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  • Južná Kórea 스위트홈 (viac)

VOD (1)

Série(2) / Epizódy(18)


Lidé se mění v krvelačná monstra a rozsévají zkázu. Zoufalý teenager a jeho sousedi z vedlejšího bytu bojují o přežití a snaží se při tom zůstat lidmi. (Netflix)

Recenzie používateľa vodkasesemte k tomuto seriálu (9)

Epizoda 1 (2020) (S01E01) 

Co tam dělaj rusíci? Není to snad korejskej seriál? One once said thateven the thickest darkness disappears with the faintest light. This is a story about us, the ones trying to find a reason to live in a world where this is even harder then merely surviving. No, todle možná bude stát za komentář. No myslim, že mám dost. Má to pomalej rozjezd. No, je to jiný. Ale zase tam mám titulky. Everything is Gods will. Jednu epizodu! I guess you play on guitar. I play the bass. I have a Bible bcs I m going to church today. Since its Sunday (1893). Thats nice. Už jsem myslel, že si ji otevřu sám! To není dobrý znamení, když mu z kapsy vypadne izolační páska. Všechny ty LCDéčka, a nuděj se snad víc než já - ale v běžným životě. Znudění dobou! Mužou šukat. To je evidentně taky nebaví. Go and ask questions at school. I got kicked out for setting the school on fire. I m going to kill myself anyway. No jesli hraje Halo, tak se mu ani nedivím. Dělej, pust ji dovniř. Tadle příležitost se ti nemusí naskytnout dvakrát. Ted je nejvíc zranitelná. No, měl jsem počítat s tím, že to bude něco v duchu Silent Hilla. Ale má to komediální prvky, což dost ruší atmosféru. I m hungry. Open the door! I will be quiet! Koukám, že hraje i baseball. Just report me as dead. Every operator is currently busy with disaster reports. Please wait a moment. Jééé, svině s čoklem. Doufám že to pořádně odsere. Its open. You are all getting out thanks to me. To je retard! Tam byly zajištěný za mřížema a on to tam pustí.krev na každým patře, několik očitých svědku, venku probíhá apokalypsa, debil zvedně mříž. Jen tak dál! Tak nástup to bude mít hodně rychlej. Put it back down. Korejci maj smysl pro humor. Lidé budou zmírat strachem a očekáváním toho, co přichází na celý svět (Luk 21/26). Nemá váhu na to, aby ho tam srazil. A děvka ho odhodí dvacet metru. What was that? It wasnt human. Hele, armáda. Jsou zachráněni. We are paying so much tax. They cant even take care of one monster. Its not just one. Whats going on? Maybe the world is finally coming to an end. To sis všimnul brzo. Copak, nadejchal ses moc ředidla? ()

Epizoda 2 (2020) (S01E02) 

Hikikomori with histor of habitual self-harm. Rice is in the freezer. Make sure you eat. Load ammunition. No ještě, že zustal doma a hrál na po počítači. Its not disease, its curse. Did he killed himself bcs the world is doomed? No, hes been dead for over a week. I was in the special forces. They might come if they hear anything. To by bylo idální tady, kde se z každýho bytu ozývá zkurvená čivava. Those things dont die. Everyone has their own way of living. You go your way, I will go mine. How dare you talk back to me? You are stealing! Its an emergency. Nobody can survive a fell from the 12th floor. Byl u speciálních jednotek. Nechápu, jak se jim todle podařilo natáhnout na několik epizod. Udělat z toho seriál. Vytekli by první den. a zbytek pochcípal hlady. You always liked to act cool in front of the weak. ()

Epizoda 3 (2020) (S01E03) 

I m so grateful you earn money for us just to neglect your own son. You little brat! I thought you were strong enough to overcome it. Its what you wanted? You wanted everyone on the world to disappear (jemně řečeno). You should all just die. I can make everyone you hate disappear (Zach 11/17). I am you. All you have to do is accept that. Did you hear that. Yeas, its pretty loud. Whats Gods will? I m sure it isnt to be selfish and ignore others. Dostanou maximum pozornosti. State of emergency. The monsters are extremely dangerous. Everyone is going to die. You are all fucked! Po čtvrtým jezdci apokalypsy vtrhne na zem samotný peklo. Is president dead? Gosh. I voted for him. 1408. God is omnipresent. Wait. Someone must have been here. You are pretty rude sometimes. You are the first one to visit my room. Is your room  usually … its not usually this bad. I have studied so hard for five yrs, but the world is over now. To mě mrzí. Mohls mít velký auto, barák a k tomu tři psy z utulku, jako každej kretén. We survivors must stick together. Jak ta dcera mohla vědět, že je otevřeno? Já bych byl mrtvej asi hned. Neserou se s tím. Zemřela jí přímo před očima. Sledoval bych to dál, ale musím si taky pustit Resident Evila. ()

