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Recenzie (1 028)


Damien: Omen 2 (1978) 

The Antichrist is with us. Forces of evil, may seem to overhelm us and be triumphant, but goodness will prevail for it is written in the Book of Revelation. Then shall that wicked be revealed whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth and destroy with the brightness of his coming. The Whore of Babylon. She represents Rome. The 10 horns of the beast are 10 kings who have no kingdoms yet, but will be granted temporary power by the devil. Their names are carved there. The Spoiler. The Little Horn. The desolate One. Why is she riding him? According to the Book of Revolution, the 10 kings shall hate the whore and make her desolate and naked (pravidlo nepřítel mého nepřítele tady asi neplatí). Shall eat her flesh and burn her with fire. Its not very nice. Děvka babylonská jede na desetihlavém drakovi, kterej ji nesnáší. Ona představuje Řím, oni krále s mocí antikrista. Kdo se v tom má vyznat. Ta děvka - jak už jsme se dozvěděli v prvním díle - je Evropská unie, Treaty of Rome, prožívá svuj zlatý věk, dává každému, a Satan ji zničí, aby vytvořil vlastní nový systém a ujal se vlády nad celým světem - jo, docela to sedí. Až na to, že to není jenom Evropa, ale celý Západ. Kde je těch deset králu? Putin, Kim, … You will speak to me only when you are spoken to. Am I understood? What are you doing? Polishing the floor? If you think I have gone to far, if Bills antagonism towards me is going to continue, maybe I should step down leave the company. Forget it. Your time will come. Je to evropská unie - děvka babylonská. Mají to správně. Potvrzuje to i muj research. The story goes that Satan appeared in person to Yigael who not unexpectedly went out of his mind. He also went into hiding, obsessed with painting what he had seen. Incredible visions of the Antichrist from birth to downfall. Co je, Antikrist musel přijít. Všechno je v nejlepším pořádku. Ty se nemáš čeho bát. Jsi příkladná křestanka. Ta štětka se neubrání ani havranovi. Jeden pták, a jak ji zřídil. Chtěl bych vidět proti skupince migrantu. Suspicions of destiny. We all have them. A deep, wordless knowledge that our time has come. The Black Death (1334). The black Prince (1376). Covid 19? You must not attract attention. The day will come when everyone will know who you are, but that day is not yet. For you it is just that: A Book of Revelation. For you, about you. Před chvílí mi došlo, že to je jeho další nanny. Thirteen chapter. Read, learn, understand. Trump má taky svoji Bibli. And all the world wondered after the beast. And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast. And they worshipped the beast, saying, who is like unto the beast, who is able to make war with him? And I saw the beast. And the kings of the Earth and their armies gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army. And through his policy also shall he cause craft to prosper in his hand and he shall magnify himself in his heart. And by peace, shall destroy many. He shall also stand up against the Prince of princes. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads. And that no man might buy or sell save that he had the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man and his number is 666. Vyděšenej malej Antikrist. Tomu se mi moc nechce věřit. Tak on je v tom nakonec nevinně. Our profitable future, gentlemen, is also in famine. We now possess, potentionally, the most formidable force in the world for large-scale agricultural endeavours. However, we have to guard against the indigenous populations ever thinking we are in the business of exploitation. We are no. I emphasize that. We are there to help. Jackal? Něco mi říká, že se mu taky něco stane. Nemá strkat čumák tam, kam nemá… Výtah s číslem 23 (číslo dábla). Different cell structure. You are too young to be so cynical. I will not read the fuckin ravings of a senile [sí-najl] old man! We are all in geat danger! A co má bejt? There have been deaths among us. A co má bejt? Pýča radši před problémy zavírá oči - ostatně ta dovová hysterie je dnes vidět všude. Malý český prasata veří, že je ochrání nějaká rouška, a vzájemně se o tom ujištují. Nic většího se neděje. Po pandemii se vrátite do starých kolejí a budete ještě silnější a lepší národ než předtím - jak říká ten kripl Háma. He said the devil could create his image on Earth. They say he was crazy, but it was bcs he knew! Hezky mu to všechno vyzvon. The beast has no brother. You was born of jackal. Yes. Born in the image of the greatest power in the world. The Desolate One. Desolate bcs his greatness was taken from him and he was cast down. But he has risen, in me! Pyča má, co chtěla. The beast is with us. I have seen the wall. Jakou stěnu? Its already been loaded. Český dráhy. To už jsem viděl. Si řikal, jak ho to muže sejmout, aby to neviděl. Takhle! Satan si přehazuje výhybky už docela sám. Nepotřebuje k tomu už ani lidské přičinění. Tak tendle týpek si už asi nevrzne. Oba díly mi v tědle hororových scénách přijdou strašně komické. On nemá bejt miláčkem žen. Má jimi pohrdat. Možná v dalším díle. I saw Damiens face on the wall! Aha, ta Meduza. The boy has got to die! A byly ve skutečnosti nějaké pokusy jej zprovodit ze světa? Ten skutečnej musí mít za sebou pochybnou minulost. There are your daggers! Wow. I have always belonged to him. Nečekal jsem to. Chyba. Měl jsem ji za dilinu a celou dobu hrála divadýlko. Aspon tak. Každopádně Satan obětuje svoje poskoky. For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ (2 Corint. 11:13). Dvojka mě absolutně nebavila. Nic si z toho nepamatuju, Damien byl sympaták. Pár hezkejch scének ve stylu Final Destination.


