

A Little Death

všetky plagáty
Veľká Británia, 2002, 5 min


Zrychlený staticky natočený pohled na rozkládajícího se zajíce. (Mertax)

Recenzie (11)


všetky recenzie používateľa

Dekadentné a zlé, ako verše skazeného básnika Arthura Rimbauda z jeho ohavnej, desivej Mrciny: "Mrcina príšerná v zákrute cesty hnila na márach štrku mraziac nás. A slnce pražilo do tejto prašiviny, sťa rozpad zrýchliť chcelo by a vrátiť prírode pôvodné prvky hliny z demontovanej podoby. A muchy bzučali v hnilobnom puchu brucha. Batalióny čiernych lárv dali sa na pochod a tiekli husto zdnuka z útroby, ktorou hýbal zmar. To všetko kleslo a stúpalo jak vlna, šumelo ľahko výsmech tmám, akoby mrcina, tajomným dychom plná, znásobovala život sám." A nakoniec zostáva prázdne torzo zajaca so vztýčenou labou ako vlajka, pripomienka a manifest groteskného materializmu, strácajúceho sa v temnotách. Vrchol statickej umeleckej expresie, ktorá šokuje zvrátenosťou a odkazuje na sociálny komentár o úpadku a zmare. Sam Taylor Johnson o filme hovorí: "It was interesting in one way to take the idea (of Still Life) one step further by bringing in an animal, and also, that animal specifically, the hare in history, is the symbol of life and virility as well. So it was sort of about looking at that and having the stillness of looking at that. I guess I didn't quite know what to expect when I was filming it, and then when I put it in front of me as it were, so many things were surprising to me. One of the things I loved about it was how different it was from Still Life, but also made it come alive again. The deathly heavy scenario came to life again, and then it evolved into a sort of slasher horror film version of Still Life. A Little Death was more violent. Still Life conveyed a grace in the decay but with A Little Death it was not only violent, but shockingly violent. The feeling of the transformation of life into death repeating itself over and over is so frightful, and after those two works I sort of left the topic alone. I felt like I had achieved what I set out to convey." Zaujímavý poznatok: zajac sa tozkladá rýchlejšie ako broskyňa. 100% ()