Epizoda 4 (2020) (S01E04) 

Someone once said that even the thickest darkness disappears with the faintest light. Bom is family to me. Still, it cant be the same as losing your own child. Dobrá kunda. Jedna lepší než druhá. How would she know her daughter was coming? Do you thing shes possessed? Martial law. The military will be in charge of all security and civil affairs. It is not a respiratory or blood-borne infection. Quarantine those who show symptoms of hypothermia, nosebleeds, fainting, and auditory or visual hallucinations. Né zdravý lidi! These creatures have excellent resilience and regenerative abilities. Before an individual turns, there is a period of time when they cannot recover from severe lacerations or damage. It is the only time these creatures can be killed. We have thus termed this the "golden hour". All captured creatures should be incinerated. Answer when an adult speaks to you. I m sure Jesus never lived in a world like this (Jesus said). How dare you to talk back (jak jsem si to předtím mohl nepoznamenat). When an adult says something, you should shut up and agree. Tady jsem s ním za jedno. Fuck bastards like you. To protect everyones privacy, it must be a secret ballot. Bcs ousting him would be taking part in murder. Bych to zbytečně neprotahoval. Privacy my ass. We are making this decision to survive. Isnt it better not to know who agreed to oust him? Its only natural to vote in a democratic country. Democracy? The world is coming to an end. Stop calling your wife names and using profanies. Its very offensive (řekla pyče s čoklem, kterej si směl v době litskejch kohokoli očuchat). Stejně tak feminismu. Měl jí rozbít držku. To je ještě horší. A nejhorší vubec, že o tom hlasujou zatímco je naživu. Dábel si s nimi pěkně pohrává. Voting, my ass. Are you all nuts? Murder is killing a human being, not a monster (říkám pořád o českejch prasatech, jdou na porážku jako dobytek). You better brace yourself. I hear you are holding out. How are you doing it? You are shameless. I want to live. Pull yourself together. Its good thing, dont you think? He beat you every day. Divorces are considered hot these days. Aby dopadla jako ty, sama s malým čoklem z množírny? A new life lies before you. You need energy to miss someone. Is this funny to you? You should quit music and become a comedian. Its disgusting to see you act nice. Do you think a frigging chocolate bar can cheer her up? You didi that to make yourself feel better. Are you the crazy bitch around here? =============5============= If I turn into a monster, I will eat you up first. You should hold it in. I do it, too. Jak mužou hladovět a sdílet žrádlo, když jim nefunguje mrazák. Asi už vytekl. I m sure theres another way besides using other ppl. If willpower can affect the turning stage, and he can fight it, then he will be the strongest weapon we have. It would be best if you become accustomed to using ppl on the verge of turning into monsters. You rally are twisted. I didnt think ppl would vote to let Hyun-su stay. Myslel jsem si, že lidi budou volit pro to, aby ho vyhodili - měla znít věta, protože to nebylo o tom, aby zustal. A hlavně mi celou dobu přijde divný, že křížky znamenají ­­…nesouhlas - dává to smysl. Thats bcs you made them feel guilty, taking about murder (to jsem zmínil). Do you really think they voted not to kick him out bcs of their conscience? Its not easy to accept someone you dont know, especially when your life is at risk. Theres no need to worry about him. I bet he could take on a tiger by himself. Not being afraid of death and waiting to die are different things. I m on planing to live longer than anyone. If I become a monster, I m sure I will kill you. But I dont want to kill you when I m a monster. That wont make me happy at all. You are talking nonsense. I m going to fight a little longer. You pretended not to notice when he was obviously beaten up by someone, but now you are acting all nice. She hit way too close to home. He has no criminal record and has no motive. Sentenced to 11 months in prison and two yrs of supervised probation. Zase. Když nemají evidenci, motiv ani dukazy, tak proč ho odsoudili? A co dělá potom tady? You dont deserve to live - opět to nedává smysl. Vysvobodil ho z pekla na zemi. We were born human so we should die as humans. Dinosaurus used to rule the earth, but they were extinct about 66 million yrs ago. But this also proves that there is a possibility humans could also go extinct at any moment. However our ancestors changed in order to survive and called it evolution. But if we humans are forced to face an apocalypse, will we choose another form of evolution? Or will we choose to remain human? () (menej) (viac)