Satan prichádza (2006) 

La Comete. The prophecy is in the Book of Revelation, 8:7. When the First Angel blew his trumpet, wind and rain pounded the earth. When the Second Angel blew his trumpet, mountains of fire tumbling down. When the Third Angel blew his trumpet, a flaming star fell from above (Challenger, a to neviděli Chelyabinsk 2013) burning like a torch. When the Fourth Angel blew his trumpet, the sea rose up and swallowed two hundred thousand ppl (Katrina 2005). When the Fifth Angel blew his trumpet, a star fell from heaven to earth (to je Chelyabinsk) and to Him was given the key to the bottomless pit. When the Sixth Angel blew his trumpet, the beast was freed from the bottomless pit and wreaked havoc upon the earth. The sequence of events has been successfully interpreted. We stand now on the eve of Armageddon. He-pšík. To je konec. Je to pravda. The darkest evil this way comes and He will do battle for our very souls. Give your love to the living. For the sake of your wife. God will forgive this little deception (tak to si nemyslím - asi si to ta kurva zasloužila). Naučil jsme se jíst bramburky usty přímo z misky, abych měl obě ruce připravené zapisovat poznámky - zvlášt u takhle náročného filmu. Miluju tu atmosferu. Od začátku. Trochu mi to připomíná šifru mistra Leonarda. Je to hrozně dobře natočený. Jaktože jsem o tom filmu ani neslyšel, nikdy ho neviděl v televizi? Final destination. Muslimové právem věří, že v černém psovi je ukrytý dábel - a vy, český prasata, se s tím pelešíte v posteli, sloužíte mu! Vytvořili jste si vlastní obrazy sebe, protože nic z toho, co stvořil Buh, vám není podobný. Its all for you, Damien. A to je jako všechno, život jedný služky? Kdyby mu radši vykouřila. Docela to odsejpá. We havent much time. We must accept the Lord Jesus Christ as our saviour. For only when He is within you can you defeat the devils son. Its mother. Nazává to dítě středním rodem, opakovaně. Jako démona. Nebo transgender - což je jedno a to samý. A společnost je (them) přijímá mezi sebe, přotože už neví, co je dobré, a co ne. Odpadlé lidstvo, zbloudilé ovce. His mother is a jackal! Kněz je veden jako kriminálník za to, že mluvil pravdu. V takovém světě dnes žijeme. Kate? Zase Kate jako v 10 things I Hate About You. Asi na to už slyší. I guess the habit sort of stuck. I am an extra pair of hands. Jasně, ona se jí tam nasere, aby na něj dohlížela. Mrs Baylock. I m here to protect you. Jasně, jedeme do kostela. Bude scéna. Its just a church, thats all. No právě. I m gonna go to bed. A leží ve vaně. Jo to se jí zdá! Who said you could bring a dog in here? Vyhod tu svini! Damien has grown quite fond of him. Tomorrow morning you will call the RSPCA and have him removed. Dobře. V hlavě to má ještě v pořádku. Já bych na ty její sladký řečičky naletěl. Grave danger. When the Jews return to Zion and a comet rips the sky, when the Holy Roman Empire rises, then you and I must die. From the eternal sea he rises, creating armies on either shore, turning man against his brother, till man