

Stratené duše

  • Slovensko Spriaznení duchovia (viac)
USA, (2005–2010), 78 h 15 min (Minutáž: 41–45 min)


John Gray


Mark Snow


Jennifer Love Hewitt, David Conrad, Aisha Tyler, Camryn Manheim, Jay Mohr, Jamie Kennedy, Tyler Patrick Jones, Kurt Caceres, Ignacio Serricchio (viac)
(ďalšie profesie)

Série(5) / Epizódy(107)

Melinda Gordon (Jennifer Love Hewitt) má špeciálnu schopnosť. Táto novopečená manželka je nesmierne dôležitým spojivkom pre všetky nepokojné duše, ktoré blúda medi nebom a zemou. Predstavte si, že by ste museli zomrieť a nestihli by ste svojim blízkym povedať niečo, na čom vám záležalo alebo čo by bezpodmienečne mali vedieť. Melinda so svojou zvláštnou schopnosťou doslova priťahuje duchov, ktorí zúfalo potrebujú takúto pomoc. Odovzdaať dôležité správy ľuďom, ktorí by to mali vedieť. Presne preto je Melinda tak dôležitá tak pre mŕtvych ako aj živých. Niekedy má chuť s tým všetkým jednoducho skončiť, ale v konečnom dôsledku najlepšie vie, že jej schopnosti nie sú príťaž, ale výzva urobiť ľudí šťastnými... (oficiálny text distribútora)


Recenzie používateľa Loki_Six k tomuto seriálu (113)

Zúrivosť (2006) (S01E19) 

"I'm takin' him! You better stand back or I may have to take you, too. There're people over here who are very interested in you." ()

Zmiznutie (2006) (S01E20) 

"The wind is weirdly warm. It pulls and it rips. Departing spirits struggle with the silver coils of fog. Tormented souls are easy prey, still being haunted by what might have been. The young and the passionate resist the best. Sometimes for days. The peaceful are immune. But who amongst us are in tune with that kind of peace? The man is laughing. Stand back and watch the hordes of these conflicted souls perform their final unconflicted act. You have no choice." ()

Voľný pád (2006) (S01E21) 

"Oh, it's just... I can't shake this feeling of dread, you know, like something terrible is gonna happen. There's just a heaviness in the air." ()

Tá pravá (2006) (S01E22) 

"Since you feel so strongly about it, I will release all your precious souls and let you send them into the light, and in return... i'll take you." ()

Season 2 (2006) (S02) 

"5 signs death will come..." ()

Láska nikdy nezomrie (2006) (S02E01) 

"I would say your friend Romano there was a dark spirit long before that happened. As these entities get stronger, they have the ability to take over a weaker human." ()

Láska aj tak zomrie (2006) (S02E02) 

"Shoplifting is something I just don't associate with antiques, you know? I think I'm just gonna take this chippendale dresser and stuff it into my jacket." ()

Utopené životy (2006) (S02E03) 

"The plumbing in that house is nuts. I-it's like the water pressure's schizophrenic." ()

Duch vo vnútri (2006) (S02E04) 

They called apports. It's from the french word apporter. It means "to bring. " Um, it brings clarity, deeper understanding, aside from the literal, you know, interpretation that an apport is sent from beyond to the living, maybe it's a manifestation of something that's so important, you know, something really symbolic. ()

Nesprávny hrob (2006) (S02E05) 

"You know what?Don't ever think that you can save those tortured young artists. I think that they actually like being tortured. It's what makes them artists." ()

Žena jeho snov (2006) (S02E06) 

"You were the first person who made me feel pretty." ()

Začarovaný kruh (2006) (S02E07) 

"It's disgusting how cheerful you are in the morning." ()

Noc, keď sme sa stretli (2006) (S02E08) 

"5 represents the unification of 2, in the feminine element, and 3, the masculine element. 5 represents the 5 senses, the 5 wounds of the christ, the 5... the 5 pillars of piety. In islam 5 is a big one. A powerful, strong number. Let's not kid ourselves, sister. It wasn't the jackson 4." ()

Prekliatie deviateho (2006) (S02E09) 

Hey, before you leave a melinda-shaped hole in that wall, you said there were doves in your symbolism? Listen to this. "The death of a dove, symbolically speaking, indicates misfortune. And the death of a dove near someone's house means the impending death of someone in that house." ()

Vydýchnuť dušu (2006) (S02E10) 

"That's ok. Not as much fun as it used to be, anyway. Used to be about playing. Now it's about winning." ()

Mačací pazúr (2006) (S02E11) 

"It's a manikin. It's used to treat sickness by a shaman, medicine man, witch doctor, whatever you want to call it. It's placed near a patient, and an incantation is given by Mr Hocus Pocus. If this wooden figure is to remain upright during said incantation, then the patient will live. They'll recover, but if during said incantation this were to fall down... that would mean impending death or severe drunkenness." ()

Sťahovanie duší (2007) (S02E13) 

RICK PAYNE: "You know what? I think I'm a little tired of you using me just for my brain." MELINDA GORDON: "Ugh, if only that were possible, but so much of your mouth comes with it." ()

Démon rýchlosti (2007) (S02E14) 

"Well, it adds up in numerology to... 9. 9 is the divine number, the number of completion, the eternal number. The chinese considered it the celestial number. And there's the famous 9 course meal at my favorite vietnamese restaurant, beef or fish. Is any of this helping you?" ()

Zlý duch (2007) (S02E15) 

"Do it to them. They did it to you." ()