Epizoda 6 (2020) (S01E06) 

I hear you kill ppl for money. And you also find ppl. Why are the police stopping me? How is that the law? You look sexy when you work. You look better as a monster. Soju is to bitter if you drink it alone. And you end up drinking too much. I used to be an alcoholic. I m desperately resisting the urge to drink. I realized that what you see isnt everything. Ppl, the world, and Gods will, too. I fought by praying. I m sure you had your own method. Try to fight in a different way. This is the good place to be alone. We are secret agents. Report anything unusual immediately. What about the dog. Can it change too? Hes dangerous but we need him. Hes my husband. I have to do this. 119. Letter for resignation. From now on. I m just the bereaved. Its not a disease. Its a curse (rd). I was consumed by it too. They talk to me and ask questions, but I m still resisting them. I have to be a subject myself and solve this phenomenon. Subjects enter a stable period after 15 days. Ppl are getting agitated. I know. Its sooner than I expected. Electricity has no direct impact on survival (asi záleží, kde se nacházíš - já bych teda bez proudu nevydržel dýl než den). Having no drinking water is a more serious problem (pff). You can live however you want. And if I reveal my desire, I become a monster? Thats right. Now tell me what you want. I knew you were a pushover. Being a doormant is in your blood. You have to throw a huge fucking fit to make ppl understand. What about you? All you do is run your mouth. If I know too much, you will kill me to shut me up. If I know nothing, you will kill me bcs I m useless. ()

Epizoda 7 (2020) (S01E07) 

You really want to live like this? You might not have any desire to live, but dont show that to everyone else struggling to survive. Thats just manners. Why do you care about manners in a world like this? Bcs we survived in this world. We should live more decently as human beings. The stupid doctor tpld me I couldnt even last six months. I made him look like a quack by living until this age. My secret is eating well, you punks (zrovna jsem si přinesl žrádlo). Once every three days? My skin will get all ruined. My about my dream? It will be ruined too. We have to leave before ppl start panic. Arent you ashamed to face the kids? We are all going die anyway! Ppl like you who act stupid out of fear are the ones who die first. We made some preparations and scouted the area. You are the most likely to succeed. I deserved to be punched. I m sorry. Me too. Tak to je teplý. Měl mu to rozmlátit hlavu This song makes me feel like home. ASMR s kytarou. Its really urgent. Oh, thats too bad. You should have come yesterday if it was so urgent. Do you have a death wish? Theres a higher chance of dying than surviving. You still want this? If i dont, theres no chance of surviving at all. You nearly made my appendix burst. You looks pretty angry. I guess you werent beaten enough. He looks so pitiful. You really know your place. You want to protect your family, but would your family dothe same for you? I hated my father for that. Your father is doing this to protect our family. And I hated my mother for this too. I couldnt live as my old self anymore. ()

Epizoda 8 (2020) (S01E08) 

