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Recenzie (1 028)


Pred polnocou (2013) 

Tak nejdřív naznačili, jakej je ten snoubenec kripl, když je ve spojení se svojí nastávající jako nějakej ocásek, pak s ní usíná při Skypu a všichni to považují za náramně legrační, normu - Im just being an amateur anthropologist interested in virtual words on a theoretical level - For instance the sex of the near future, Im not making this up, gonna be like plugging in something to your genitals and you will be having virtual intercourse with anyone of your choice - You will be able to program in all your preferences. You will be able to type in what you want Marilyn Monroe to whisper in your ear - I might like that (odpovídá dokonalá píča) - I mean, why not? More and more of your experiences are going to také place in the virtual world (odpovídá kripl, který spí s laptopem a kráva přitaká) - You are a writer. How are you gonna feel when a computer can write a book (ted přiznala, že je jen hračka na pobavení) better than War and Peace? - It will never happen - I think its only a question about when its going to happen (kripl a jeho vize – zajímavý, že nikdy nevidí za obzor toho svýho ráje na zemi, kde je jenom spoušt a mizerie) - Kasparov - Nobody thought a computer could beat our best (tak todle jsem nikdy nepochopil, jak někdo muže čekat, že porazí počítač na jeho vlastní pudě) - A machine lacks that ineffable human instinct - Tvl, o čem tendle film je? - Experiment on a lab rat - Pathetic little creature - Ignored foor and water and didnt do anything else and eventually it just died - I mean, I think thats the future of humanity (vubec jsem to nečekal) - Every generation believes that they are withnessing the end of the world (ale, od kdy) but I feel that Im actually living it (2013) - We are this kind of pleasure obsessed, porn adled, materialists, ceding our humanity to technology at the same moment that computers are becoming sentient. So my question is, is this notion of self to begin with? - Well its written over the portals to the temple of Apollo at Delphi - It says gnothi seauton (gnosti saton), which means know thyself - V přehravači Lost Souls - But we are kind of 99 percent automated already - Our personality or this thing we think of as ourself is tiny fraction of what the brain is doing. Most of it is automated body functions. What is it we are ceding? - Then we lost track of each other. A decade later we ran into each other - One pitch, two run homer - You gotta let them win at all the silly little games they like (co kdyby sis nasrala, kurvičko, já ti dám řetěz a budeš si hrát sama) - The foundational lie to our relationship - It builds theis confidence - If I didnt let him win at every game we wouldn never have sex - Peníze, at k nim přijdete jakkoli, jsou měřítkem uspěšnosti v dnešním světě (nwm proč mě to zrovna napadlo) - I have never met a writer before - You know, I cant even write my own name sometimes when Im tired - Začíná mě to bavit - V přehrávači TS Ready For It? - Well, I like stories with a meaning behind it - Romeo and… - Juliet - Yeah, you know it? - Its a play, actually. Its not a book - I thought it was a book based on the movie - V přehravači Strength of The Thousand Men - Alive and kicking - Penis first, then the rest of the world - But if you can explain it all on strictly GENDER terms. Why do you, or why does any woman waste time gettin mad at or bother trying to change a man? - If its all biology, what is the problem? - Its like getting pissed at a frog for being green (aha) - I wonder if this idea of love affair that lasts forever is still relevant to us - I think if they had more money they wouldnt still be together (nebo samoživitelky podporu od státu) - Seamstress - Her big advice was to not to be too consumed with romantic love. Friendships and work, she said, brought her the most HAPINESS (tak ještě že tak) - Thats the thing that fucks us up - This idea of a soul mate, of someone who will come to somplete us (v dětství jsem byl asi holka – to je dukaz, že ženy se nevyvíjejí) and save us from having to také care of ourselves - I know hes not gonna meet any of my needs - She took care of herself and asked me to