

Star Trek: Enterprise

  • USA Star Trek: Enterprise (viac)
USA, (2001–2005), 68 h 44 min (Minutáž: 42–92 min)


Scott Bakula, John Billingsley, Jolene Blalock, Dominic Keating, Anthony Montgomery, Linda Park, Connor Trinneer, Vaughn Armstrong, Gary Graham (viac)
(ďalšie profesie)

Série(4) / Epizódy(97)

Píše se 22. století, což je skoro sto let před tím, než James T. Kirk zaujme své místo v pionýrských dobách prozkoumávání vesmíru. Lidé ještě nemají k dispozici štíty, Federace dosud neexistuje, mezihvězdné transportéry se používají pouze pro přepravu nákladu. Za těchto podmínek se do vesmíru vydává posádka první lodi, jíž velí kapitán Jonathan Archer, prototyp kapitánů hvězdné flotily, kteří teprve přijdou; je statečný, zvídavý, dychtivý a odváží se tam, kam člověk dosud nevkročil. Na rozdíl od ostřílených důstojníků 24. století, které hned tak něco nepřekvapí, posádka ENTERPRISE dává najevo údiv, vzrušení i obavy z podivných věcí, s nimiž se setkává. Hvězdné mapy jsou prozatím většinou prázdné a oni musí prokázat, že jsou připraveni na život v hlubinách vesmíru. (oficiálny text distribútora)


Recenzie používateľa Loki_Six k tomuto seriálu (102)

Svítání (2003) (S02E13) 

"It's like talking to Porthos." ()

Stigma (2003) (S02E14) 

"If you call yourselves enlightened, you have to accept people who are different than you are." ()

Příměří (2003) (S02E15) 

"I believe someone once defined a compromise as... a solution that neither side is happy with." ()

Čas budoucí (2003) (S02E16) 

"If a Human and a Vulcan did have a child... I wonder if he'd have pointed ears." ()


Poslední cesta (2003) (S02E17) 

"I may not know how to fly this ship. But I'm sure I can figure out how to crash it." ()

Výměna (2003) (S02E18) 

"It's called bread. You've never eaten it before?" ()

Rozsudek smrti (2003) (S02E19) 

"We were a great society, not so long ago. When honor was earned through integrity and... acts of true courage. Not senseless bloodshed." ()

Nové obzory (2003) (S02E20) 

"Let's make a night of it. Dinner in the Captain's mess, 1800; movie at 1930. You'll be my date." ()

Průlom (2003) (S02E21) 

"Do you... want to become a casualty of a war that ended 300 years ago?" ()

Spolurodič (2003) (S02E22) 

"We're out here to meet new species, not tell them what to do!" ()

Regenerace (2003) (S02E23) 

"As I recall, Cochrane was famous for his imaginative stories. He was also known to be frequently intoxicated." ()

První let (2003) (S02E24) 

"Do you remember what Buzz Aldrin said when he stepped on the moon? Nobody does, because Armstrong went first." ()

Odměna (2003) (S02E25) 

"I learned very quickly there's no such thing as an insignificant corner of Klingon space." ()

Delfská oblast (2003) (S02E26) 

"Do you know where these co-ordinates he gave you are? They're inside the Delphic Expanse. A region of space nearly two thousand light years across. Vulcan ships have entered it, but only a few have returned. There has been reports of fierce and dangerous species, unexplained anomalies. In some regions, even the laws of physics don't apply. Twenty years ago, a Klingon vessel emerged from the Expanse. Every crewmen on board has been anatomically inverted, their bodies splayed open, and they were still alive. You'd be more than foolish to pursue this course of action." ()

Série 3 (2003) (S03) 

"This mission, whether it succeeds or not, is looking like a one-way ticket all the time." ()

Xindové (2003) (S03E01) 

"There're five distinct species of Xindi - and five distinct opinions on which one is dominant." ()

Anomálie (2003) (S03E02) 

"Now, where's Isaac Newton when you need him?" ()

Zánik (2003) (S03E03) 

"We came out here to stop the Xindi from destroying Humanity. I'll be damned if I'm gonna have a hand in destroying another race in the process." ()

Rajiin (2003) (S03E04) 

"On our planet... wars were fought over these." ()

Vražedný Impuls (2003) (S03E05) 

"I can't try to save humanity without holding on to what makes me human." ()

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Zemřel herec Dean Stockwell


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