

Prvých 100

Trailer 7
USA, (2014–2020), 70 h 13 min (Minutáž: 41–43 min)


Jason Rothenberg


Kass Morgan (kniha)


Eliza Taylor, Bob Morley, Paige Turco, Henry Ian Cusick, Isaiah Washington, Marie Avgeropoulos, Lindsey Morgan, Christopher Larkin, Richard Harmon (viac)
(ďalšie profesie)

Série(7) / Epizódy(100)

Pred 97 rokmi nukleárna vojna zdecimovala Zem a zničila celú civilizáciu. Prežilo len 400 obyvateľov 12 medzinárodných vesmírnych staníc, ktoré boli v tom čase na obežnej dráhe. Odvtedy sa vo vesmíre narodili tri ďalšie generácie a celková populácia sa rozrástla na tisíce. Týchto 12 staníc sa navzájom prepojilo, vznikla akási "Archa", ktorej jediným účelom je, aby ľudstvo prežilo. Život na Arche je zložitý, obyvatelia sú prísne kontrolovaní, všetko je na prídel a za akýkoľvek zločin je tu možné uložiť trest smrti - ak nemáte menej ako 18 rokov. Život vo vesmíre je však čoraz ťažší a reálne hrozí, že Archa vymrie. V zúfalej snahe zabrániť vyhynutiu ľudstva, je skupina 100 mladistvých väzňov tajne vyslaná na Zem aby zistili, či je na planéte opäť možný život. Títo mladí ľudia doslova zdedili Zem a teraz musia čeliť náročným rozhodnutiam o živote, smrti a pokračovaní ľudského pokolenia... (TV Dajto)


Recenzie používateľa Loki_Six k tomuto seriálu (91)

Terms and Conditions (2016) (S03E08) 

"Starboard window bay. It has the best view of the moon on the whole damn ship, and we used to get a little baked, just sit back, watch the sky playing, um, "On Which Planet Would You Rather?" Answer was always Earth. We were such dumbasses." ()

Stealing Fire (2016) (S03E09) 

"Wait, the eighth circle. Lexa had markings on her back for every life she took at her conclave. Seven circles. Only she told me that there were eight novitiates in her class. What happened to number eight?" ()

Fallen (2016) (S03E10) 

"Because you stole my memories you crazy bitch!" ()

Nevermore (2016) (S03E11) 

"Maybe there are no good guys." ()


Demons (2016) (S03E12) 

"I can barely walk, and my shoulder's killing me. But, my brain is all kind of awesome." ()

Join or Die (2016) (S03E13) 

"Go float yourself. Everything I learned, I learned on the ground." ()

Red Sky at Morning (2016) (S03E14) 

"Lincoln knew our rules. We take people in who are done fighting. Done killing. Look at you. Fighting is all you know. Death is all you know. Lincoln would've never brought that here." ()

Perverse Instantiation: Part One (2016) (S03E15) 

"They sent us all down here to see if the ground was survivable. From what I've seen, it's not." ()

Perverse Instantiation: Part Two (2016) (S03E16) 

"O. O, listen to me. I know how you feel. I let the need for revenge put me on the wrong side. I don't want that for you." ()

Season 4 (2017) (S04) 

4. seria - 3. Zase bojuju len medzi sebou a nic nove,hlavne postavy stale preziju,nic necakane. Prichod vaznov je zaujimavy. ()

Echoes (2017) (S04E01) 

"If either of you screw this up, we die. No pressure." ()

Heavy Lies the Crown (2017) (S04E02) 

"The decisions you face just whittle you down piece by piece." ()

The Four Horsemen (2017) (S04E03) 

"If you want to cheer me up, while you're at Farm Station, get that weed we stashed behind the wall of your old bedroom." ()

A Lie Guarded (2017) (S04E04) 

"What if the fight is all we are? We torture, kill, betray. We pretend we're more than that just to make ourselves feel better, but it's a lie." ()

The Tinder Box (2017) (S04E05) 

"This is a tinder box. One shot, and we'll be at war." ()

We Will Rise (2017) (S04E06) 

"It's the end of the world, Kane. Darkness is all we have left." ()

Gimme Shelter (2017) (S04E07) 

"None of us like what we're doing here. Not even to someone like him. But if this works, we survive. Simple as that." ()

God Complex (2017) (S04E08) 

"First, we survive. Then we find our humanity again." ()

DNR (2017) (S04E09) 

"Do not fear death for it is only the beginning of the next journey." ()

