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Recenzie (1 028)


Skins - Pandora (2009) (epizóda) 

Dont give fuck about anything, do you?


Skins - Everyone (2009) (epizóda) 

Kája šuká v kabinetě. Konečně to nabralo ten správnej směr.


Skins - Effy (2007) (epizóda) 

Kája v hlavní roli. Drogy se nemaj míchat.


Karate Kid 3 (1989) 

For person with no forgiveness in heart living even worse punishment than death. Vietnam. Dneska jsem si četl o jednotce, která tam vystřílela celou vesnici civilistu. Tendle byl určitě mezi nima. No mercy! Tak todle jsem rozhodně neviděl. True bonsai grow wild. Devils Caldron. Like all bonsai found in tree, all karate found in this kata. If karate used defend plastic metal trophy, karate no mean nothing. Další kunda. A má šikovný ruce. Konečně nemá prdel velkou jako almaru. Pamatuju si, že tam kleštil stromky. Just like bonsai live inside the tree, answer live inside of you. Welcome to neighborhood (2x). Usually hes very mellow guy. He saved my life in Vietnam. War does something to a man. More medalsof honor came out of the 442nd than all WWII put together. To je rudá Sonja, ne? Dobře ji zkopnul! Rope is your friend. Docela by mě zajímalo, jak vylezou zpátky. Hes not going to tell me put it back. Tak to bylo jasný od začátku - závěrečná scéna. You cant keep stopping like this. You gotta build up your wind. Od kdy na karate potřebuješ fyzičku? No strings attached. Desire, devotion and discipline. First two I cant give you. Last one I can but you have to be willing to receive it. Rule number one. A man cant stand, he cant fight. Ow is not an acceptable kiai in this dojo. Extreme situations require extreme measures. Rule number two. A man cant breathe, he cant fight. I make wimps into winners, not the other way around. Rule number three. A man cant see, he cant fight. Blood, so what? Make believe its his. Whats wrong with you? What are you, nuts? That was beautiful. You didnt even think. Something got in your way, bang! Down it went. Technique and killer instinct. It wasn you. Conan the Barbarian. Tvl, sral se mu do holky. Co je na tom divnýho? Kdyby ho nechal, měla by právo se takhle vztekat. Make it bcs have strong root. No need nothing except what inside you to grow. Nothings for free. First he suffer. Second he suffer more. When this is over, his mother wont recognize him. Its okay to lose to your opponent. Must not lose to fear. Strach by měl maximálně před zápasem. Your karates shit. Až na to, že má pravdu. No jsem rád, že další díl nenatočili.