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Recenzie (10 401)


Griffinovci - Christmas Guy (2013) (epizóda) 

"I hate Christmas! You know what it's like being rich at Christmas? Everyone expects an expensive present, and I get nothing."


Griffinovci - Into Harmony's Way (2013) (epizóda) 

"Anyway, you guys got the talent, but what you need is a manager. Someone with no talent who can take a lion's share of your earnings."


Griffinovci - Quagmire's Quagmire (2013) (epizóda) 

"Excuse me. I bought this laptop here yesterday, but when I got home I noticed the apple already had a bite taken out of it!"


Teória veľkého tresku - The Ornithophobia Diffusion (2011) (epizóda) 

"It's not a death ray. It's just a little ultrasonic blast to scare him off. Trust me, if I had a death ray, I wouldn't be living here. I'd be in my lair enjoying the money the people of Earth gave me for not using my death ray."


Teória veľkého tresku - The Isolation Permutation (2011) (epizóda) 

Raj - Mm, I'm thinking about adopting some quirky affectation, like a pipe or a monocle or a handlebar mustache. Howard - For all those girls out there looking for the Indian Monopoly man?

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