

Dobrodružstvá Sherlocka Holmesa III.

  • Slovensko Prípady Sherlocka Holmesa (viac)

VOD (1)


Recenzie používateľa Loki_Six k tomuto seriálu (7)

Nezvestná šľachtičná (1991) (E01) 

"One of the most dangerous classes in the world is the drifting and friendless woman. With no-one to protect and guide her, she is the inevitable inciter of crime in others." ()

Záhada na Thorskom moste (1991) (E02) 

"It is a thankless business, Watson. I can discover facts, but I cannot change them." ()

Vznešený klient (1991) (E05) 

Oh, my dear. My dearest. I warned you; I said, "Do not go too near the edge." ()

Šplhajúci muž (1991) (E06) 

"Watson. Come at once if convenient. If inconvenient, come all the same." ()