do the same - We were never one person. Always two. - I think my husband is always trying to almost colonize me (jak hezky o sobě mluví) - But at the end of the day, its not the love of one other person that matters, its the love of life (slova starce) - We all know, the Greeks invented tragedy - V přehravači Carry Me, Eurielle - I couldnt move. I even held my breath. But I felt safe. Complete (tvl, je to možný, aby mi to takhle vycházelo) - I miss the way he was whistling walking down the street (kéž bych dokázal zapomenout) - And every time I do something I think of what he would say (tvl, ještě že mi nikdo nechybí) - Hes sort of fading and Im starting to forget him (thats life) and its like losing him again - V přehrávači Evanescence, Imperfection - That was all gone by the time he went - Zajímavá kamera - Anything so ephemeral - Passing through - V přehravači Alone In The Dark - And eventually he catches his face in the windows reflection - We always think we are evolving but we cant change that much - When I was younger I just wanted time to speed up. So I could be on my own - Be freed from parents, school, all that shit - And be adult. No I feel that happened and I just want everything to slow down - I have always had this feeling no matter where Iam in my life (ona) - Like, is this really my life? Like, is this happening right now? - I keep telling you, you know nothing. I know. Im coming around - But not knowing is not so bad - I mean, the point is to be looking, searching, to stay hungry, right (musím psovi koupit nějaký žrádlo a novej zimní obleček)? - I just wish it was a little easier. Just to maintain a certain level of passion, you know (yeah) - It felt like we were doing something important. This was our time - But you were all arrogant little pricks (tak o to jim jde, myslí si, že tu bouři přečkaj) - It grew out of all this energy and this creativity or whatever ambitions ppl had - I think you gotta be a lettle deluded to stay motivated - Young men have this thing about comparing themselves - They have all these signposts they judge themself by (já budu těm starym kriplum uvolnovat místo?) - Balzac wrote a book before breakfast, so what am I doing? - Women who achieve anything, first time you hear about them, they are in their 50s. it was so hard for them to get any recognitions before then - They struggled for 30 yrs (or they) raised kids before they could finaly do what they want (to je nějaká feministická agitka?) - Its kind of freeing, we dont have to spend our life comparing ourselves to Martin Luther King, Ghandi, Tolstov - What about Joan of Arc? Forgen France - I mean she was a teenager and she saved France, so (so…) - Who wants to be JoA (dobrá dopověd, feministická svině)? - She was burned at the stake and a virgin, okey? Nothing I aspire to - Tvl, to jsou rozhovory! - Just wandered around bullshiting - Times demarcated now - I would lock eyes with you - You are making me as horny as a billy goat in a pepper patch - Fat-asses middle-aged mom losing her hair - How creepy - I got my Eastern bloc leaders mixed up - So it was Vaclav Havel? (fakt to řekl) - After lifetime shes being sweet like a pie - Ninethy six a v překladu je 98, přestože to před chvíli ještě zmínili (bud je to překlep, nebo si ze mě nědko dělá srandu. nebo z nás) - Its crazy if you think about the change they saw. When they met, neither of them had electricity. He used to také her to school on his horse - He was valedictorian and she was salutatorian - The nectar of your sex ages like a fine wine - V přehrávači Waiting For Darkness - Saint Odilia, the patron saint to eyesighteyes are scratched out. Is that about the blingness? - Thats is. Im never eating Turkish food again - That will send a shiver through the international community - Okay, fine. Than I will never suck another Turkish cock (ona je skvělá, a to jsem ji chtěl nejdřív kopnout do prdele) - Thats gonna have a global impact - Hraje TS, Ready For It? - I forgot you are a closet Christian. Is it bad to make blowjob jokes in church? - Taková děvka! - Very low key - If we are gonna truly know one another, so would probably have to get to know ourselves better first - Nathálie, musíme si někdy vyrazit