exists no more. Go to the town of Megiddo (město u hory Harmageddon) in the walled city of Jezreel. There lives a man named Bugenhagen. He alone can describe how the child must die. Shes certainly having a hard time coping. So much so that shes developed what I call delusional rationalisations. Well, she fantasies that Damien is evil, for instance. A ty seš debilní čurák. Psycholog. Jeho poskok. Its just a fantasy. Its just inside her head. Do you believe in God, Dr. Greer? My beliefs really dont have anything to do with this. Zeptej se ho, čuráka, jesli věří ve zlo - máme jej všude kolem sebe. If you want to help your wife, you really must consider an abortion. A jakej k tomu má duvod? Vážně je taky posledlej! Korintský sloupy. No atheists in foxholes. Tattoo. The biopsy showed that was a birthmark. The best is yet to come. Theres nothing to be scared of. I promise. Jasně! Father Spiletto. Monastery in Subiaco. Time of the Antichrist is heralded by the Jews returning to Israel. Now these are signs, together with the rise of the Roman Empire (USA), which signify the birth of the Antichrist (ano, už je mezi námi a pochází z urozené rodiny). As we know the Jews have returned to Zion. We have seen evidence of a comet (asi s tím filmem nedokázali počkat - dnes se na todle téma dělá každý druhý, ale bez odborného výkladu). The rise of the Roman Empire is the Treaty of Rome. The European Union. Co bylo v originálu? Revelation 13: And I stood upon the sand of the sea and I saw a beast rise up out of the sea. The sea in this context has been interpreted as representing politics - the sea which eternally rages with conflict, with turmoil (nepokoj), with revolution (nebo taky lidé - v tomto bodě jsme ted my). From the eternal sea he rises - the devils child shall rise from the world of politics. Povstane z lidu - ale bude královské krve. They chose you, Robert. Proč spletli strany? Byli to takoví diletanti? Zřejmě. Dostali zadání a něco se ztratilo v překladu. A jaktože má obě ruce? Cerveteri. Its an old cemetery from the Etruscan time. Ripa Sant Angelo. To bude drsný na tom hřbitově. Nemužu se dočkat. Mimochodem ta krajina zdálky připomínala českou kotlinu. Maria Avedici Santoya. Motorola Razr. Hodně populární telefon. Each knife must be buried up to the hilt, and then set so as to form the sign of a cross. The first knife is the most important for it extinguishes physical life and sets the centre of the cross. The subsequent knives extinguish spiritual life and radiate outwards. Hes not your son! Hes a beast! Hes evil incarnate. He bears a birthmark. A sequence of sixes. As do all the apostates of Satan (nebo taky jednookou symboliku, že). Mužu je kdykoli zabít, brání mi jen systém - pár debilu v kuklách. What about a nanny? Shes an apostate of hell. She will die before permitting this (so be it). Dont lose your nerve now. We will all be in the cesspool if you do. A to chceme. Insane delusional drunk, who, like every religious fanatic, thinks arcane scripture justifies killing.


Poltergeist (1982) 

