

Mimo zákon

  • Slovensko Mimo zákona (viac)
Trailer 1

Extrémně nebezpeční masoví vrazi projíždí krajinou a mezi lidmi se šíří strach. Policie je bezradná, dokud maskované vrahy při jedné akci náhodou nezahlédne trojice očitých svědků – starší policista, osmiletá holčička a mladá žena závislá na drogách. Na jejich výslechy pod dohledem kamer jsou povoláni dva speciální agenti FBI. Původně rutinní práce se brzy změní v tajemnou hru, kterou mezi sebou svědci a agenti hrají. Nikdo zde totiž nemluví pravdu. Originální příběh s nečekaným zvratem natočila režisérka Jennifer Lynchová, dcera významného režiséra Davida Lynche. (oficiálny text distribútora)




mm13 (hodnotenie, recenzie)

Prekvapujú ma komentáre, v ktorých sa píše o prekvapujúcej pointe, bez ktorej by to nebolo ono. Śtvú ma tie, ktoré píšu o stupídnom filme, pretože "akože šokujúca" pointa je tu odhaliteľná už po prvých minútach.
Vážení a milí, žiadna šokujúca pointa tu nie je. Ako sa veci majú sa dá odhadnúť pomerne skoro, ale podľa mňa to tak tvorcovia chceli. Pretože akonáhle mi došlo čo a ako sa asi bude mať, v tom momente som stŕpol a vtedy začalo to pravé napätie. Menej domýšľavosti (až arogancie) a viac otvorenosti (vôle nechať film aby si šiel vlastnou cestou), by sa veru zišlo poniektorým tunajším "majstrom sveta".


Pedestrian (hodnotenie, recenzie)

Yet neither she (Lynch) nor Harper got any bites when they sent their Surveillance script around. "Nobody was responding," Lynch recalls. "Then my father called one day and asked, "What the hell's going on with your movie?' and I said, 'Absolutely nothing.' He said, 'I know you'll hate this idea, but what if I put my name on it as executive producer? I really like this script.' I told him, 'I don't know; I'm not very comfortable with that, I never have been.' He said, 'I know, but what if we call it an experiment?' So I agreed to it; I figured I would bite the bullet in my empty gun, and I had no idea the response would be so immediate and positive. It was wonderful that the script was now getting some attention, but what was crazy and usettling was thinking, 'What do people who don't have David Lynch as a father do when they have a good screenplay?" It has always been eye-opening being his child for a number of reasons, but that was a tough one. "When I was done shooting it, " she continues, "I came back to LA and told him, 'Look, I'm gonna show you the movie and if you don't like it, we can take your name off, and I'll understand.' He has done that before-helped films get made and then removed his name if he didn't like them. But after he saw it, he said, 'I've got one thing to say.' I said, 'What's that?' - my knees were shaking. And he said, 'I want my name f**king bigger. You made a good film.' So that was really nice." (zdroj Fangoria) :-)


TomikZlesa (hodnotenie, recenzie)

to sem nasel v tvym komentari, ale ve filmu mi to prijde uplne jiny nez co sem nasel na youtubu



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