Chladnokrvný (2012) 

to byla Wild, jo? vubec jsem ji vedle humena nepozunel! "give me name". "Patricia". tvl si to pamatuju!


Bournovo ultimátum (2007) 

Clearance above top secret - Look at all the ppl whose cell phones were switched off the entire period Ross was in Turin - Now check everything in Rosss apartment against those names - Check for common patterns - Look for anything that indicates who Ross met - Pull up his social - All right, call the RSO at the embassy - Have them take Daniels (source) into custody, if he is there. Get grab teams to the Cale Norte safe house. Send them in heavy - If he is not the source, then he is after the source, the same as we are - Challenge - Responce if under duress - Some ppl are convinced hes still a threat. I disagree, but to find out I need to talk to him - I trying to send him message - Nicky, I need you to stay put and secure the premises (send him message) - Backup will be arriving in approximately one hour - Z něho dělá blbce nebo co? - Aha, až ted mi to došlo. On střílel, aby to bylo slyšet do telefonu! - 43.12 - 1.08.24 - Tank treatment - 1970 9 23 - Subject has not slept for 52hrs, 73hrs - David Webb - 1971 4 15 - 415 East 71st Street - New assigment numbers - Give me encryption codes - To je hrozná kamera. Nikomu to nevadilo? Vy jste hrozný epileptici! - Vážně na něj namířil Sig Sauer - You made yourself into who you are - Eventually you are gonna have to face the fact, you chose right here to become James Bourne - You havent slept for a long time. Have you made a decision? - Blackbriar (něco jako Mkultra v69 letech) - No konečně jsem to dokoukal - Hele, další film, kde nebylo žádný hluboký proroctví. Vlastně až na ty pokusy na americkejch občanech


Hry o život: Drozdajka 2 (2015) 