Všimli jste si, jak jsou čtyřicet let napřed? Chitrý domovy, pejsek, bazén. Všechno, co česká svině potřebuje ke svýmu spokojenýmu životu. TV ppl. Hele, tý kundě je 32, jak jsem tipoval! Jak se opravil. Uplně přesně. Time-lapse camera. Opravdoví odborníci. Poltergeist intrusion instead of a classic haunting. Poltergeists are usually associated with an individuals. Hauntings seem to be connected with an area, a house, usually. Poltergeist disturbances have a fairly short duration. Perhaps a couple of months. Hauntings can go on for yrs. Hauntings dont usually revolve around living ppl. She went through my soul. To j brutální. We have got much more than the paranormal episode taking place here. There is a measurable physical science in this house that goes far beyond the creaking doors or cold spots. Outer space or inner space. What if these ppl have an area of bilocation in their own living room? Parapsychology isnt something you master in. There are no certificates of graduation, no licence to practice. I am a profesional psychologist (aspon něco). I spend most of my time engaged in thes ghostly hobby. Which make sme the most irresponsible woman of my age that I know. Would you like glass for that? Theres a wonderful light as bright as the sun, but it doesnt hurt to look into it. All the answers to all the questions that you ever want to know are inside that light. And when you walked to it, you become a part of it forever. They resist going into that lighthowever hard the light wants them. They just hang out. Those feelins are bad. And they need someone to guide them to it. Some kids are nice to you, some kids are mean. Mě nikdo neměl rád. I got beat up once by three kids. They took my lunch money. Se nedivím, takovej retard. Try not to worry. And will you do anything I ask even it if comes contrary to your beliefs as a human being and a Christian? Proč nepoprosej radši Boha? There is no death. It is only a transition to a different sphere of consciousness. Shes a living presence in their spiritual earthbound plane. They are attracted to the one thing about her, that is different from themselves. Her life force. It is very strong. It gives off its own illumination. It si a light that implies life and memory of love and home and earthly pleasures. Something they desperately desire, but cant have anymore. Right now shes the closest thing to that and that is a terrible distraction from the real light that has finally come for them. These souls, who for whatever reason are not at rest, are also not aware that they have passed on. They are not part of consciousness as we know it. They linger (prodlévat) in a perpetual dream state, a nightmare from which they cannot awake. Inside the spectral light is salvation, a window to the next plane. They must pass through this membrane, where friends are waiting to guide them to new destinies. A terrible presence is in there with her. So much rage. So much betrayal. It says things only a child can understand. It has been using her to restrain the others. To her, it simply is another child. To us, it is the beast. Now lets go get your daughter. To je hustý. Be cross with her. Now clear your minds. It knows what scares you. It has from the very beginning. Dont give it any help. It knows too much already. You have never done this before! Neither have you! You are right. You go. To je komedie. Dont let go! This house is clean. Colored mixture generously directly from applicatro to hair. Takže oni se stěhujou a ona si dá klidně koupel v tom samým domě. Já bych tam zustal. Mají na ten dum krásnou vzpomínku. Porazili tam dábla. Tadle mamina je k sežrnání. Asi jsem nebyl jedinej, kdo ji chtěl vidět mokrou. 65. You moved the cementary, but you left the bodies. You left the bodies and you only moved the headstones. Taky bys to udělal bez předchozí zkušenosti, kdybys dostal zaplaceno - bo se to rentovalo.


Bedeviled (2016) 

BeDevil is a paranormal entity. We are all made of energy, thats why EMF recorders, infrared cameras etc. can detect its presence. Uses app as a gateway to our dimension. Once you download the app, you are cursed. Proč ty mobily nezahodí, nebo si nepořídí jiný číslo? It was fear that Adam and Eve But we are living in 21 century and we dont know more fear. We become own God, with our spaceship and satelite… Illusion of greatnest My children, I will lead terror in your heart and remind you how to fear. Again.


Tajomstvo lásky (2016) 

