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Na Zemi se zničehonic začnou zjevovat bytosti z jiného světa, které posílají lidi do pekla, a jedna náboženská skupina hlásá, že jde o boží spravedlnost. (Netflix)

Recenzie používateľa vodkasesemte k tomuto seriálu (7)

Peklo (2021) 

If its not fear, what could make a human repent? Do you really think justice can be served through a man-made law? ()

Epizoda 1 (2021) (E01) 

Nevember 10 2022. Jak se nese, ten fízl. Myslí si, že zatkne demona z pekel a vyzpovídá ho. Religious group formed around 2012. New Truth. Angel-like figure appears and tells you when you will go to hell. Divine retribution. Executors of hell demonstrate the pain of hell and  disappear. They say its some kind of warning to the ppl. Whenever we bring in all those evil bastards who deserve death, the court lets them off based on something trivial. Mě odsoudili na základě triviality. Whether their victim is good or bad, whether they killed to save the world or for fun, our job is to catch them. Hodně štěstí. Buzeranti. Tak to se uběhaj. Na planetě je 7 mld zmrdu. They were all criminals. Manufacturing narcotics. Robbery and theft. Fraud. Rape, arson. Nezapomínej na pejskaře. To jsou největší zmrdi ze všech. Ne že by pejskařství byla příčina nějakého odpadnutí od Boha, je to ale jeho dusledek. A navíc ty prasata žijí v představě, že se ničeho zlýho nedopustili. Ti kriplové už ani neví, kde je nahoře a kde dole. Svoji pozornost upřeli ke zvířatum. Existenci Boha si už ani nepřipouští. Svým zpusobem je už potrestal. Why the ppl sin? Those who claim they value humanity above everything else, make excuses like this. Concept of sin exists bcs humans choose to sin. As a result of denying that fact, humans have forgotten about shame, remorse, guilt, remorse and redemption. God has found a way to directly present to you what hell is. Why would God do this? Hes telling us to be more righteous. Už chápu, proč tendle seriál spoustu dementu nebavil - obtěžují je ty náboženský kecy. Místo toho, aby si z něho vzali ponaučení, tak budou dál pokračovat ve svém zvráceném životním stylu. Its funny how you investigate Gods deeds. I understand, in your eyes its still murder. I had no intention to live. God must not believe in free will. Interesting point. If its not fear, what could make a human repent? Do you really think justice can be served through a man-made law? Problém je, že v našem světě Buh stále mlčí - aspon co se týče exekucí. Kde máš manžela, ty svině? Doufám, že ji sejmou před zrakama těch fakanu. You are bound to hell! Miluju tendle seriál. Are they going to go up to God and say: Hi, you are under arrest for murder! Not a single person in this world can ever avoid Gods judgment (666)! As the publics trust in the government declines, ppl are drawn to personal revenge. Once you let others control your thoughts… Who care about your opinion. I just wanted to sound smart. I should have known my place and kept my mouth shut. Tvl, ten scénář jsem snad psal já, ne? Thank us to beating him into the right path. Přesně! Do you think the world will be the same by the time we go to court? Cant you see that the world is changing? Do you really think you know more about sin than us? Have you ever read about Gods will stated in the New Truth doctrine? This is just the beginning. Those religious fanatics can do much worse for their cause. We really dont have any idea how we should deal with whats to come. () (menej) (viac)

Epizoda 2 (2021) (E02) 

Pyča jde typicky hledat pomoc u fízlu. Jako ji hledala při rozvodu. Everyone dies at some point. I m just glad I can die peaceful way without losing myself. In the ancient world ppl believed that solar eclipses were s sign of Gods wrath. They thought a heavenly dog took a bite of the sun. So they send hunters on a mission to catch that silly dog. It would be nice if I could meet the kids. But I dont see the father in any of the pictures. They dont have one. How can they not have a father? I m a single mom. The kids dont have the same father, so… you dont need to answer all his questions. Jak se jí druhá kurva hned zastala. Vytečete všechny. Česká svině už má na fotkách místo manžela psa. A místo dětiček. But I m curious, how would you ended up giving birth to not just one, but two kids without any father. Oba byli násilníci. Změnili se. Je na ty spratky sama a nezvládá je. I really need to know reason why she has to go to hell. All I want is to secure a better future for my children. Humans are doomed to destroy themselves when they cant find meaning. A new world is coming soon. I will see you all there. What we are going to do today is create a world where nobody ever sins. Vezmou jim svobodnou vuli - znamení šelmy, hive mind. Todle jistě nezamýšlel Buh. Eunyul, you are Hayuls mother from now on. To je legrace. Todle nemá logiku, co dělaj s tím udajným vrahem její matky. Od toho tam jsou přeci ti demoni a Boží hněv. Leda že by ji chtěl zasvětit do jejich kultu! Dávalo by to smysl, kdyby Buh do dění světa nezasahoval. God has finally decided to intervene. God is sending us a message. Please confess your sins. Everyones going crazy. Nekecej! You cannot investigate God. Release our members! Neměli by spíš povolat armádu? ()

Epizoda 3 (2021) (E03) 