Tvl, na obrázku je z ní Apollyon, Fenix! Verbal měl nakonec pravdu. Narostly jí i křídla! Hele, debile, když tě napíšu na začátku věty s velkým, nezkomolím ti jméno? Jinak Matty opět výbornej. Už jsem si nemylsl, že mezi váma slaboduchejma retardama najdu nějakej rozumnej názor: "zamyšlení nad velkovýrobou popkulturních rebelů, jimž uniká, že nebojují proti systému, ale v rámci něj". Zrovna jsem si řikal, jesli jí ta vesta na něco bude. - Sometimes killing isnt personal (war) - We will turn their advance into a celebration of suffering - Let each moment be captured for all prosperity - Zrovna jsem si řikal, jesli jí ta vesta k něčemu bude - We are toasting - We toasted a glorious era coming to its bitter end - You are a little hard to swallow. Tacky romance drama. Defender of the hopeless act - From this day forth, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, I promise to love and cherisch you each day. Together or apart, we will always be united. One life, one purpose, one destiny - We had adjoining cells in The Capitol. We were very familiar with each others screams - He Leeds to see my eyes when I kill him. Now you are talking (SNICKERING) - Anybody can kill anybody, even the president. You just have to be willing to sacrifice yourself (a s tím česká svině nepočítá – protože sama oběti není schopná – žije se jí dobře) - Welcome to the 76th Hunger Games (tvl, hotovej Pripjat) - She doesnt like anybody or anything she cant control (fear of losing control) - Maybe shes starting to see you as a threat (free election) - You will be a vital part of the democracy, that follows our victory - Girl who inspired so much violence seems to have met a violent end herself - Eat like this, you will believe anything (dogs will believe anything – Alice) - Free Pamen with self-determination for all - The arena has moved underground - There was no real life bcs we didnt have any choice - Prej jedna bitka v kanálech! Tak takovejdle nářez jsem si nepředstavoval! To strčí do kapsy vetřelce! - Tak už je dodělejte všechny, když tam jste - Co to bylo? Jsou upíři? - Další pod! - Ten luk dokáže udělat pěknou paseku. Ale potřebuješ s ním prostor - WTF. Co to je za transku? - Tigris! - About refugees come to my home - Our ENEMY is not like us. They do not share our values. They have never know our comfort and our sophistication and they despite us for it. Dont make mistake. They are not coming to liberate us (1989). They are coming to destroy our way of life. They are coming to bury us - If I see you again, its gonna be a different world (toho se bojim) - Proč všichni uprchlíci vypadaj jako bezdomovci? - Možná jim mělo dát do ruky mobily, aby mezi nimi nebyli tak nápadní - Additional food, medicine and clothing (kam se poděl shelter) - Tady je na hranicích aspon kontrolují, ne jako u nás! - Mužete chodit tam a zpátky - Tvl, rebelové jsou tam, a oni riskovali životy v kanálu - Líbí se mi to, je to pěkně syrový – ale jako by to tam nepatřilo - Postupujou rychle - Gifts - Ne, to udělala ta mrcha. Psychologickej boj (došlo mi to i podruhý) - Proč by to dělal, čuráku? Myslíš, že je tak hloupá? Co ti nabídli? - Anyone could see the game was over by that point - I take life for specific reasons - It turned last guards to protect me - Im afraid we have both been played for fools - I thought we would agreed never to lie to each other - The delayed exposion. Trap. To draw more ppl in - Hlavně nebreč - To je hroznej buzík - I have an announcment. I have taken the burden and the honor of declaring myself Interim President of Panem. Exactly, how long is that interim? We have no way of knowing for certain. But its clear that ppl are far too emotional right now to make a rational decision. We will plan an election when the time is right - This afternoon we will execute Snow (bílý, čistý) - Se s tím nemazlí - Sadám pověšen vlastními lidmi! - Hele, naše kundička, ti to nák rychle narostlo. V kanálech byli pul roku - Rebels will not stop calling for RETRIBUTION - To vy, spokojený prasata, neznáte, co? - Thirst for blood is a difficult urge to satisfy - In lieu (lože) of these barbaric executions, we hold a symbolic Hunger Games - Cože, ona to zavedla znovu? - You wanna have another HG? - You are joking? Not in the slightest - It balances the need for REVENGE with the least loss of human life - Na druhou stranu, život poběží dál. Polovina lidí bude degenerovat, druhá se vzmuží (a přestanou používat genderově korektní výrazivo) - Tak ted víš, koho máš zabít (doufám, že nebude další díl) - Super film - I think, its a fair. Snow has grandaughter (která chtěla