



vodkasesemte (hodnotenie, recenzie)

-         Shes still married to ma dad

-         I do know that

-         This sint discussion. Its an announcement

-         Its only three yrs

-         Its been a way too long… Never thought she was wrong… You were poison to her head

-         God give us love in the time that we have…

-         Nuda

-         I m dreaming about this for reason bcs you are trying to tell me something

-         Kde to je natočený? Vidíš ty smrky? To je jak někde tady

-         To know the son, one only has to look to the father

-         Are we not all born of Adam? Ne tak docela

-         Sure, Henry, come on in

-         I m sorry, girls, but Townes isnt home right now. Hes with his therapist

-         Guess his password

-         Tendle díl jsem určitě neviděl

-         You may be the WOLF among us, but its her responsibility to resist your temptation (správně)

-         Brothers, my daughter has strayed from the Lords path. I ask you to bear witness to her repentance

-         I have allowed myself to become preoccupied with my own wants. I confess before you my complicity (spoluučast) in the sins of this world

-         Nice discman

-         Its not a multiple choice question

-         Cant protect you if you lie to me. Maybe they are protecting me from you

-         Actions build trust

-         I have only acted in your best interest

-         You showed mercy, and that should be rewarded (očistec – milosrdní dojdou milosrdenství)

-         Jesus washed his disciples FEET to honor them

-         Susannahs sin is not lust. It is the hubris of disobeying her father

-         You showed fortitude and empathy (ona ho má radši než svého syna, který těchto předností asi pozbýval)

-         Isaiah didnt show mercy (dobrá poznámka)

-         The burden of sin most often falls upon the woman

-         God is merciful, but he is also just

-         Remember the Great Flood that cleansed the old world so the faithful could build a better one

-         Just bcs you are in a good mood, everybody has to be? So one of us always has to be an asshole? You are the expert

-         Excuse me if I die of shock

-         Hypocrite lose power

-         Fentanyl

-         Put your faith in those who are worthy and you will find your way

-         Your father cried on the telephone and he drove his car onto the navy yard

-         Actions have consequences

-         Why are we in my bedroom?

-         We all start with the place we go back to in a moment of danger

-         My job is to earn your trust, bring you here. They will keep you and they will use you

-         Its complicated

-         Everything that keeps me together is falling apart… (3D Planet)