Your stinky-ass dog took advantage of my sweet little girl. Now her nipples are swollen and shes gained 15 pounds. Moby there knocked up my dog. He wanders the neighborhood day and night unsupervised. Dont patronize me. Dirty Dancing situation. No apology necessary. Good, bcs none was offered. Your sting-ass and you interrupted my study with all that barking and that awful music you play. Theres nothing cuter than puppies in a basket. To mě poser. The man with one chair likes to sit alone. Well, guess what, I know about you, too, country boy. You see something you like and you go after it. Not bcs you want to, not bcs you need it, bcs you just want to win. Evidentně ne. Je to ubožák, který spí se psem, a ted prostě jen zranila jeho city. Takovej film by měli natočit. Ukazát tydle kriply v jejich pravým světle. I love you! Hell, my damn (správně) dog knew it! Pes nedokáže rozpoznat tak hluboký cit, jako je láska. No to je sračka. Life is held together by choices. One after another. All shapes and sizes. Proto jste vy český prasata skončili se zvířaty v posteli. Right or wrong doesnt matter, bcs life just keeps unfolding. Hele, ji. Moje temná princezna. I guess I would like to believe all those choices are made for us the instant we enter into this world. Bcs if thats true, then we are exactly where we are supposed to be. Bcs thats all any woman wants, is a man whos gonna fight. Já se peru pořád a nevypadá to, že by to nějakou malou zkurvenou češku zaujalo. Spíš piští, že mají ze mě strach. Dobře doktor! To jsem už nečekal. You are barking up the wrong tree. Hello, I am right here! Má víc času na pejsky a kočičky než na svoji ženu. I had a feline emergency. Jasně, kočička nějaký zkažený starý krávy by to bez tebe nevydržela. Jsi tak šlechetnej. Dobře to dopadlo. Todle já taky nesnáším, kdybych měl na někoho čekat. Ten film je v podstatě o ničem. Hraje tam dobrá herečka, ale má špatnou roli. Every path you take lead to another choice. Miami. After 90 days the percentage of trauma patients who regain consciousness decreases to less than one percent. Do not resuscitate order. Todle není eutanázie. Oni ji jen udržují naživu. Uměle. Bez přístroju by už dávno přirozeně exla. Patetickej pejskař si jen prodloužil agonii. Its been a long time since shes breathed on her own. Her bodys tired. Its category 7 hurricane. Theres no such category. To je chytrá holčička! Už jsme se smál. Zatím, není. Zatím!! Aha, tak ted konečně začne znovu. World breaks everyone. And those it doesnt break, it kills. Hemingway. Pick up the pices and start rebuilding. Sweet innocent Molly. Sweet and innocen? Taky si řikám. You bother me too.


Cliffhanger (1993) 

Useless items are usually discarded. You will make somebody a tine wite someday. You should see me bake a cake. Poslední Mohycán (1.37.33).


Mládeži neprístupné (2013) 

My brother spilled fruit punch on the couch. This is not happening. Whats going on? Nathans fate is on her period for the first time and shes bleed everywhere. Shes bleeding to death. If you wanna keep the lining intact, the man has to insert his eract phallus into her vagina. Sucker punch him! Vagina is way too complicated. What the hell am I supposed to do with a fairy? I suck cock for gold coins. I caught him masturbating. He was probably cleaning himself. Cats cant even process images in that way. Die you dick-loving devil cat! Shes beating that cat to death! Get her!


10 vecí, ktoré na tebe nenávidím (1999) 

