


Dráma / Mysteriózny / Thriller / Krimi
USA, (2017–2021), 24 h 5 min (Minutáž: 41–55 min)


Derek Simonds


Petra Hammesfahr (kniha)


Jessica Biel, Christopher Abbott, Bill Pullman, Patti D'Arbanville, Teri Wyble, Robert Funaro, C.J. Hunt, Jacob Berger, Adrienne Lovette, Abby Miller (viac)
(ďalšie profesie)

Série(4) / Epizódy(32)

  • Cora (2017) - 8 epizód

  • Julian (2018) - 8 epizód

  • Jamie (2020) - 8 epizód

  • Percy (2021) - 8 epizód

Cora Tannettiová (Jessica Bielová) je obyčejná dvaceti sedmi letá žena, která je šťastně vdaná za Masona Tannettiho (Christopher Abbott) a má s ním malého syna. Krom toho, že je Cora spořádanou matkou, je také spolehlivou pracovnicí v podniku svého tchána. Jednoho dne si celá rodina vyjede na výlet k jezeru, kde chtějí strávit slunné odpoledne. Když však Cora začne pozorovat dva mladé páry na pláži, zničehonic popadne nůž, kterým synovi krájela ovoce, přistoupí k nic netušícímu mládenci Frankiemu a začne jej bodat po celém těle. Frankie na místě umírá a Cora je ihned dopravena do vazby. Případ by mohl být vyřešen rychle – bylo mnoho očitých svědků, a i samotná Cora se k činu přiznává, i když sama netuší, proč onu věc spáchala. Vyšetřování se ujímá starší detektiv Harry Ambrose (Bill Pullman), který se nenechá odbýt jednoduchostí současné verze vraždy, a hodlá přijít na to, proč k ní skutečně došlo... První osmidílná řada seriálu Hříšná duše vznikla podle knihy německé spisovatelky Petry Hammesfahrové, jež byla vydána poprvé v roce 1999. Seriál byl dvakrát nominován na Zlatý glóbus za nejlepší minisérii nebo TV film, a také za nejlepší herečku v minisérii nebo TV filmu Jessicu Bielovou. Ta vedoucí úlohu v seriálu ztvárnila vůbec poprvé a diváci ji můžou znát ze snímků jako Iluzionista (2006), Hitchcock (2012) nebo z klasických hollywoodských trháků jako Blade: Trinity (2004), Next (2007) nebo Total Recall (2012). Bill Pullman, představitel detektiva Ambrose, má za sebou bohatou hereckou kariéru, z níž je možné zmínit např. komedii Spaceballs (1987), Lost Highway (1997) Davida Lynche či film Den nezávislosti (1996). (Česká televize)


Recenzie používateľa Loki_Six k tomuto seriálu (37)

Hříšnice (2017) 

"You have this habit of hiding under your detective hat whenever it's convenient. You're like a turtle. Maybe that's your spirit animal." ()

Cora (2017) (S01) 

"There was this wallpaper like the design on a dollar bill. It's on every wall." ()

Část I. (2017) (S01E01) 

"I'm guessing that this isn't where you thought you'd be when you woke up this morning, is it? I think you would agree that people don't usually stab other people because they're playing their music too loud." ()

Část II. (2017) (S01E02) 

"There was a girl that Frankie mentioned. He wouldn't talk about it with me, but he told his friends, once, that he had some sort of intense connection with her, but there was something wrong with her. And then some sort of accident happened, and it almost ruined his life." ()


Část III. (2017) (S01E03) 

"God doesn't mind if you're sick." ()

Část IV. (2017) (S01E04) 

"I don't understand what's happening. It's the school bus again." ()

Část V. (2017) (S01E05) 

"We're looking at a female, teenager or young adult. Been out here three to four years. No more than ten." ()

Část VI. (2017) (S01E06) 

"Everyone assumes we start out in the same place. We don't." ()

Část VII. (2017) (S01E07) 

"Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Frankie Belmont." ()

Část VIII. (2017) (S01E08) 

"What about what happened after? The scars on your arms. The man with the mask." ()

Julian (2018) (S02) 

"There's this thing. In my room that... wears this hood so I can't see its face. It's coming for me, but I can't move. Like, I try to but I can't. And it comes up to me and leans in... And it... puts its hand... right here. Inside me." ()

Část I. (2018) (S02E01) 

"They had to go back. To the beginning." ()

Část II. (2018) (S02E02) 

"It's easier to experience than it is to explain. We all have a shadow. All the good and bad inside that we try to hide. We shine a light on that shadow. You encounter parts of yourself you never knew were there. Not for the faint of heart, but it's rewarding. Powerful. It teaches you how to trust yourself." ()

Část III. (2018) (S02E03) 

"Adam and Bess were not saving Julian. They were abducting him, but you never thought to consider that, did you?" ()

Část IV. (2018) (S02E04) 

"Every day, I search for an escape from the labyrinth. Every day, the Minotaur hunts me. Running only gives the bull more power. The only way out is inward. I must accept that at the center of the labyrinth, I will not face the Minotaur, but myself. I am the Minotaur. I am hunting myself." ()

Část V. (2018) (S02E05) 

"So I know you've noticed how our work is... changing, deepening. There's a violence in it. In us. And we have to accept that. But we can't destroy each other, either. The Greeks understood this. The need for a catharsis. For a scapegoat. You should name him. We'll raise him, all of us, together. Make him one of us. And the more we love him, the more he'll embody all our human frailties, so when we offer him up... Release. Do you understand?" ()

Část VI. (2018) (S02E06) 

"She said it was like a family, that it would solve things. We did these sessions, um, like therapy, I guess. We would play out what had happened to us with each other until the Beacon, the... the leader of the place... he, um... He had this epiphany while he was swimming at the purple lake. That's what he called Stillwater Reservoir... the purple lake. He said that the only way to break out of trauma was by going straight into it. And the sessions got violent, physically and sexually." ()

Část VII. (2018) (S02E07) 

"He was telling me all along there was a hooded thing coming after him. It was all real." ()

Část VIII. (2018) (S02E08) 

"I always knew something happened that night. I could feel it." ()

Jamie (2020) (S03) 

"You have to look death in the face, and once you do, once you pass through this, trust me, Jamie... you'll be free. And I'll be right there with you. This is the way out." ()



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