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Recenzie (618)


Straight Outta Compton (2015) 

There are several things, which works very well in Straight Outta Compton. The fact that Ice Cube and Dr. Dre put money in this project created promising environment, so the certain scenes act generously. This so to say documentary has very rare and authentic atmosphere, when you can see that the birth of gangsta rap was not provided without problems. Issues showed in the movie speaks about internal disagreements among N.W.A members and also the problems with impact of the brand new music era on several sides such as state institutions, fans or even mood in society (within USA). Interpretation of each storylines and characters is on great level, so the audiovisual mix is adding on perfection of the movie. Straight Outta Compton must be attractive also for those, who are not so much into rap genre, because storytelling is done with great deal of truthfulness. It has been one month after release and lifetime grosses are 180.000.000 $ and the production budget 28.000.000 $, so there do not exist more successful example in this type of movies. Like it or not, the audience loves the rap also on screen.


Divoké historky (2014) 

The genre of the movie is suitable for mood, when you are in favour of discontinuos storyline. Duration of the individual tale is different and the quality of content also differs from tale to tale. This variety and at the same time very similar clue is obvious, because the main characters are situated in totally different live moments. Nevertheless the point of breakage of the emotions and the loss of self-control in the civilized world has apparently big potential to creat very interesting movie. Wild Tales is unique black humor comedy, which is working very well with situation, when cup of patience overflows and there is no way back. ----- - Plane - This very short tale works as introduction and it shows face of whole movie. For such short duration the plot has its point and the plane with people from the circle of Pasternak is slowly crashing down on the house of his parents. This is quite adequate start, right? - Restaurant - This part has surely moral content and the end with murder attempt kindly suits to it, because some memories are to cruel to be not punished and sometimes it don’t have to be you, who is willing to make the action. In this case co-worker in the kitchen has its own ways how to cope with troublemaker. - Drivers - Two random drivers are drifting through the countryside and one is not satisfied with the speed, so the play may begin. The tragical ending is only display of how might be the mens ego dangerous. Not only that neither of the main characters came out of this fight alive, there is also point, when you believe in happy ending. - Mr. Bomb - Tale has good point in the telling the different view of existing in the system. If you are gaining from it (public orders for destroying the unsued buildings) and when you have to pay for violations of the rules (towing the car). When the bureaucracy is not coming to your way, then the aftermath are decisive and when everything is in order – everything is all right. This tale is example that sometimes you can be in position, where your helplessness towards the institutions drives you mad. The end might be seen in many ways. - Hit and run - One of the best tale since it deals with very a wide range of elements. Bottom line is the concrete example of how the juridical system not only in Argentina could works. Creators of Wild Tales are trying to show situation, when son of the weatlhy men crashes into the pregnant women with his car and the consequences are deadly, so family attorney has to came up with idea how to make like everything was done by gardener. If the fictional murderer survives is not clear enough … - Wedding - Last but not least is story from the wedding of young pair, who has some unsolved issues and they appears right at the wedding feast. Once the bride figures out „an intruder“, the consequences are starting to come, because the chaos is totally changing the rhytm of the tale. After all it has happy ending, but the emotions and twists are awesome.


Po krk v extáze (2004) 

Another movie, where gangsters from UK are playing the main roles, so content is not that unique, because you can find quite a lot of other examples in the movie industry. After all it is still popular, because bad guys are always welcome and even though this topic is outdated, there are good points. Layer Cake has dynamical editing and also plot contains points, when everything has new meaning. Screenplay isn’t the best, but to add more attractivity, there would have to be much more bitter ingrediences.


Kobry a užovky (2015) 

Režisér Jan Prušinovský vytáhl na světlo světa námět, který svým sebekritickým pohledem na české maloměstské prostředí, v podstatě konstatuje (negativní) stav společnosti. Zároveň dává jasně najevo mizernou kondici mezilidských vztahů, protože prvotně každý s každým vysloveně vyjebává a navzájem se hlavní postavy jen využívají. Příkladů je několik – Kobra svými průsery topí ambice Užovky, vztah Užovka vs. nejlepší kámoši, kšeftař Láďa vs. Užovka, Kobra vs. rodina, atd. Tvůrci předložili dílo, jehož účelem je podívat se pravdě do očí prostřednictvím postav, které reprezentují určité archetypy. To, jakým způsobem se přiblížili k realitě, ale nechávají hodnotit divákem. Jednotlivé postavy žijí své životní příběhy a tím, jak se jejich osudy protínají, vznikají dramatické, někdy až absurdní situace. Film končí dvojznačným koncem, který jakoby podkresloval paradoxy a nelogické chování hlavních postav. Otázkou zůstává, proč je děj někdy zbytečně rozkouskován a občas postrádá plynulost. Kobry a užovky z obecné perspektivy, je dobrý film a to hlavně díky hereckým výkonům bratrů Hádkových. Ať už je to Kobra nebo Užovka, oba jsou to Hádci a ti předvedli, jak se má chovat správný predátor v nepročesané české filmové džungli. Samozřejmě, jedná se o drama, ale v záplavě českých rádoby komedií, to má ten správný sebeironický nádech, a to i přesto, že věcí k smíchu se ve filmu moc neobjevuje.//Letní kino Kopřivnice//7.8.2015//50,-