Jaktože jsem tydle filmy ještě neviděl? Proč jsem to stáhnul. Ne, to není další film, kde hrála Ronda. Je jí jen podobná a o deset let starší. Kangaroo boy. Rozhodně v tom hraje Jocker z Batmana. Patrick Verona. Bianca Stratford. Shes a sophomore. Shes beautiful and deep. Theres difference between like and love. Bcs I like my Skechers, but I love my Prada backpack. But I love my Skechers. Thats bcs you dont have a Prada. Stratford sisters are not allowed to date. Tvl, je to ona! O deset let mladší. Celá ta mimika i hlas. Navíc tadle role ji sedne. Hemingway? He was an abusive, alcoholic misogynist who squandered half his live hanging around Picasso trying to nail his leftovers. As opposed to a bitter, self-righteous hag who has no friends? I guess, in this society being male and an asshole, makes you worthy of our time. The oppressive patriarchal values that dictate our education. Kat (Julia Stiles). Je dělaj přes kopírák. Some day you gonna get bitch-slapped, and I m not gonna do a thing to stop it. Expressing my opinion is not a terrorist action. Tempestuous? Heinous bitch is th term used most often. Snotty little princess wearing a strategically planned sun dress. She is what we will spend the rest of our lives not having. Put her in your spank bank, move on. To je hrozně ukecaný. To mám rád. Your little Rambo look is out. Přesně to si řikám. Whos flaming imbecil. I m a crack whore who should have made my skeezy boyfriend wear a condom? No, but close. Close, but no. She said I should have listened to my father. Planet Look At Me. Hideous breed of looser. Little antisocial. Why is that? Unsolved mystery. Shes incapable of human interaction. Plus, shes a bitch. Extreme dating. Maybe if we were the last ppl alive and there were no sheep. Dont look at him - hes criminal. I m serious, hes whacked (plácnout, praštit, dát výprask, uplně vyčerpanej). He sold his own liver on the black market for a new set of speakers. Hes our guy. Todle bude ještě zajímavý. We need baker. Someone with money whos stupid. I heard he ate a live duck once. How you doing? Sweating like a pig, actually. The world makes sense again. I dont care what ppl think. You dont always have to be what they want you to be. Am I that transparent? My insurance does not cover PMS! We need to go behind enemy lines here. Black panties. What does that tell us? She wants to have sex someday, thats what. You dont buy black lingerie unless you want someone to see it. Já mám všechno v černým. Co to o mně říká? He likes Thai food, feminist prose and angry girl music of the indie rock persuasion (přesvědčení). You are not surrounded by your usual cloud of smoke. Its just a party. And hell is just a sauna. Define normal. Bogeys party is just a lame excuse for all the idiots at our school to drink beer and rub up against each other in hopes of distracting themselves from the pathetic emptiness of their meaningless consumer-driven lives. No drinking, no drugs, no kissing, no tattoos, no piercings, no ritual animal slaughters of any kind. Who knocked up your sister? Please, do not address me in public. I m getting trashed, man. Bite me. I m wasting time with you. You will never be mine (). This ones mine. Act like a human. Dont let anyone ever make you feel like you dont deserve what you want. Go for it! Have fun tonight? Tons. Where you going? Away. You are not as vile (hanebný) as I thought you were. Table dance. Get out of my class! Mr Morgan. More than a fan. We are involved. Who could refrain that had a heart to love and in that heart courage to make love known. Hates him with the fire of a thousand suns. Thats a direct quote. Thats very comforting. She need a day to cool off. Maybe two. Do you really want to get all dressed up, so some Drakkar Noir-wearing dexter with a boner can feel you up, while you are forced to listen to a band that by definition blows? I want to talk to you about prom. You are so… Charming? Wholesome? Unwelcome. Someone still has her panties in a twist. Dont for one minute think that you had any effect whatsoever on my panties. Than what did I have an effect on? Other than my upchuck reflex, nothing. Feminine Mystique. You right, shes still pissed. Theres a new kind of world thats taking over. Its got devils. Its got angels. Sitting on my shoulders. Detention. You look little nervous. You are sweating like a pig. Your eyes are all bloodshot. You have got pot, dont you? Misdirection. How did you keep him distracted? I dazzled him with my wits. I dont like to do what ppl expect. To bylo jeho auto předtím, když se míjeli na ulici. Kdysi jsem si takovejch detailu nevšímal. Natož, abych si zapamatoval nějakej text. You are amazingly self-assured. Is that a reguest or a command? Why are you pushing this. After that I swore I would never do anything just bcs everyone else was doing it. And I havent since, with the exception of Bogeys party and my stunning digestive pyrotechnics. Protecting you. By not letting me experience anything for myself? Not all experiences are good (dont blame anybody). Ale pouze ty špatné tě něco naučí. A ty nejhorší ti dají lekci. Their hormones are raging and they want it all the time. Oh, Mandella, please tell me you havent progressed to full-on hallucinations. Cruel to be kind in the right measure. Nothing in it for you, ha? I knew this was a set-up! You are so not who I thought you were. You will fly and you will crawl. God know even angels fall. One day its heaven. One day its hell. And its not a fairy tale. Thats the way its supposed to be. Wheres your sister going? Shes meeting some bikers, big ones, full of sperm. You have had me on the bench for yrs. Scripta. I hate so much it makes me sick, it even makes me rhyme. Its not every day you find a girl who will flash someone to get out of detention. Bez ztráty kytičky. Nezklouzlo to dojemnýmu patosu, jak jí jen za prachy zneužil. Naopak, otočil to ve svuj prospěch - koupil jí kytaru. You cant just buy me aguitar every time you screw up. But theres always drums and bass and maybe even one day a tambourine. I want you to want me. I need you to need me. I begging you to beg me. I m driving, so I pick the tunes. Susan May Pratt (Mandella). Když to budu hodnotit v rámci romantický komedie, tak nemužu jinak, než dát plnej počet.


