

Dva a pol chlapa - Season 9 (2011) (séria)

Můj bratr je gorila! (S09E12)

  • USA One False Move, Zimbabwe!


Sú tu Vianoce a Walden oznámi, že príde jeho matka. Alanovi padne do oka a začne ju baliť. Walden sa okrem toho dozvie zaujímavé tajomstvo zo svojho detstva. (TV Markíza)

Recenzie (2)

Loki_Six odpad!

všetky recenzie používateľa (k tomuto seriálu)

"Well, let's compare mothering techniques. Um, did you tell him that Disneyland burned down to avoid having to take him there for his sixth, seventh and eighth birthdays? Did you tell him to walk it off after his appendix burst? Did you tell him the only reason you got pregnant was because you didn't want to smear your lipstick? Then, far as I'm concerned, you're Mother of the Freakin' Year." ()



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