

Najsledovanejšie žánre / typy / pôvody

  • Komédia
  • Krimi
  • Krátkometrážny
  • Animovaný
  • Dráma

Recenzie (10 404)


Kosti - Majster v pomyjach (2014) (epizóda) 

"It's a test for sociopaths. A normal person, when they see someone yawn, they yawn. Sociopaths don't 'cause they don't have empathy."


Kosti - Génius na Filipínach (2014) (epizóda) 

"Probably the wheat. Rained a couple of days ago, and when the grain gets wet, it releases a toxin known as vomitoxin. Which, as the name implies..."


Kosti - Season 9 (2013) (séria) 

"The word "friend" refers to a non-sexual, platonic relationship and I do not want that with you. You are not my best friend. Angela is my best friend. You are a whole other dimension. A non-platonic dimension."


Kosti - Záhada v mäse (2013) (epizóda) 

"Why do you keep uttering nonspecific and meaningless exclamations?"


Kosti - Fúria v porote (2013) (epizóda) 

"That, of course is absurd. We have as much of a chance of Apollo or Santa to protect us as whatever anthropomorphized fantasy figure you revere. I'm putting my faith in a marshal with a gun, any day."


Kosti - Chlapík v hrádzi (2013) (epizóda) 

"Pff, right, blogs! I mean, some guy in his underwear living in his mom's basement giving his take on the economy!"