

Stratené duše

  • Slovensko Spriaznení duchovia (viac)
USA, (2005–2010), 78 h 15 min (Minutáž: 41–45 min)


John Gray


Mark Snow


Jennifer Love Hewitt, David Conrad, Aisha Tyler, Camryn Manheim, Jay Mohr, Jamie Kennedy, Tyler Patrick Jones, Kurt Caceres, Ignacio Serricchio (viac)
(ďalšie profesie)

Série(5) / Epizódy(107)

Melinda Gordon (Jennifer Love Hewitt) má špeciálnu schopnosť. Táto novopečená manželka je nesmierne dôležitým spojivkom pre všetky nepokojné duše, ktoré blúda medi nebom a zemou. Predstavte si, že by ste museli zomrieť a nestihli by ste svojim blízkym povedať niečo, na čom vám záležalo alebo čo by bezpodmienečne mali vedieť. Melinda so svojou zvláštnou schopnosťou doslova priťahuje duchov, ktorí zúfalo potrebujú takúto pomoc. Odovzdaať dôležité správy ľuďom, ktorí by to mali vedieť. Presne preto je Melinda tak dôležitá tak pre mŕtvych ako aj živých. Niekedy má chuť s tým všetkým jednoducho skončiť, ale v konečnom dôsledku najlepšie vie, že jej schopnosti nie sú príťaž, ale výzva urobiť ľudí šťastnými... (oficiálny text distribútora)


Recenzie používateľa Loki_Six k tomuto seriálu (113)

Kolíska (2007) (S02E16) 

"Remind me, we moved to Grandview because it was quiet and safe?" ()

Nové telo (2007) (S02E17) 

"You're dealing with a teenage ghost with raging hormones inside a dead body looking for a girl. Good luck." ()

Návrat stratenej dcéry (2007) (S02E18) 

"I would say what you have on your hand is a classic poltergeist. There is no ghost in a poltergeist but it's--it's confusing, because the german word for poltergeist translates to "noisy ghost, " but the germans and their words, they've always been a little strange. Butterfly-- schmetterling. Pencil-- kugelschreiber... Uh, "noisy ghost" is a bit of a misnomer. Ok? A poltergeist is a supernatural event caused by human agents. And 9 times out of 10, that human agent is a girl in the throes of puberty and/or going through horrible trauma." ()

Deliin prvý duch (2007) (S02E19) 

"Not lookin' good for that second date, huh?" ()

Zberateľ duší (2007) (S02E20) 

"When the forgotten return...death will be twice closer." It's the five signs. The dead dove on the doorstep. The bee. The writing on Jim's back. The dead will rise. And now the forgotten have returned. And so all five of those things have happened. No, not all of them. Not the writing on your back. Mors Dilecti. It was Latin. It translates to "death of a loved one." ()

Prorok (2007) (S02E21) 

"All eyes will be on you." ()

Kruté poznanie (2007) (S02E22) 

"See, it all has to do with a world out of balance, a world where chaos rules, which is what prophet ghost keeps telling us, and what we know Gabriel wants. From the fall of the Roman Empire to the Civil War, it all starts with a single, individual trigger. I mean, the assassination of Julius Caesar caused 15 years of Civil War and the eventual fall of Rome. The election of Abraham Lincoln split this country in two. That's something we're still not over. All these giant disasters can be traced back to the smallest fuse." ()

Season 3 (2007) (S03) 

"They're what's left over of old roads, alleyways, they're what's left over of another town-underground." ()

Ukryté v minulosti (2007) (S03E01) 

"Doors usually mean endings or beginnings. Certain mythologies believe that the way to the truth is by choosing the right door." ()

Doma to neskúšajte (2007) (S03E02) 

"And while we're on the subject of things you don't know, let me give you my condensed lecture on mirrors and their place throughout history and the supernatural. Like the first queen elizabeth, she had her own personal magician who would use a mirror to describe the future. And the greeks. Don't even get me started on the greeks. The greeks thought that any reflective surface would do. They even believe that unsuspecting, uh, souls could be pulled underwater by evil spirits lurking underneath the water. Because cultures throughout space and time have always believed that mirrors are, uh, sort of a veil between our world and others. Uh, a portal, if you will." ()

Strašidelný hrdina (2007) (S03E03) 

"It's called an imprint haunting. It's a ghost stuck in sort of a time loop. They have to do the same thing over and over and over again." ()

Niet bezpečného miesta (2007) (S03E04) 

"5 classifications of stalkers. A little light night reading. It's a real grimm's fairy tale. It starts off creepy and then goes to terrifying." ()

Bremeno minulosti (2007) (S03E05) 

"Whatever it is, you won't find it. That's my job. I make sure what's buried, stays that way." ()

Dvojitá expozícia (2007) (S03E06) 

This might have been the first time in my life that a woman said "it's not you, it's me, " and I believed her. ()

Nešťastné médium (2007) (S03E07) 

"You were always the princess. I was the toad." ()

Zlá krv (2007) (S03E08) 

"Let me get this straight. Daddy and daughter move to the country to get away from it all. There's a ghost in the garage that predicts that one of them will be dead soon. The cat turns up somewhat less than alive, and daddy buries it like it's just another day of yardwork. And this morning, Delia goes over to the house and finds herself in the middle of Who's afraid Of Virginia Woolf?" ()

Všetci duchovia ťa zavedú za svetlom (2007) (S03E09) 

"Look, you both have to understand that my wife has lived her entire life having people tell her she's crazy. And maybe right now, you think she is, too. But I'll tell you, she's the only chance you have of getting your daughter back." ()

Vianočný duch (2007) (S03E10) 

"All right, let's see, there's a germanic tribe, they believe that santa claus is a reformed demon. He would slither down the chimney, and he'd see the kids in their beds and eat them all up. That's just nasty. It's not helping us at all, is it?" ()

Úder (2008) (S03E11) 

"Here's me with a bat house I built with my dad." ()

Pokoj v duši (2008) (S03E12) 

"I never stopped. Never." ()