Už jsem myslel, že tam pošle i to auto. Ji-su will wake up no matter what. She grabbed thread at her first birthday ceremony. You are not monster. You are a time bomb. I wont tell ppl. Do whatever you want. I have only done what I had to. Tell me every tinny detail. What an ignorant idiot! Thats his way of saying thank you. What did you grab at your first birthday ceremony? If they pick pensil, they will be smart. If they grab thread, they will live a long life. You know the custom. Mine were all burned. I have nothing left. God wont let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. To vysvětluje hodně sebevražd. But I think God overestimates humans. Did it speaks to you? Have you ever completely escaped from it? Have you? I just wanted to live. Was the experiment successful? You should be asking me what happened to the ppl who were used in the experiment. I told them about you. I wanted to live too. I thought you were tan, but you were just dirty. Do you want a face mask (femidom)? No, thanks, I know I look pretty without it. Woman should always keep their bodies warm. Proč to zase řešej? Normálně ji zavřete, nebo dejte kýbl k posteli. Podle mě to nedá. A dojedou na to. How did you do it? Its at least four yrs old. No a? Jsem jedl starší. This could be as good as medicine. Just dont forget your duties. Satelites arent working, so I cant track your location (konečně). Nic nemuže zachránit humanitu. Todle je dlouhej díl, ten předtím uběhl jako voda. When someone fucks with you… do this at least. You have no talent. Just go like this (malej roh). You are a good person. I m only trying to live by Gods will. You saved my life. Thats also Gods will. No konečně! I m saying thank you. Well, thank you, too. For waking. First love, my ass. Temperature log. Take down the SOS signal as possible. Jo tendle signál! Start with porridge (ovesná kaše). If you can endure 15 days after the first symptom, you will be over the worst. LOL. Kdo to je? Texaskej masakr křovinořezem. No, možná, kdyby šel po schodech, tak by tam byl dřív, než se zregeneruje. No to je dojemný. ()

Epizoda 9 (2020) (S01E09) 

To si mohl odpustit, když je to takovej sebevrah. Nedošlo mu, jak jí zlomí srdce! You were always ugly, but you look way uglier now. You wont to live, right? Act like before. Nothing good will happen if you are near me. Are you thorowing a pit party? You know, I m an orphan. You seem to think your life is most pitiful, but its not. I will prove it to you. I m going to survive with you until the end. I had nothing to do anyway. Dont try to make yourself miserable. Things are bad enough already. I believe you will survive this. I can tell from your face. You cant trust soldiers in such situations. Jaktože tam dojeli? Všude samý monstra. Why the hell did you scribble on your face? LOL. You are so emotional. Are you going to cry over every persons death? Nejdřív slepák, ted todle. They had all killed each other. No sign of monsters. Its not the time to be worrying about monsters. Humans are the scariest. It seems they are criminals who killed soldiers and stole their weapons. Tak ted nvm. You are the toughest among all the losers here. Škoda náboju. Hypocrisy comes at a huge cost. If we hesitate any longer, moe ppl will die. Close your eyes. Not you, you shit. I m hurt too. Do you want to see my wound? Ho zapíchne ta druhá. Jesli jo, tak se to dalo čekat. Co řikám. Do you want to go first? Si to prohodili. This is just the beginning, you bitch. Zase ji podcenili. Na co čeká? I killed a person. Its okay. He wassnt human. You dont seem to get the picture here. How can a wolf and a rabbit be on the same side?the rabbit was pretending to be a wolf, so i just payed along. Its not a crime for a wolf to kill a rabbit after playing with it. There are monsters that dont harm humans. But will there be humans that dont harm monsters? Není to ten jeho kámoš ze střední? ()

Epizoda 10 (2020) (S01E10) 

He killed his own team. Do you trust him? When the hunt is over, the hound dies. It should live as a wolf. Do you think we can be fixed? I used to think so bcs I thought it was a disease. Bcs the monster isnt in me. Its me. I realized then, that this is an evolution. That I was chosen. Human have failed.not only did they fail in experiments, but they also failed to be selected by nature. Accept it. Humans and we cant coexist anyway. You seem to have a lot of friends. I have no such thing. Hes cooperative for now, so provoking him wont do any good. Its obvious that hes a psycho. When someone is sure about keeping a promise when its hardly possible, theres a good chance its a lie. I m not your hound anymore. Operation Golden hour. If we cant distinguish between humans and monsters, and if we cant predict when and what kinds of monsters humans will come, before the military completely loses its function, we will sweep as many areas as possible. They are going to destroy everything. Survival on our own. You kidding me, tydle boty znám moc dobře. To je vubec poprý, co je vidím v letní verzi na plátně. Překvapuje mě, že Korea je křestanská. Dont look back. You didnt killed anone. Bcs that woman was actually me. I killed a person. I m so scared. It will be my last memory. If you cry like that, you will be fired as a secret agent. Santa Claus wont bring you a gift. Dont worry, I will come bac safe (jasně). You promise? A já proč pořád mají v uších pecky. Diskman! Long time no see? ()