sama nastoupit), I say yes - Já bych dal taky yes, milí debilní přítelé. Protože si uvědomuju, širší rozměr takového rozhodnutí, takových her. Vím něco o rovnováze a životě. Až se vy kriplové v demokracii rozhodnete – protože vám to bude umožněno – aby každý měl všeho dost, ztratíte absolutně ponětí, co je smyslem života, zdegenerujete a pak konec - Rozhodně bych ale nevolil z pohnutky se pomstít. Českej kripl není člověk, ale prase, nikdy z něj člověka neuděláš. Nemá cenu mu něco vysvětlovat, nebo se snažit z něj něco víc udělat. Český prase je tady jen z jedinýho duvodu, aby ti přerostlo přes hlavu jako nějakej plevel, když si na něj nebudeš dávat bacha. Takže jediná volba je zotročení a pořádat lov na něj - So do I. Let them have a taste of it (my way) - No. We need to stop viewing each other as enemies (nezklamal) - Its down to Katniss and Haymitch - I get to kill Snow. I expected no less of you - Then I vote yes (no way) - For Prim (až ted mi došlo, že tak jsem pojmenoval kočku – měla taky smutnej osud) - Panem a Hunger Games jsou prostě nerozlučná dvojka - Im with the Mockingjay (srab) - That carries the vote - We will announce the hunger games tonight after the execution - Tak jo… - Well, its bound to be quite the snow - Usurpátorská píča, dobře to verbal řekl - Welcome to new Panem - Doufám, že ji sejme - Na druhou stranu tam není žádný posun od té vývojové fáze, kde je ted Katniss - Zkusit to znovu a lépe. To ale tady na zemi prostě s tím materiálem nejde. Nepomuže ani žádnej novej systém. Demokracie byla jen cestou do pekel. Dát právo rozhodovat o směru země, společnosti, debilní většině - Debilní většině, jejíž cílem je komfort a bezpečí, základní životní potřeby. Společnost rychle zapomene, odkud pochází a kam směřuje - We gathered to witness of an historic MOMENT of justice (mluví pěkně) - V tomhle filmu jsou oba záporáci sympatičtí - A ten film má neuvěřitelnej přesah, až se nechce věřit, že něco takového dneska muže vzniknout - Greatest friend of revolution will fire the shot to end all wars (a to je chyba) - Je potřeba změnit pohled občanu na válku - Lidi jsou tak zdegenerovaní, že se na ně nedá už ani dívat, a přitom se drží života zuby nehty. Ta největší špína, paraziti - A, máme tady novej tým reporteru, gamemakeru - May her arrow signify the end of tyranny (moc mluví) - Todle si naplánoval dopředu, jako? Vždyt nevěděla, že bude střílet (detail) - Today the greatest friend to the revolution will fire the shot to end all wars. May her arrow signify the end of tyranny (jdu hrát) and the beginning of a new era - A ta usurpátorská píča jí dala luk do ruky a stoupla si za Snowa. To určitě - No žádný překvapení nakonec - Mockingjay, may your aim be as true as your heart is pure (se snad obětovala nebo co) - Divadlo - Jak to má přes ten nos (nic neřikám). Střílet pravděpodobně neumí – je to nějaká hračka, ale jinak s tím celkem srostla - Ta by netrefila ani stodolu - Uplně mám chut si jít zastřílet! - Akorát jsem minule běhal s lukem tři hodiny a ted nemužu zvednout ruku - You never make it easy, do you? - You dont dissapoint - Shes become the voice of reason - Im sorry so much burden fell on you - But if I had to put you through is again for this outcome, I would - The war is over. We will enter that sweet period, where everyone agrees not to repeat the recent horrors - Of course, we are FRICKLE stupid beings with poor memories (tak o vzpomínách to asi není – třeba je to tak schválně) and a great gift for self-destruction (mi povídej, ale já ty prasata nepovažuju za součást svého druhu) - When the time is right, commander will pardon you - Plutarch (kdo to je – neřikej, že to je ta černá vopice) - Tak poslouchej, ty špíno, ve správnej čas se vy opice vrátíte zpátky do Afriky. Tam, odkud jste přišli. Přesněji řečeno, odkud vás dovezli. Stejně jako česká svině do díry, ze který nedávno vylezla - To je na tom nejhorší, že tydle zvířata ve filmu podávají jako lidi a nikdo se nad tím už ani nepozastaví - Mně osobně je to nepříjemné, jako když vidím na ulici primitivy se psy – přitom tadle verbež nemá s člověkem nic společného. Jen si hrajeme na to, že jsme si všichni rovni - CONTINUING MEOWING - Ta kočka za to nemuže, ty blbá krávo - Chce hunger milk - To je ale vošklivý dítě - I will tell you how I survive it (nightmares) - I make a list in my head of all the good things I have seen someone do (mám podobnej list – zarovnal jsem to na celý etnikum). Every little thing I can remember. Its like a game. I do it over and over. Gets a little tedious (nudný) after all these yrs, but there are much worse games to play


