


Baba s rodinou čelí zradě. Královna Kane v novém konfliktu využije vychytralost. (Apple TV+)

Recenzie (6)


všetky recenzie používateľa (k tomuto seriálu)

There will be another time. Time of our choosing. Too many of you to trust all of you. This cant be happening. I knew this would happen.  You never wanted to listen. You are so fucking certain you are in the right. Tak aspon vědí, že je to čurák. Buh je vyvede ven. There are much more worse ways to live your life, I assure you. You are making me so very angry right now. You are new. You will learn. My sister was ill-suited for rule. Wanting to kill us is different from wanting us dead. I was the eldest. But he wanted to give away my birthright to my younger sister, the one I cared for and protected any way I could. I learned one must take the lide one wants. So I took everything from them both. Mělas na to se o ni starat, ne an to vládnout, a příliš slabá, abys to pochopila. Why would anyone follow you? No one has any idea who you are. If they have any reason to think that I m coming apart, if they sense it, even for a moment, this is all over. You have done nothing but love them. You will regret every fucking malice bone in your fucking body. Delia. None who enter may ever leave. The urge to return is too strong. It cannot be willed away. The boy grew quiter as he got older, and angrier until one day he couldnt suffer it anymore. He started with the ones who had been most violent with him. Killed some in their sleep. Some he chased as they ran in panic and terror. Hráz se protrhla. When that was done, he moved on to the ones who simply spoke ill toward him. By the time the bloodshed was over, the only Opayol left were him and me. The child is my fault. Therefore your presence here is my fault as well. Swear you will find my boy and you will kill him. Jéé, to je swině! Pět let byla potrestána za svojí chybu, kterou si přiznala, ale trest ne. Navíc, co je s ním špatně? Právě se vysvětlilo, proč lidem tolik nevěří, a místo toho, aby je dál jednodušel zabíjel, tak jim jen trhá křídla - jesli to jde říct o slepejch kriplech. Je prostě jinej, a to se neodpouští. Pak ale nechápu, proč nemá pochopení ani ta mladá negroška, která ho nejdřív do kmene přivedla. Asi zranil i její city. Vymrdat s váma se všema! Měli jste vyvízt jen ženy, vy čuráci! Zabodni mu ten krompáč do hlavy! No, vidíš, to. Přetím složili celou skupinu, a ted si neporadí s jedním chlapem. To be important you need to be strong. I can make you strong. Promise you not to be mean to me. ()


všetky recenzie používateľa (k tomuto seriálu)

Vydržel jsem 5 minut. Seriál se evidentně rozhodl zůstat stát na místě a rozjíždět intriky mezi postavami, které měli zůstat na druhé koleji. Slepecká verze hry o trůny mě opravdu nezajímá. Končím. ()


