

Stratené duše

  • Slovensko Spriaznení duchovia (viac)
USA, (2005–2010), 78 h 15 min (Minutáž: 41–45 min)


John Gray


Mark Snow


Jennifer Love Hewitt, David Conrad, Aisha Tyler, Camryn Manheim, Jay Mohr, Jamie Kennedy, Tyler Patrick Jones, Kurt Caceres, Ignacio Serricchio (viac)
(ďalšie profesie)

Série(5) / Epizódy(107)

Melinda Gordon (Jennifer Love Hewitt) má špeciálnu schopnosť. Táto novopečená manželka je nesmierne dôležitým spojivkom pre všetky nepokojné duše, ktoré blúda medi nebom a zemou. Predstavte si, že by ste museli zomrieť a nestihli by ste svojim blízkym povedať niečo, na čom vám záležalo alebo čo by bezpodmienečne mali vedieť. Melinda so svojou zvláštnou schopnosťou doslova priťahuje duchov, ktorí zúfalo potrebujú takúto pomoc. Odovzdaať dôležité správy ľuďom, ktorí by to mali vedieť. Presne preto je Melinda tak dôležitá tak pre mŕtvych ako aj živých. Niekedy má chuť s tým všetkým jednoducho skončiť, ale v konečnom dôsledku najlepšie vie, že jej schopnosti nie sú príťaž, ale výzva urobiť ľudí šťastnými... (oficiálny text distribútora)


Recenzie používateľa Loki_Six k tomuto seriálu (113)

Doma, ale nie sami (2008) (S03E13) 

"The ghost is behaving in death the same way he did in life.. overprotective, smothering, controlling." ()

Strážca hrobu (2008) (S03E14) 

"I think what you're talking about is somnambulism. It's a lot more common than you might think. It happens mostly in children, but it does happen in adults. For example, my college girlfriend, I think she was asleep for our entire relationship." ()

Dlžoby otcov (2008) (S03E16) 

"I hate kids! Maybe "hate" is a strong word, but I have a profound lack of understanding for the need to breed. Plus, all kids are just filled with snot. I just think single moms are dicey." ()


Smrtiace zovretie (2008) (S03E17) 

"You're in danger, Melinda. Be careful. Don't trust anyone. Don't assume anyone is who they seem... not even me." ()

Tajomstvo (2008) (S03E18) 

"There is no good for anybody at the end of this road." ()

Season 4 (2008) (S04) 

"N.D.E. (near death experience) literature is chock full of stories like his. Uh, here's how it usually works: You die, you come back to life, and in some very rare cases, there's a, uh, a thread that connects you to where you were, a tether, if you will. Some N.D.E.s can see the ghosts, some can hear them, some can even smell them, and that's the worst because everything on the other side smells like stinky, rotten eggs. It varies, it varies. Sometimes your senses got strong as your brain processes the new input, other times the thread snaps, and you're just a poor, sightless mole like me." ()

Podpaľač (2008) (S04E01) 

"N.D.E. (near death experience) literature is chock full of stories like his. Uh, here's how it usually works: You die, you come back to life, and in some very rare cases, there's a, uh, a thread that connects you to where you were, a tether, if you will. Some N.D.E.s can see the ghosts, some can hear them, some can even smell them, and that's the worst because everything on the other side smells like stinky, rotten eggs. It varies, it varies. Sometimes your senses got strong as your brain processes the new input, other times the thread snaps, and you're just a poor, sightless mole like me." ()

Smrteľné svedomie (2008) (S04E02) 

"They called me a freak, a mental case, and my personal favorite - Meloony Gordon." ()

Duch z počítača (2008) (S04E03) 

NED: "Cool. You are the guy who hears the ghosts." ELI: "You're Delia's kid. The one who hears about the ghosts." ()

Spaste naše duše (2008) (S04E04) 

"Their home is about to be destroyed, and they're getting stronger." ()

Imaginárni priatelia a nepriatelia (2008) (S04E06) 

"All children believe in thingsthey stop believing in as adults. Memories fade, and people have no room for it next to their logic and reason." ()

Na prahu večnosti (2008) (S04E07) 

The old man told me, "next time I see you guys, I want to see you together." ()

Srdce a duša (2008) (S04E08) 

"The book says that in both cases, memories of past lives are usually lost." ()

Kúsok z teba (2008) (S04E09) 

"I was visiting a friend up there, and I saw these dolls. Doll pieces. That's weird. Do you know what I'm talkin' about? There was a-- a pile of 'Em. You know? Arms and legs, and they were next to a box of notes or, um, wishes..." ()

V zajatí temnôt (2008) (S04E10) 

"I was so scared. I was in such a dark place." ()

Zabudnutý džojnt (2009) (S04E12) 

"You couldn't come to the party, so we brought the party to you." ()

Vodný hrob (2009) (S04E13) 

"It's the biologist I told you about from the university. He found heavy concentrations of a particular pathogen in the water. The same pathogen found in the waters filled with bodies after hurricane Katrina." ()

