

Najsledovanejšie žánre / typy / pôvody

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Recenzie (10 468)


Hra o trůny - Dar (2015) (epizóda) 

"You are the few. We are the many. And when the many stop fearing the few…"


Hra o trůny - Zabij chlapce (2015) (epizóda) 

"You will find little joy in your command. But with luck, you will find the strength to do what needs to be done. Kill the boy, Jon Snow. Winter is almost upon us. Kill the boy and let the man be born."


Hra o trůny - Synové Harpyje (2015) (epizóda) 

"I could say that our minds are temples to the Seven and should be kept pure. But the truth is I don't like the taste."


Hra o trůny - Nejvyšší vrabčák (2015) (epizóda) 

Jon Snow: I heard it was best to keep your enemies close. Stannis Baratheon: Whoever said that didn't have many enemies.


Hra o trůny - Dům černé a bílé (2015) (epizóda) 

"Oberyn was slain during a trial by combat by law, that is no murder. You don't have to remind me. He was my brother long before he was anything to you."


Hra o trůny - V očekávání válek (2015) (epizóda) 

"The Seven Kingdoms need someone stronger than Tommen but gentler than Stannis. A monarch who could intimidate the High Lords and inspire the people. A ruler loved by millions, with a powerful army, and the right family name."


Hra o trůny - Děti (2014) (epizóda) 

"I am your son. I have always been your son." Co sa tyka Shae, jeden z najstastnejsich momentov pre mna.


Hra o trůny - Hora a Rudá zmije (2014) (epizóda) 

"Remember what you are and what you're not." "Family, honor, all that horseshit. It's all you lords and ladies ever talk about."