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Recenzie (11 096)


Smallville - Warrior (2010) (epizóda) 

"Maybe I'm doing this to myself. You know, maybe it's a deep-rooted fear of intimacy. Maybe I'm not letting loose because every time I do, things fall apart. Maybe my therapist was right, you know she said I used to have these fantasies about Clark, and now not so much as a dirty limerick ..."


Smallville - Season 9 (2009) (séria) 

"The reality of being a hero, it's about sacrifice, responsibility, and accountability... From what I've heard."


Ako som spoznal vašu mamu - Sunrise (2014) (epizóda) 

"I'd still put her in your top five. All right, number five, Stella. Number four, Zoey. Number three, uh, the Slutty Pumpkin. Number two, Marshall, that timeyou guys pretended to be a couple when Barney was tryingto sell the apartment. And number one, Victoria."


Ako som spoznal vašu mamu - Unpause (2014) (epizóda) 

Over the years, we'd seen all sortsof levels of Barney's drunkenness. Richard Dawson drunk."Big plans with strangers" drunk.  And Marcel Marceau drunk. But we knew the night was overwhenever Barney got Jabba drunk. So drunk that his speech borean uncanny resemblance to that of Jabba the Hutt fromReturn of the Jedi.