Todle je absolutně super. Nemá to chybu. Nehraje tam žádná kunda, ale nikdo mi není vyloženě nesympatickej. A podle vás se to rozjede až ve druhý polovině! Takže čekám víc krve a mín dialogu. Přiznejte si to, nesnášíte Boha! This is Gods will to teach humanity the weight of sin. Everyone must return to their lives and try their best to perform good deeds. We humans are fully capable of discerning right from wrong. God has given us that ability. We just have a hard time resisting temptation when we have to choose between good and evil. Having the right to choose it may sound great, but its a punishment in disguise. Když už nic, tak aspon kvuli tomu malýmu náboženskýmu opáčku. Todle jsou základní věci, který už nikdo nezná. Prasata dnes nazývají zlem, když jim někdo kopne do zkurvenýho čokla, ke kterýmu si vytvořili vztah. Zkurvený pyče nás budou školit, jak se od nich mužeme sami učit. Kdybych měl tu moc, uřezal bych vám palice sám. I would like to welcome you all to the new world. Todle je nádhera! Umlátili jí matku před očima v rámci kolektivní viny. Ta kurva ji přece vychovala! Pyče zvedne telefon a myslí si, že vyřeší všechny svoje problémy - jako vždycky. Na zemi propukne peklo. Možná bude mít trochu jinou podobu, ale výrazy budete mít stejný. Na ty svoje kamerky si nahrajete vlastní smrt. I received a prophecy 20 yrs ago. You wouldnt know if you would not experienced it by yourself, butthe memory of it became more vivid as time went by. So I look for similar chases. Would ppl be able to accept it? I think they will start panic and riots will take all over the world. Je to naplánovaný, prasata. They need to believe that this phenomenon occurs to make the world a better place. To není povinností žádného křestana, máme jen šířit evangelium. Náš domov je v nebi. Todle je padlý svět pod správou Satana. They need to believe that it occurs so the true justice can be served for everyone. I was living in constant fear since the day I received the prophecy. Do you have any idea what it feels like to live in fear for 20 yrs? The fear is relentless. The fear of committing a sin, the fear of eternal pain. Those fears have haunted me for 20 yrs. But thanks to those fear, I was able to live more righteously myself. Its the fear alone whats set ppl free from sin. V posvátném strachu před Bohem. On se chtěl přece zabít, ne? ()

Epizoda 4 (2021) (E04) 

Confess your sins. You are bound to hell! Dont worry too much. Chrysler. I m sure hes having an affair. Tak todle byla nuda. Naopak to ztratilo tempo. Zabili všechny hlavní postavy. ()

Epizoda 5 (2021) (E05) 

How are the ratings? If all this is Gods work, and His will really is what the New Truth says it is, then we have no choice but to deny God bcs that means He doesnt care for us. This is just like an earthquake or any other natural disaster, it can happen to anyone of us. Its not about punishing or being punished. Your baby is inocent. Nobody can deny that fact. Třeba je to zpusob, kterým se Buh pomstil na dětech. Zlé pokolení muže trestat až do čtvrtého kolene. My name is Min Hyejin. Konečně kunda. Nehrála už ve Sladkým domově? They could make it looks like you and your wife murdered the baby. Or they might even try to hide the fact that your baby was never born. Theres no concept of original sin or redemption in their doctrine. Therefore, they will never admit that a newborn baby can be subjected to the demonstration. They can simply modify their doctrine to fit their needs. It may seem like they are disorganized, but they have clear standards on what they consider to be a sin. Only acts that can be prevented by human effort are considered sins. Theres no concept of original sin and redemption. Už je pozdě. They dont consider lust or greed to be sins either. If they cross that line, ppl would find them hard to understand and live by their doctrine. A perfect world where no one commits even the most trivial acts of evil. By making that unrealistic goal look achievable, they are manipulating ppl to keep close eye on each other (condemn others). The fear of demonstrations drive their whole system. Are you saying hes came with false doctrine after receiving the decree? Ignorance is isn too. Should I draw something on her face? Yes, please! Not all mothers are good ppl. Je to ona. Už předtím mi byla povědomá. Zamakala na sobě. ()

Epizoda 6 (2021) (E06) 

Go get her! Will that man in the lobby be okay? They cant do anything to him now, bcs of the reporters. Přesně.  They cant do anything to him now bcs of the reporters. Pandemonium. It will be END of the world!they will think God is a joke whose actions are not governd by principles. What happens to the world without principles (principy jsou nadřazené vášním? It gets destroyed/will come to an end. Maybe its time to adopt the concept od original sin. Then we can say that humans are born sinners. If we adopt concept of original sin, ppl will start to wonder how we are different from Protestants/Christianity. We will lose our influence in no time. LOL. Why dont we claim that the video has been manipulated and see how the public responds to it? We are just a group of dedicated ppl trying to come up with a better way of delivering Gods message to ppl. Dont patronize me (24). It shows that God sometimes makes mistakes. And Hes trying to do His best to correct them. God has chosen me to do His work. I will tell police that we have sinner on the run. Fízlové dnes brání spravedlnosti. Americkej fotbal. The message is too complicated for me to understand. You pathetic crooks. You are bunch of liars. You are under arrest for battery. Do you even know what it means if God acts without logic? It means the end of the world. It means more sinners will ruin the world. The victims of those sinners will hold you responsible for everything. You are the ones who are helping the sinners to commit a sin. There is one thing I know for sure and that is this world belongs to humans. We should settle our affairs by yourselves. ()



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