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Denníček (27)


"Because I envy your normal life. It seems that envy is my sin."


Game of Thrones

"Fight every battle, everywhere, always. In your mind. Everyone is your enemy. Everyone is your friend. Every possible series of events is happening, all at once. Live that way, and nothing will surprise you. Everything that happens will be something that you've seen before." -Littlefinger

Game of Thrones

Smrtonosná past (1990)

"-To je všechno? Jediná četa? -Jedna krize, jedna četa!"

Smrtonosná past (1990)

LEGO Batman Movie (2017)

"Life doesn't give you seat belts!"

LEGO Batman Movie (2017)

Wish I Was Here (2014)

This pamphlet could save your life

Wish I Was Here (2014)

Prometheus (2012)

"Big things have small beginnings."

Prometheus (2012)

Hateful Eight (2016)

"Starting to see pictures, ain't ya?"

Hateful Eight (2016)

Mr. Robot (2015)

"I hated myself, man. Still do. Thought that shit was a weakness, for a long time, and then I realized that shit was my power. People walk around acting like they know what hate means. Nah. No one does until you hate yourself... I mean, truly hate yourself. That's power."

Mr. Robot (2015)

Silicon Valley (2014)

"It looks like a guy sucking a dick with another dick tucked behind his ear for later, like a snack dick."

Silicon Valley (2014)

The Dark Knight (2008)

Joker: "Do I really look like a guy with a plan? You know what I am? I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do with one if I caught it. You know? I just do things."

The Dark Knight (2008)

Gotham (2014)

"The less you have, the more they're worth. To friends."   Mr Nygma aka The Riddler

Gotham (2014)

'Humans of New York' #6

"I never really felt like 'one of the guys' when I was growing up. I felt a lack of acceptance. I wasn't the guy who was playing on the team, or going to IHOP after prom, or getting invited to birthday bashes. I'm not saying that I was a complete loner. I was relatable—just never enough to be included. I tried out for the football team in high school. I put everything into it. I got a trainer and everything. I was going to play, start, and become that person. But it never quite happened. And in a way, I still feel like I'm trying to get there. I just got into the grad school of my dreams. I interned at the White House last summer. I'm joining Teach For America. Part of me still feels that if I can elevate my image to a certain level, then people will be attracted to me. And I'm trying to get beyond that. I've been listening to this sermon lately called 'Getting To The Core.' And that's exactly what I'm trying to do. I want to wake up knowing that it will be OK, no matter what I accomplish."
'Humans of New York'

'Humans of New York' #6

House MD

Lisa Cuddy: -"I just want us to be friends."
House: -"Funny. That's the last thing I want us to be."

House MD

You've got time

"Think of all the roads
Think of all their crossings
Taking steps is easy
Standing still is hard"

Black Hawk Down (2001)

"Nobody asks to be a hero. It just sometimes turns out that way."

Black Hawk Down (2001)

'Humans of New York' #4

"I actually went to the shelter to get another dog, but he'd already been adopted. So I decided to do a lap around the facility before I left, and I saw Engelbert. He had about ten pages of physical problems. His back legs didn't work. His old owners kept him outside, so his ears were completely frostbitten. And he only had three teeth. So I thought if I didn't get him, nobody else would."

'Humans of New York'

'Humans of New York' #4

Divoké historky (2014)

"-Musíme něco udělat. Teď to jedí oba!

-Přidat více jedu?

-Je to ještě dítě!

-Ale vyroste a jablko nepadá daleko od stromu. Měli bychom porazit celou jabloň."

Divoké historky (2014)

'Humans of New York' #3

"I'm a square peg in a world of round holes."

'Humans of New York'

'Humans of New York' #3

Hollow Talk

"There's never been bad, there has always been truth."

Dark Knight Rises (2012)

"You're not living, you're just waiting, hoping for things to go bad again. (...) I never wanted you to come back to Gotham. I always knew there was nothing here for you, except pain and tragedy. And I wanted something more for you than that."

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