



vodkasesemte (hodnotenie, recenzie)

-         Have you ever starved?

-         I dont like stealing from poor ppl

-         Then let me steal from some party official

-         And see you are a Moroi (Vampire Academy)

-         Some folks like water, but I like the taste

-         Nikolai, you walk between two words. May you find peace wherever you land

-         If hes a problem, I get rid of him

-         Goldfish brings a fortune

-         Wesley

-         Romania its may be hell, but its hell we know

-         Konak/brandy

-         You brought a stranger to our house. Hes not like us. Hes different

-         My spirit is trapped between heaven and hell

-         You dont look dead to me

-         Like that goldfish. It can only comprehend whats in its bowl. Maybe you need to get out of your bowl

-         You put the nail in my head. You hit the nail on the head. You hit the point exactly

-         We gonna rise above… (Black Flag)

-         Asthma attacks

-         Maybe its not a curse

-         Ppl like him lie to use ppl like us

-         Dont worry, we never want to see you again either (přesně)

-         You want to desert our country when it was in need? The penalty for expatriation is death

