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Recenzie (55)


Modlitby za Bobbyho (2009) (TV film) 

I think I always knew. I mean...He asked for a pink Lactose shirt for his birthday. He was always different. So he tells me he's gay...What do I do? I take him hunting. There he is in his pink Lactose shirt, he saw a deer and yelled: Run, Bambi, run.


Pán Nikto (2009) 

"We cannot go back, that´s why it´s hard to choose. You have to make the right choice. As long as you don´t choose, everything remains possible."


Have Dreams, Will Travel (2007) 

Úžasný film o dětské lásce a snech se sice né moc překvapujícím, ale i tak krásným koncem. Jen škoda, že je film tak málo propagovaný a skoro nikdo o něm neví. "Sometimes it's hard knowing if you should or shouldn't do something. So, you do what feels right at the time."


Harvie Krumpet (2003) 

"Some are born great. Some achieve greatness. Some have greatness thrust upon them... and then... there are others..."


Titanic (1997) 

Ženské srdce je hluboký oceán plný tajemství.


Tik ťak (2011) (študentský film) 

"almost everything - all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important."


Ako na vec (2002) 

"Because once you open your door to one person, anyone can come in."


Miluj ma! Prosím... (2004) 

Někdy si o lidech vytvoříš určitou představu, a když je pak poznáš, nezbývá ti, než všeho litovat.


Ďakujeme, že fajčíte (2005) 

Potřebujeme Forresta Gumpa hulícího mezi bonboniérami. Hugha Granta, jak získá lásku Julie Robertsové tím, že jí koupí její oblíbenou značku...Virginia Slims.