have Overcome All This Spazzy Shit And Are Really Nice To Everybody And Two Of 'Em Are Black? How about that?


Malý princ (1974) 

Nepozerať! Niečo sa proste nemá sfilmovať. Malý princ je jedna z mála postáv, ktoré som si vedel živo predstaviť. Bohužiaľ táto dokonalá predstava bola zabitá filmovou skutočnosťou. Držte palce nech sa z toho dostanem...


Oddělen (2011) 

>>We all have problems, we all have things that we're dealing with. And we all... take them home with us at night, take them to work with us in the morning.<< >> There is nothing left. Nothing but to realize how fucked up things are...<<


Obyčajní hrdinovia (2004) 

People are so stupid and I can't bear living around anymore. And they only get worse and you just have to find the one quality that makes them,bearable. Like me. I'm your mother,so... you have to like me.


Bůh žehnej Americe (2011) 

Pekne s kľudom rozvahou a premyslene... Joel Murray sympatickým výkonom pekne ukázal, ako sa dá čiastočne vysporiadať s touto spoločnosťou a spraviť si aspoň trošku dobre na duši.