Vybíjaná (2015) 

Absolutní propadák a to v několika rovinách. Nesmyslné dávkování jednotlivých časových linií (o co vlastně šlo? – nejasný záměr s čím zapůsobit na diváka), hloupý scénář (jednotlivé dialogy či vtipy totálně mimo mísu), nezajímavý casting (obzvlášť vypečená Simona Babčáková – kdy už konečně tvůrci pochopí, že to je zaručené šlápnutí vedle. Trio Genzer-Suchánek-Sokol nefunguje ani za nic a Krainová-Bartošová to je kapitola sama o sobě). S výčtem, proč nestojí za to se na film dívat, by se dalo pokračovat. Nezbývá nic jiného, než konstatovat, že Vybíjená je sebedestruktivní film, který vůbec nic nenabízí. Zbytečný film, u něhož je až z podivem, jak někdo dokáže sehnat dvě desítky milionů na realizování takovéhoto nezajímavého výtvoru.//Letní kino Kopřivnice//8.8.2015//50,-


Hodinový manžel (2014) 

Má vůbec cenu se pozastavovat nad stupiditou tohoto filmu a vůbec některé tvorby v rámci české kinematografie? Hodinový manžel je totální dno, kdy snůška nelogičnosti, absurdity a nesmyslnosti je koncentrována do 90 minut. Nuda, balast, trapnost sama.//Kino bratří Čadíků – Příbor//9.8.2015//Dobrovolné vstupné – 2,- = zadarmo drahé.


Mimoni (2015) 

90 minutes long refreshment and relaxing nonsense, but in a good way, because Minions have great number of funny gags, script lines and colorful visage. In this case it only support the image of DreamWorks (factory on animated movies), which is delivering one animated movie after anothe. This could by done only with the fact that parasite from child imagination, which is endless. Since the opening titles, Minions has its own idea and the story is based on unexpected twists in who might be the next boss. Audiovisual side is done very well (tremendous potential for merchandaising products and especially toys) and some of the references (evolution, London, the 60s, …) in the storyline to another movies, musicians (Beatles, …), historical events (Antient Egypt, Napoleon wars, …) are really good. Of course, content is still too predictable and childish, but playful Minions are proving the monumental position of animation movies in the movie market, because of the relation to the youngest in the audience. Its properties such as cuteness, craziness and playfulness are speaking for themselfs and they are designed with great sence for children’s world. No wonder that Universal is holding the primacy of ticket sales in strong arms. //Letní kino Kopřivnice// 50,-//6.8.2015


Macík 2 (2015) 

Ted 2 is evidence that some movies should not have to be followed by a sequel. First edition of Ted was apparently enough and this concept of speaking teddy bear had in that case its own peak of quality. From this point of view, it looks like Seth MacFarlanes won’t be that successful with his style of filming the feature films. His motion pictures are based on sharp tongue and screnplay with unusual jokes in unusual situations, but at the moment, when they are in such condition, then it has outcome of rubbish. Ted 2 simply does not have content with the energy or proper charge of the comedy. If this is really supposed to last for almost 2 hours, then it could at least have something to drag you toward the screen. Occasional gags are not able to hold the plot above the average and the storyline is somehow stupid. In this case, everything looks like bubble without anything inside.


Mad Max: Zbesilá cesta (2015) 

Would you like to see mad action with unigue face? So here we go with Mad Max, who is character in sci-fi wasteland with its own rules and laws. Straightforward idea of finding the way, how to survive, works perfectly and the basic human instincts are on air! What to say about movie, where is action dosed by equivalent volume and the first 30 minutes could stand as movie alone. Mad Max was packed with extraordinary action scenes, captured with certain skill (crazy camera angles) and actors has been given with specific outlook. Even though it is blockbuster it has small details like no others. Audiovisual side of the movie is appearing very severely and after all, the mission is quite sympatic and content is corny enough to find some favor in it. The fact that producers are using unique language and other special markings is giving to the Mad Max friendly atmosphere, which entertains well. Studio Warner Bros. Entertainment certainly do not stepped aside with finalizing this project.


2Bobule (2009) 

I po několikátém zhlédnutí z filmu vyvěrá ta správná atmosféra hodna rázovitému kraji Jižní Moravy. 2Bobule je nenáročný film, dalo by se říct propagace letního období, se sice slabou zápletkou, ale toto volné pokračování přece jen nabízí pár důvodů k úsměvům nad gagy, které jsou vedeny někdy až v groteskní formě. Herecké obsazení v některých případech bohužel pokulhává (Krampol, Švandová, Korn), ale jiné vlastnosti filmu tyto faktory převažují na pozitivnější stranu hodnocení. Prostřihy s leteckými záběry a vůbec celková audiovizuální stylizace neurazí, ba naopak jen podepisuje hlavní rysy této komedie hodící se na dlouhé letní večery. Jednoduchá dějová linka se šťastným koncem je pro českého diváka jako dělaná a všechno je naservírováno jako na zlatém podnose.