

Kuroi yuki

  • USA Black Snow
Japonsko, 1965, 88 min

Recenzie (1)


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Otravně zdlouhavý pink snímek s politickým přesahem ukazující negativní dopady pobytu amerických vojáků na okolní obyvatelstvo, na němž je dnes už zajímavé pouze to, jaké reakce v době svého uvedení vyvolal. Viz tento úryvek z knihy Eros plus Massacre od Davida Dessera (přebráno ze SM): Black Snow focuses on a young Japanese man, the son of a prostitute who serves the soldiers at the U.S. military base in Yokota. The boy is impotent, able only to make love while holding a loaded gun. He stabs a black GI and then is, in turn, gunned down by American soldiers. In June 1965, Takechi was prosecuted on a charge of public indecency. In court he claimed: "The censors are getting tough about Black Snow. I admit there are many nude scenes in the film, but they are psychological nude scenes symbolizing the defencelessness of the Japanese people in the face of the American invasion. Prompted by the CIA and the U.S. Army they say my film is immoral. This is of course an old story that has been going on for centuries... In fact it [is] a matter of rank political suppression." Intellectuals and filmmakers alike, including Mishima Yukio and Oshima Nagisa rose to Takechi's defense. Takechi won his court case and the pink film continued to dominate Japanese screens. ()

