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Denníček (64)

Welcome to a new Block ,,The Hobbit´´

Natáčanie ,,The Hobbit´´


The 13  dwarfs : Thorin, Dwalin, Balin, Kili, Fili, Dori, Nori, Dori, Nori, Ori, Oin, Gloin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur

Welcome to a new Block ,,The Hobbit´´

The Hobbit - 14.Dez. 2012 -


The Hobbit    - 14.Dez. 2012 -

The Hobbit: Neočakávaná cesta

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The Hobbit  Neočakávaná cesta (2012)

The Hobbit Zničenie smaugs (2013)

The Hobbit  Tam a zase späť (2014)


Reziser: Peter Jackson

Herci: Martin Freemann,  Sir Ian McKellen, Richard Armitage, Graham McTavish, Ken Stott, Aidan Turner, 

Dean O'Gorman,  Mark Hadlow, Jed Brophy, John Callen, Adam Brown, Peter Hambleton, William Kircher, 

 James Nesbitt, Stephen Hunter, Cate Blanchett, Hugo Weaving, Lee Pace, Christopher Lee, Sylvester McCoy, 

 Evangeline Lilly, Billy Connolly, Andy Serkis, Stephen Fry, Ryan Gage, Conan Stevens, B. Cumberbatch, 

 Barry Humphries, Stephen Ure, Stephen Ure, Jeffrey Thomas, Mike Mizrahi, Elijah Wood, Orlando Bloom, 

 Ian Holm, Manu Bennett, 

The Hobbit: Neočakávaná cesta

Rakuske Filove Stranky 

Rakuske Filove Stranky