

Série(3) / Epizódy(54)


Animovaný seriál, který čerpá hlavně z filmové adaptace z roku 1994. Hlavní postavou je nešikovný smolař Stanley Ipkiss. Jednoho dne ale nalezne magickou zelenou masku, která mu po nasazení dodává nadpřirozené síly. Ze Stanleyho Ipkisse se stává elegán, který si dokáže ze svých nepřátel tropit kruté žerty. (

Epizódy (54)

The Mask Is Always Greener on the Other Side: Part 1 (S01E01)

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The Mask Is Always Greener on the Other Side: Part 2 (S01E02)

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Baby's Wild Ride (S01E03)

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The Terrible Twos (S01E04)

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Sister Mask (S01E05)

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Shadow of a Skillit (S01E06)

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Bride of Pretorius (S01E07)

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Double Reverse (S01E08)

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Shrink Rap (S01E09)

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Mayor Mask (S01E10)

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Martian Mask (S01E11)

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How Much Is That Dog in the Tin Can? (S01E12)

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All Hallow's Eve (S01E13)

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Santa Mask (S01E14)

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Split Personality (S01E15)

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A Comedy of Eras (S02E01)

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Goin' for the Green (S02E02)

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Flight as a Feather (S02E03)

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The Good, the Bad and the Fish Guy (S02E04)

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Malled (S02E05)

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Channel Surfin' (S02E06)

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Mask au Gratin (S02E07)

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Jurassic Mask (S02E08)

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You Oughta Be in Pictures (S02E09)

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For All Mask-Kind (S02E10)

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Up the Creek (S02E11)

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Boogie with the Man (S02E12)

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What Goes Around Comes Around (S02E13)

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All Hail the Mask (S02E14)

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Power of Suggestion (S02E15)

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Mr. Mask Goes to Washington (S02E16)

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Rain of Terror (S02E17)

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The Mother of All Hoods (S02E18)

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To Bee or Not to Bee (S02E19)

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Love Potion Number 8 1/2 (S02E20)

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Cool Hand Mask (S02E21)

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Broadway Malady (S02E22)

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Enquiring Masks Want to Know (S02E23)

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Future Mask (S02E24)

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Sealed Fate (S02E25)

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'The Angels Wanna Wear My' Green Mask (S02E26)

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Mutiny of the Bounty Hunters (S02E27)

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Convention of Evil (S02E28)

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The Green Marine (S02E29)

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Counterfeit Mask (S02E30)

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Magic (S03E01)

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Little Big Mask (S03E02)

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Fantashtick Voyage (S03E03)

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They Came from Within (S03E04)

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To Have and Have Snot (S03E05)

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Mystery Cruise (S03E06)

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The Goofalotatots (S03E07)

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When Pigs Ruled the Earth (S03E08)

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The Aceman Cometh (S03E09)

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