Hry o život: Drozdajka 1 (2014) 

MATTY - Ta má teda pohled! - Figures (cat) - We need to fix these lines. I wont say REBELS. These are senseless acts of defiance. And I wont legitimize them - We will call them criminals. No, RADICALS - My oldest RULE. Never let them see you bleed - Sporadic violence following the actions of a few radicals - Those who choose this destructive path - Misunderstanding of how we have survive – TOGETHER (nesnáším) - It is a contract. Each district supplies the Capitol. Like blood heart. In return, the Capitol provides order and security (to je hezký přirovnání, metafora) - To refuse WORK is to put entire system in danger - Justice will be served swiftly. Order shall be restored - To those who ignore the warnings of history, prepare to pay the ultimate price - Civil war - Its what you want, kill ourselves off? Killing is not the answer (shut the fuck up) - Traitor! This is treason! - Calling for ceasefire - You are a PUPPET! - I want everyone to stop senseless VIOLENCE. This is not the path to change - There cant be ceasefire, not after what Snows done - Hes still playing the game - No one hates the Capitol more then me - Uvědomujete si, jak ti lidé uvnitř systému musí být zvrácení, když si přejí zachovat stávající pořádky? - Little duck - Thats it. Thats her. Right there - A hint of smoke - We are losing ground, bcs ppl losing heart - Pardons, tribunals. Power of ppl. It can all be new BEDROCK of the new Panem, but in wartime I think even the noblest of causes can be bent a little bit - Do you have any other conditions? Y sister gets to keep her cat (a co psa?) - Your Girl on Fire is burnt out - Anyone can be replaced - Cave dwellers - Everything old can be made NEW again. Like democracy - Mockinjay outfit. We will make you. the best-dressed rebel in history - Everyones either gonna wanna kiss you, kill you or be you - You have just benn in battle. Lets try it again lol - Unscripted. No one told her what to do - The opportunities for spontaneity are obviously lacking below ground - Toss her into combat - Place less dangerous. No militatyry targets left - And if you are killed? Make sure you get it on camera - Regular. Incendiary (yellow). Explosive (red) arrows. Collor-coded - Žlutý jsou extra heavy na přenesení kinetické energie na velkou vzdálenost – sniper armour-piercing rounds - Dont expet much chitchat from him. Hes AVOX - Show them what it cost to be friends with Katniss Everdeen - Fire is catching - If we burn, you burn with us - Theres no progress without compromise, no victory without sacrifice - Hes not even afraid of us. Its cause they have never been hunting before - Hes CHANGED so much already. What are they doing to him? Even his voice is diferent - Necklace of hope (true wordsmith) - Moves and countermoves (lva nezajímá, co si myslí nebo dělá ovce) - Ona jedná pořád tak, jako by to byl stále on, ne vyměněná osobnost - Inhuman act of destruction - None is save now. Not even in the Capitol - They are not TARGETING our fleet or our special weaponry. They dont know what we have or where we have it - Conceal all remaining anti-aircraft guns. Seal launching pads and ventilation corridors - We are gonna wait this out. This is what we were built for - They will seal us in there like a tomb (je vystrašenej) - The Capitols working off some outdated information. I would rather not update it for them - You are a welcome guest, but you are out of your depth down here - Hes taunting us with them. I didnt understand until just now watching that stupid cat - Cell P45 lower level 2C - Snow would drink from the same cup to deflect suspicion. But antidotes dont always work, which is why he wears ROSES that reek (kouř) of parfume. Help cover the scent of blood from sores in his mouth that will never heal - Ale ta kombinace je dobrá. Oni mají masky, takže nemužou mít NV, tak používají červený světlo. Nicméně uvnitř budovy, kde je zvenku (okny) nemuže nikdo vidět, je to trochu zbytečné - He rules with deception and fear - Diverting power from another source and filtering transmissions (takový šachy) - Madam President - I need situation report. We are running out of time - We were long past the opportunity for noble sacrifice - Tak to pochybuju, že by se k němu dostali bez výstřelu jen házením plynu - Neumí držet zbraně, jinak choreografie celkem dobrá – byl u nich někdo ze SF - Its the things we love most that destroy us (Into Darkness) - Do poslední chvíle nevíš, kdo má navrch - He was taunting me - Did I lose them both tonight? (tak o to jí jde) - Its the worst torture in the world. Waiting, when you know theres nothing you can do - Its called hijacking - Its fear conditioning. Enhanced with trackerjacker venom - The venom puts the subject in a dissociative state - And they torture him. Shocks and beatings, and STRIP down his identity (jinými slovy vytvořili demona) - And then all of that suffering and fear is redirected. Associated with other memories or a person (blbost, já vím, kdo mi nechal štěkat vedle v bytě psa, zase z toho plyne obhajoba sebe sama – mental illness) - They can change his memories of Katniss? - To make her seem life-threatening - They turned him into a weapon - To kill you (themselves) - The FEAR is the most difficult thing to overcome - We are hardwired to remember fear best (anger) - Victors have been liberated - We will never again endure injustice - Let all Panem come together (nasrat) - Where leaders are elected (předurčeni Bohem), not imposed upon us - Tvl, co je to za zvrácenou dobu, kde v každý druhý filmový revoluci vede zájmovou skupinu pyča – a mele o demokracii? - A těm tupym degenerátum to ani nepřijde divný. Některý se dokonce na jejím místě vidí - Vy čubky dostanete, co zasloužíte. Wait for it. Brzy zjistíte, kde je vaše místo - Ani to není její řeč - Hitlerovi to asi taky někdo psal - Free to share the fruits of their labors and not fight one another for scraps - This NEW Panem is on the horizon. But we must take it for yourselves - We can conquer this stonghold, bcs we are one ppl, one army, one voice - Řekla, že vymění svuj život za jejich - Because today is our new beginning - Tomorrow Panem (jeden bez dvou za) - Lord (Yellow Flicker Beat)


