

Najsledovanejšie žánre / typy / pôvody

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Recenzie (10 405)


Dark - Lži (2017) (epizóda) 

Eine Reise durch die Zeit


Dark (2017) (seriál) 

"Otázkou nie je ako, ale kedy." Väčšina ľudí nie je nič iné ako pešiaci na šachovnici. Vedení neznámou rukou. Ich životy existujú len preto, aby boli obetované pre vyšší cieľ. Jonas, Mikkel, deti, nie sú ničím iným ako nešťastnými, ale nevyhnutnými šachovými ťahmi vo večnej vojne medzi dobrom a zlom.


Smallville - Finale (2011) (epizóda) 

"And when it comes to love, I think it's like my dad always said about the army. You only sign up if it's the only thing you could ever imagine doing."


The Rookie - Nová krv (2021) (epizóda) 

"There are three major differences between police and millitary, and if you want to be a cop instead of a soldier, you'll have to conquer all of them. One, cops are expected to be proactive. You don't wait for orders. Two, you are no longer bound by millitary objectives. The actions you take are up to your discretion. And, three, the people we come up against on the street, aren't enemy combatants. They're our fellow citizens."


The Rookie - Svadobný svedok (2021) (epizóda) 

"Look, it's just food with a fellow human. If you don't like it, you never have to see him again. If you do like it, I'm gonna want all the details tomorrow."


Smallville - Prophecy (2011) (epizóda) 

"People tend to underestimate you when they think they're in control."

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