Mrcha učiteľka (2011) 

Adios Bitches! Film přímo pro mě. Po těch britskejch sračkách (Love Actually), který jsem nedokoukal, je to příjemná změna. I když ta kamera mi přijde stejná. Aspon to má nějakej děj. Somebody needs the hug. Somebody doesnt. To taky nedávám. Bud jsou ty filmy tak špatný, nebo je něco se mnou. You know, when I first started teaching I thought that I was doing it for all the right reasons. Shorter hours, summer off, no account credibility. From now on, my full time job is finding a guy whos gonna take care of me. This is not my first rodeo (Knight něco, proč to říká pořád). Know I walked in on him trying to fuck his dog? Peanut butter everywhere. If I gave you that impression, well, I m so sorry. I was really hoping we could be more than just across the hall mates. I dont need muff pie. I will take two. I m a teacher, not a drug dealer. My credit situation is little complicated. Its only 10,000 Dollars, it would meant the world to me. Do you have 10 grand? No, but I might be a little short on rent this month, like a lot short. Wanna get wasted? Nemá chybu. I think that movies are the new books. Principal Snur. I have always said that dolphins are the humans of the sea. I have a bumper sticker that says that. No way! It might be nice to geive her a little rest. It just feels so good to help. Alright, lets do this. Later we will all die said the gator to the fly. Embezzling (zpronevěra). I love how his eyes sparkle when he smiles. I wanna sit on his face. I m pro-choice, I believe everyone should choose whatver makes them happiest. Except abortion, of course. Hi I m a math terrorist with close ties to algebra. I have weapons of maths instruction. Make it out to cash. New tits. Všichni máme nějakej cíl. Eat, Pray, Love. Rainbow in the Dark. Já z ní nemužu. No, its medical marijuana. I have a perscription and everything. And I m not gonna tell you why, bcs its between me and my doctor. Jasně, že na ně muře mít vliv, a dobrej. Ale nenajdou uplatnění v tomdle falešném světě. Word to the wise. Stop dressing like you are running for congress. I dont wanna run for congess. I wanna be President. Keep saying shit like that you are gonna get punched. You understand this is what I do? Like for a living. Cat reflexes. You have no upper body strength. Yes, I do. Just not in my arms or my chest. Your tits are just fine. I really love helping bums. Theres a reason he didnt pack it. I already got shot on the face. Period 5. You need to loosen up and live a little. Whens the last time you had a good dicking? I m like the fucking Terminator, dude. I m just gonna keep coming after you. Good luck with that. To kill Mockinbird. We havent had homework all year. Things are about to changed around here. Recess is over. Bcs bird symbolize freedom. Go bigger. Your shirts misbuttoned. Thank you for pointing that out. You are so welcome. Working myself to the bone. I love ppl who are so passionate about what they do… its so inspirational. Cant you see? She is manipulating you through the use of dolphins. Dont do that with your mouth. Regular mouth. Stupid point. Is this English? Are you fucking kidding me? Ta nemá chybu. Pathetic. This is why the Japs are overtaking us. You are not working hard enough. I need results. What are the side effects? Heart partetition (rozdělení). Nothing major. I cant wait to get buffed. I am not racist. I voted for Obama. What turns you on? Sex in the office getting fucked really hard against wooden desk. Mines metal. Even better. I m not a wiz on this computer here. Shall we toast? I am going to rock your vagina. One teacher can make a difference. Alrighty. Learning is fun-tastic. Let her know shes in my pryers. We should never stop working on ourselves. Like you with your little boobs. We are dealing with a criminal mastermind. Sharks can tear families apart. Your jeans feels so good against my jeans. Totally. WFT? No fucking way! Maybe next time we can dry hump without our clothes on. To se mi snad jenom zdá! Even your forehead is sexy. Honest Abe. They always called me that bcs I said what was on my mind. Even if it made me unpopular. Great man always has the courage to say what is in his heart. Sugar coating. Hes fuckin moron, but she doesnt care. Shes superficial and her priorities are all fucked up. She likes him bcs hes hot and popular dude. You are sensitive. Its not a compliment. You have some rough road ahead of you. Seventh grade is not your moment. Probably college. Thats your window be ready. Can I have your panties? Talk to the hand. Je to strašně dlouhý. Ne, že bych se nudil. I forgot that was there. Such a dick sometime. Přijde mi, že na to koukám tři hodiny (taky že jo). Your dog is mistaken. How many dogs do you have? Four. Hey, you in the cape (that girl, dude). Justýn Timberlake (fagot)! Lucy Punch (Squirrel)