Hry o život (2012) 

Aha, gladiátorský hry - Takže římští měštané byly zdegenerovaná smetánka? - Historie se opakuje. Otázkou je, jesli výměna manželek našim kriplum bude stačit, nebo je to nějakej sociální upgrade a jsme ještě dál - I will still cook you (kocour) - Happy Hunger Games. And may the odds be ever in your favor - Exposure (vyčerpání) can kill as easily as a knife - Thank you for consideration - Why do we have winner? - HOPE. It is only thing stronger than fear. A little hope is effective. A lot of hope is dangerous. A spark is fine, as long as its contained. So contain it (ví, o čem mluví) - Je podobná tý hrdince z Divergentu, stejný reakce, typ osobnosti - Vicious (zpustlý, zkažený, špatný) - The girl on fire - Katniss Everdeen - Do I smell like roses to you? - You definitely smell better than I do. Well, I have lived here longer - I just dont want to be another piece in their game. I could think of a way to show them that they dont own me (tak proč s nima hraješ show)? - There will even be a bow there. Dont go for it. Its a bloodbath. They are trying to pull you in. Thats not your game. Turn, run, find high ground. Waters your new best friend - You can do this (lets do this) - Tracker - To je trochu nuda ne, když jich polovina zařve na startu - Butterfly (change) - Alliance forming - To je hezký, že ten nejsilnější se obklopil dalšími zabijáky a slepice to nenapadne - Turn her around - RUMBLING - V noci by tě na zemi asi těžko vyčenichali - Do poloviny to byl hrozně nudnej film, jehož celou stopáž jsem opravdu neviděl - Shes mine. Not if I get her first - Má ideální příležitost zkrátit team. Během pár sekund to muže bejt dva na jednoho - Vodu ne, tam jsou bakterie. Pochčij si to - BRANCHES RUSTLING - Apply generously - Měla si vzít i tu karabinu - Genetically engineered wasps - Hele, čubka to odsere. Jeden špatnej krok - No aspon seš ryvhleji dole - Ona dostala taky pár pigár - Tvl, ta má hezky nateklej ksicht - Jdi proti nim, jsou víc zdezorientovaný - Mockingjays - BIRDS REPEAT TUNE - Jim nedochází, že má luk a nechá tam jednoho? - Jaktože si zaminovali zásoby? Aby o ně snadno přišli? - S nožem na květiny? Hm, zajímavý nápad - If you cant scare them, give them something to root for - So you like an underdog? Everyone likes an underdogs - There are lots of underdogs. Lots of coal too. Minerals, thing we need - And I think if you could see them, you would not root for them either (legend) - I like you, be careful - SHUSHING (psst) - Takovej uknučenej kripl. Co na něm vidí? - One eye symbolika - Dobrý mastičky - Nightlock (boruvky) - Proč je na něm tak závislá? - Manipulujou se světlem - Proč ted nevylezou na strom? - May the odds be ever in your favor - They dont take these things lightly (dva kriplové a armáda opic) - Co ty starej zmrde, snížil jsi svoje řady na 50%. Chceš něco duležitýho říct? - Z nějakýho prapodivnýho duvodu jsem to dokoukal. Oproti Divergentu byla chyba už na začátku, že skupiny nebyly nijak charakterizovaný. Byly rozlišeny jen čísly. A kromě hry na bohy, co v počítačový simulaci proháněli smrtelníky, ani nezaznamenal nějakou podobnost s naší realitou. A verbal se nám zamiloval.


