

Akty X

  • Česko Akta X (viac)
Trailer 2
Dráma / Horor / Thriller / Mysteriózny / Sci-Fi / Komédia
USA / Kanada, (1993–2018), 162 h 42 min (Minutáž: 42–86 min)


Chris Carter


Mark Snow


Gillian Anderson, David Duchovny, Mitch Pileggi, Robert Patrick, Annabeth Gish, William B. Davis, Tom Braidwood, Bruce Harwood, Dean Haglund, Nicholas Lea (viac)
(ďalšie profesie)

Série(11) / Epizódy(217)

Špeciálna agentka FBI Dana Scullyová má za úlohu asistovať špeciálnemu agentovi Foxovi Mulderovi pri vyšetrovaní Aktov X - neobjasnených prípadov, v ktorých figurujú správy o pozorovaní nadprirodzených úkazov. Vyštudovaný psychológ Mulder týmto správam verí, kdežto doktorka medicíny Scullyová hľadá racionálne vysvetlenia. (TV Markíza)


Recenzie používateľa Loki_Six k tomuto seriálu (219)

Zjevení (1995) (S03E11) 

"Well, I wouldn't let faith overwhelm your judgement here. These people are simply fanatics behaving fanatically using religion as a justification. They give bona fide paranoiacs like myself a bad name. They're no more divine or holy than that ketchup we saw on the murdered preacher. And I think once you've finished your autopsy, you'll come to the same conclusion." ()

Válka koprofágů (1996) (S03E12) 

"The development of our cerebral cortex has been the greatest achievement of the evolutionary processes. Big deal. While allowing us the thrills of intellect or the pangs of self-consciousness, it is all too often overruled by our inner, instinctive brain - the one that tells us to react, not reflect, to run, rather than ruminate. Maybe we have gone as far as we can go and the next advance, whatever that may be - will be made by beings we create ourselves, using our own technology. Life forms we can design and program not to be ultimately governed and constricted by the rules of survival. Or perhaps that step forward had already been achieved on another planet by organisms that had a billion years head start on us. If these beings ever visited us, would we recognize what we were seeing? And upon catching sight of us, would they react in anything but horror at seeing such mindless, primitive, hideous creatures?" ()

Syzygie (1996) (S03E13) 

"We are but visitors on this rock, hurtling through time and space at 66,000 miles an hour. Tethered to a burning sphere by an invisible force in an unfathomable universe. This most of us take for granted, while refusing to believe these forces have any more effect on us than a butterfly beating its wings halfway around the world." ()

Groteska (1996) (S03E14) 

"The name is from the French "gargouille". The name of a medieval dragon that prowled the river Seine. Whose horrible image became the symbol of the soul of the condemned. Turned to stone. Or of the devils and demons of the underworld spared eternal damnation. The embodiment of the lesser forces of the universe who inspired dread, the threat of our own damnation. Ushers into hell or into the realm of our own dark fears and imagination. For over 1200 years, this grotesque image has found its expression in stone, clay, wood, oil and charcoal. Born again and again as if resurrecting itself by its own will through tortured human expression, almost as if it existed. Haunting men inwardly so that it may haunt mankind for eternity. As it must have haunted John Mostow. But what impulses moved it to kill? Could this be the same dark force at work? Its ultimate expression the destruction of the flesh? Of the very hand that creates it? Is this evil something born in each of us? Crouching in the shadow of every human soul waiting to emerge? A monster waiting to violate our bodies and twist our will to do its bidding? Is this the monster called madness?" ()


Piper Maru (1996) (S03E15) 

"You're in the basement because they're afraid of you, of your relentlessness, and because they know that they could drop you in the middle of the desert and tell you the truth is out there, and you'd ask them for a shovel." ()

Apokryfy (1996) (S03E16) 

"Mr. Mulder... ANYONE can be gotten to. Certainly you've no doubt of that!" ()

Průbojný (1996) (S03E17) 

"Well, ninjas are said to be able to cloud the minds of their opponents. I don't know, maybe it's an aspect of some Eastern martial art. You know, a specific alteration of the brain's chemistry caused by some specific timbre or cadence in Modell's voice. His voice seems to be the key." ()

Teso dos Bichos (1996) (S03E18) 

"Well, what about the curse? The Secona believe great evil would befall anyone that disturbed the remains of an Amaru, a woman shaman – that they would be devoured by the Jaguar Spirit." ()

Pekelné peníze (1996) (S03E19) 

"How many dishes do you have to break before your boss tosses you in an oven?" ()

Jose Chung "Od jinud" (1996) (S03E20) 

"One of them was disguised as a woman, but wasn't pulling it off. Like, her hair was red, but it was a little too red, y'know? And the other one, the tall, lanky one, his face was so blank and expressionless. He didn't even seem human. I think he was a mandroid." ()

Avatar (1996) (S03E21) 

"It's ancient, actually. You may have heard it, although not in such clinical terms. In the middle ages, a visitation like the one Skinner described would have been attributed to a succubus. It's a spirit that visits men in the night, usually in the form of an old woman. Reports of residual luminous phenomena have been associated with some succubus encounters, at least according to the mythology." ()

Bažina (1996) (S03E22) 

"Living in the city, you forget a lot of things. You know, there you're always thinking about being mugged or hit by a car. It's not until you get back to nature until you realize that everything is out to get you. That's why my father always taught me to respect nature 'cause it has no respect for you." ()

Mokrý spoj (1996) (S03E23) 

"A baby-sitter attacked the two children she was minding. She told the police she thought they were wolves." ()

Talitha Cumi (1996) (S03E24) 

"Anyone who can appease a man's conscience can take his freedom away from him." ()

Herrenvolk (1996) (S04E01) 

"Nothing happens in contradiction to nature, only in contradiction to what we know of it." ()

Domov (1996) (S04E02) 

"Does that mean that when Edmund was a kid, he got to ground his brothers for playing with his things?" ()

Teliko (1996) (S04E03) 

"The Teliko ...spirits .... of the air. It was said they rested by day in close, dark places, deep inside tree hollows and in holes beneath the ground too small even for a child to hide himself. Only when the sun fell, when the rest of the world was sleeping, would they come out." ()

Nepokoj (1996) (S04E04) 

"In the sixties, a bellhop named Ted Serios became kind of famous for taking what he called "thoughtographs". He claimed that by concentrating on an unexposed film negative, he could create a photographic representation of what he saw in his mind. He did landscapes, cathedrals, the Queen of England." ()

Krvavá krása (1996) (S04E06) 

"There's magic going on here, Mulder. Only it's being done with silicone, collagen, and a well-placed scalpel." ()

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