Nezastaviteľní (2013) 

Till then, you owe me - You got a face only mother can love - Goat fuck - Thats a call made above your pay grade - Its army issue? No its Kmart, Blue Light Special - Bcs its a blant act of disrespect - Clean and shaven - Put that musket away - CIA také 7% of my revenue. In return they let me use their planes so I can get my shit across the border - There was no negotiations - They tke it from every cartels (taky si myslím, boj s drogama, to jistě) - You said stop anytime¨ - Would you mind if I swipe the jogurt? - Help yourself to anything - Wow, this guy will really ask anyone anything at anytime - What do you see in this guy? - Julio catched him skimming - What are you smirkling at? - You look like Mexician Albert Einstein, minus the genius factor, obviously - Freelancers - AWOL US NAVY - Apache A6 helicopter (AH 64 Apache) - You like my country weak and corrupt - So you can buy your cheap crap at the mall - Bling loyalty is not loyalty - Harvey has a nice ring to it - Na hodinu čtyřicet osm mi to přišlo jako dlouhej film - Zajímavý taky je, že tam hrál ten samej zmrd jako v tý reklamě před pěti dny na červenýho Jaguára - All world will be marveled


Styria (2014) 

"The night in my veins" takovej jozkošnej snímek - When the dark queen rises you will tremble with fright for the fooolish kings folly shall be paid for tonight - SCREAMS - ELECTRICITY CRACKLING - Má trochu pohled Valentinový z RE - Má hrozně debilní sestřih. Vubec jí to nesluší. Vypadá jako transka Zagorová po plastice - One cannot let the devil take root in those lovely creature - They need firm hand. Protected - CHUCKLES - Hard working man need stress relief - When you throw caution to the wind, there are concequences - TOOLS RATLING - Hush now - I brought you a present to make up for my cruelty - WHISPERS - Guest always drink first - There are only two types of men, fools and beasts - Those who dont resist learn to live with the misery for the rest of their broken lives - COUGHS - BOTH: Mmm - SHRIEKS - GASPS - This is so unreal - EXHALES - WATER DRIPPING - Every 100 yrs new virgin are needed to replenish - You have screwed at least one boy, right? Then you are safe - Karnsteins - The villagers tried to kill them, but they missed one and shes still down there - Relax, its no feeding time, prej! - Tastes best when its given by lovers - Pls, dont be like that - WHISTLING - BUBBLING - MUMBLING - DOOR CLOSING - They are ridiculous. Why do they obsess with death? - Shes damned better off than them - VIOLIN PLAYING - The Vampyr rises and tries in every possible way to drive their loved ones to suicide. For the one who takes their own life is lost for eternity and longs for company in the Land of the Shadows - 1861 - GUNSHOT - BLEATING - CAR APPROACHING - CAR HORN HONKS - TIRES SCREECHING - Suffering from depression - Social anxiety - Self-injurious behavior - Undiagnosted post-partum depression - Attempted homicide - Committed suicide - Hezký písmo - SOBS - Tvl, tomu čurákovi nesvítí ani světlo - BELLS TOLLING - Communists dont believe in God, so they closed most of the churches (to bylo cílem potlačit lid ve všech směrech, to samé ted čeká naši společnost, která se ofšem vzdala Boha svobodně) - Butterflies starts as digusting worms - Lesbická láska, no skvělý - GASPS - WIND HOWLING - V Madarsku mají zvláštní zvyk odsekávat lopatou mrtvolám hlavy - A pak je spalovat - FLIES BUZZING - BANGING ON DOOR - DOORKNOB RATLING - Co to je, hon na čarodějnice? - Proč je radši nešukaj? - LARA PANTING - Rotting husk - SHAKILY - FOOTSTEPS - They are jealous of our beauty, of our world - If we are together, nothing can hurt us - There is shinning plce between this rotten walls - That man will také what is sacred in you - One eyed shepard - To je hostina!


Wolverine (2013) 

Strašný? Do pulky to šlo. Jakmile zalezli do tý barabizny, tak jsem tušil, že to pujde od deseti k pěti.. Naštěstí se tam vyskytovaly dvě roztomilý azije a jedna sexy smrtící (to je vono) zmije, takže pujdu dám tři hvězdičky! "Logan je v parádní formě, bojuje s Jakuzou" Mně přišel jak starej dědek před odchodem. Když běžel, tak jsem myslel, že má prostřelený obě nohy, ještě než ho do jedný trefili. "Ochraňuje křehkou "Gejšu" ..." Do uvozovek bych dal to "křehkou", protože moc křehká s tím měčem nebyla! Ale tak to my chlapi máme rádi, když u toho mrška trochu kope a nedá se bez boje.